Tuesday 31 January 2012

Creative Visualisation for Assisting Healing of Cancer and Other Diseases

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW


Creative visualisation is a means of reprogramming your body

The power of creative visualisation is extraordinary. It is free and allows you to take an active part in healing your body. Your body loves you being actively involved in the healing process, in fact each organ/part of the body has big ears and seems to respond to any thoughts to do with love and healing. It`s as if the area that is out of balance knows whether you love it enough to commit to sending your messages of healing to it! We all know that the sun shines when we, as humans, feel loved. Animals and plants also respond to thought patterns that originate from love.

Each part of the body is effected by thoughts, words and the emotions. The stronger the emotion attached to the words and thoughts, the bigger effect on the body.
Different biochemical processes are set in action according to the emotional charge. If the emotions are less than love, maybe driven by anger, pain, fear etc. then as a result of biochemical responses dis ease happens. Muscles contract, headaches, diahhrea, stomach ache, skin rashes, hair falling out, palpitations and heart attacks are some examples that are a result of these domino effects on the body. The subtle energy circuits within, and around, the body become restricted and distorted and eventually can cause dis ease on a larger scale.

Visualisation, if filled with passion, can remove physical problems

I have taught visualisation now for over thirty years and have seen many a physical problem dissolve with this process. Patients, who had terminal cancer or who had major problems with pain, often were sent to me by their medical practitioner as nothing else medically could be done for the patients. Seeing the change in q
quality of life was, and still is, extraordinary.
The technique is very simple and it is free. YOU are doing the work for yourself. I guess some people feel subconsciously that they don`t have the power to heal themselves. Once again programming has led most people to believe that a doctor (Western medicine) is there to fix all our health problems. All we have to do is pay the $$, collect the pills, and do as the doctor tells us. Mind you, there is a time and place for everything, including western medicine. Both the emotional and the mental part of the body effects the physical and the spiritual part of the body, and vice versa. So why not work all systems?

Visualisation Checklist  - if you really want results!
1/  Do you really want to heal, yes really want to heal?
2/  Are you willing to make a committment to doing visualisation at least three times a day for twenty to twenty-five minutes, until you are healed. If you can`t commit to this then maybe you're not all that interested in actually healing. Try and see what emotional problems are blocking you.
3/ Wear loose clothing. No tight pants, belts, sweaters, socks, head-bands, shirt necks.
4/  Shoes off. If a cold hard floor, then wear slippers or put little rug, blanket, towel under your feet.
Never have bare feet on cold concrete as this will temporarily shut down your much used, and needed kidney meridian.
5/  Allocate a quiet area and sit in a comfortable upright chair. No slouching. Both feet flat on the floor. No crossed legs.
     If you are too sick to sit in an upright chair, then lie flat on the bed, legs uncrossed. If this gives you too    much pain or difficulty in breathing then get yourself into a comfortable position.

NB. Listening to someone else`s visualisation CD is okay at first, in order to give you an idea of how it works. To get really good results though, you need to find (use your imagination) something that you relate to and can have a bit of fun with. You need to imagine something that you can get emotionally enthusiastic about.
The aim is to use the imagination and visualise somehow your disease being zapped, removed, dissipated, destroyed by whatever means your imagination can conjure up. For example. if you are a plumber and you have blocked arteries you could imagine dissolving the build-up and then blasting out the pipes(arteries).  If you are a doctor you could imagine tiny doctors inside your body with a laser, zapping away the tumour. If you are a carpenter then maybe imagine you sanding away the tumour. If you believe in God then maybe you can imagine white/gold divine healing light transmuting your arthritis or tumour. As long as you don`t imagine lumps of anything floating around your body, or anything else that could bring about more problems. Always imagine something or someone immediately taking away the debris. Why not imagine it being dissolved and flushed out? Transmuted and handed back to the Creator?
For twenty to twenty-five minutes you are the director of your show!

Thoughts, Words and Imagination Create Your Future

1/  Best to do visualisation on a not too full stomach.  Sit yourself down, feet flat on the floor, legs uncrossed.
2/  Close your eyes and become aware of your breath. Breathe a little more fully than normal. Follow the inward breath and then the outward breath. Let your breath begin to relax your body.
3/  Now for the next 15 to 20 minutes visualise getting rid of your physical problem. Be enthusiastic. Get involved as if it is really happening. Sounds mad. Please don`t feel stupid, just do it. There are 100s of people around Australia, never mind the world who have used this simple healing technique and have had huge successes.
4/  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. For the last five minutes of each healing visualisation make sure you visualise yourself very excited and relieved as you are COMPLETELY HEALED. Every time you must finish off with five minutes of excitement and see the doctors as they scratch their heads in amazement. See the baffled doctors looking at  and checking your CLEAR xrays! See friends hugging you with delight.
LASTLY SEE YOURSELF two years, five years, ten years from now still perfectly healthy and doing everything that you enjoy doing.

Please note:
If you are finding it hard to 'see' in your visualisation then just try to imagine and KNOW that your imagined 'prophecy' is happening.

A little exercise that may will help you to get used to the idea of seeing things in your mind.
Every day pick up a piece of fruit or a vegetable in your right hand. Really look closely at it, then close your eyes and see it in your mind`s eye. Repeat this once a day with a different fruit or vegetable.

If you want to read examples of visualisation results please look at my previous posting. Also the book A Pocket Full of Gold by Christabel Mary has more healing stories in the chapter on Visualisation.
Have fun,
Here`s to healing and enjoying life more
Cheers CMW

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