Sunday 1 January 2012

2012 Out With The Old and In With The New

This Christmas was the best Xmas ever. Our family worked in a local town helping to prepare Christmas dinner for, and feed, many homeless, lonely and challenged people. It was a huge day - 6 hour shift . We all had sore feet and were exhausted at the end of the day. No Xmas dinner and no opening of presents for us! The family had voted on what to do for this Christmas a few weeks before. It was unaminous. We all wished to do something that was worthwhile and for others.
We opened our presents on Boxing Day. No rushing, just relaxing! Lunch was a shared meal with specially made cold vegetarian goodies, not too much, just enough.
THIS CHRISTMAS WAS THE BEST EVER. Nothing centred around greed. It actually felt like a real Chrsitmas!
2011 flew by. On a personal level much was observed and much was dissolved. Most friendships were strengthened but some friendships petered out.
                                          He who grasps becomes attached
                                          And in so doing strangles himself
Some friendships had to be worked on. I had to work on letting go of my attachments, and expectations, as well as my judgements in order for those friendships to survive, and in fact blossom!!! Worth every bit of the effort.
Small minded thoughts, that include the word "should ", are often clung to and can create bitterness and stress, which then impacts on our social environment as well as our physical being.

To complete the year 2011 I enjoyed a small family dinner with my grandchildren. Whilst enjoying our meal we each reflected over, and shared, the good, the bad, the happiest and the most personally rewarding times throughout the year. After dinner each of us thought about our intentions for 2012 - how we could better ourselves, what we were going to change/work on and aim for. Quietly we each wrote down, on a little bit of paper,our sincere intentions for 2012. Then each of us thought about those intentions whilst asking the angels, and our guides, to help us honour our intentions. Each little bit of paper was then individually burnt by the author and thus the intentions were sent out into the ether, setting the scene for 2012!
A nice way to complete the last year and to bring in the New Year.

                                        HAPPY  NEW  YEAR

May 2012 be filled with the music of creation. HOPE, COURAGE, FOREGIVENESS, PEACE, LOVE & FULFILLMENT
Here`s to 2012
Cheers CMW

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