Sunday 5 February 2012

Mind Matters and Personal Awareness

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW


                                      Stepping out
                                      Into a vast field of possibility and potential
                                      Focussing on the light instead of the dark
                                      Seeing things you didn`t see before
                                      Veiled from mind no longer

                                      Ideas shifting
                                      Loosening perspective
                                      Exploring patterns within the whole
                                      A new way of seeing releases the old

The mind dictates what, and how, we see. It`s true. Whatever the attention is focussed on is what you are able to see, hear, smell, feel. This is why it is of utmost importance to have a look, and listen, to our thoughts and words. The greatest lesson of all is that of controlling the mind. Once you are aware of your thoughts you can then begin to see how they domino out into your immediate environment attracting like energies to you.
Our emotions create a veil over our perspective. The senses trick us into becoming focussed on specific individual areas of creation (attention) and therefore we are hooked into the game of separation. The 'I' instead of the 'we'. A little picture instead of the whole. Unbalance, judgements, anger, fear, jealousy, sadness etc are the resultive pattern of behaviour.
Meditation is one means of stilling the mind. An adept experiences the 'whole' in meditation, beyond the emotions. The senses and emotions no longer control the mind.

Everything we see, and can touch, started off as sub atomic particles, unseen by the naked eye, swimming around in the field of potentiality, open and waiting for creative expansion. Our thoughts radiate out into this field of potentiality, immediately making contact with the sub atomic particles. Thoughts imprint the sub atomic particles that now in turn become the outer (yang) creative expression of the thought pattern.  This is the beginning of manifestation.

What we see and feel is a result of our thoughts. Control the thoughts and change can happen. Remember the old saying 'Change is just a thought away' ? It is true.

 I am talking about thoughts and manifesting once again, because the other day I was listening to a couple of people talking about a certain subject. They were quite emotionally charged as they debated the particular topic. What one person adamantly believed was different to what the next person emphatically believed. A strong debate! Both people saw from their perspective two different stories. Each story of course had come about because of the individual`s belief patterns, and focus, in the first intance. We all look at, and experience,  EVERYTHING from such a limited, and individual, angle of perspection. It`s interesting to hear other peoples thoughts and beliefs, but what is right and wrong is another story!

Interdimensional seeing
If one opens the mind to other possiblities, other dimensions, then the possibilty becomes real. A closed point-of-view shuts out possibility of experiencing other forms of reality.

Years ago I would hitch-hike from the Atherton Tablelands down to Cairns every week. I needed to be at the Cairns Spiritual Centre by 9 am. to do hands on healing. This particular day I had arranged to meet an acquaintance 5 klm from where I lived at 7 o`clock in the morning. He was going to do some shopping in Cairns that day. "Don`t you dare be late," He had warned me. "Be there at 7am. I will not wait for you if you are late."
  So I set off really early, umbrella in hand, as it was raining. I arrived at the pick-up point around five minutes to seven.  Quarter past seven and still no sign of him. I watched the birds do their thing, listened to their song and then slowly, and aimlessly, walked up and down and round the little dirt driveway area parallel to the road. Puddles had formed, muddy puddles.
   8am. came and went. "Patience, Christabel, patience. Maybe I have missed him?" I said to myself as I vagued out again. I had vaguely looked at one huge muddy puddle a couple of times and each time I had seen more insects in the water. Once again I vaguely hovered over the puddle, gazing, not expecting anything, just gazing. Suuddenly the whole puddle opened up to me. I could see through the muddy water and into the bottom of the sludge and there, right in amongst the sludge, were more insects! I could see them with true clarity. As if there was no mud at all!
   8.30am my lift finally arrived. No apologies, just anger. I guess he was angry at himself for being so late.
For me it had definately been worth the wait, as I got to see something that I had never seen before!

This type of vagueness has helped me see many things that are normally hidden behind the veil of emotion, expectation and other mental activity. One example is when I read an iris and sclera for diognistic purposes. Actually you are seeing changes in vibration in certain areas of the body. When areas are working at a slower vibration than is normal, there is a weakness in that area. When the area of the body (& iris) is vibrating at a fast rate then that area is in a healing crisis and possibly is presenting as pain. Slow and fast vibrations are seen in the Iris as a change in colour. When I look into an iris the whole iris becomes alive and very, very magnified. Sometimes it`s like I am walking in and through a forest - a forest of fibres. If I was to logically look at an iris, using my ego, I would see very little - a smaller picture.
If you stand over, or next to, a pane of glass and very softly gaze at that glass for ten minutes, there is a very strong possibility of the glass suddenly becoming very magnified, so much so that you can see the molecular structure within it. Who has time to stop and gaze, to stop and listen, to be still without the mind? This little excerise is one that is part of a process that leads us to expand our consciousness and perspection.

There is so much one can experience by shifting the way of seeing, by uncluttering the way of seeing and by opening up to possibility.
For a happier frame of existence remember, MIND MATTERS

Here`s to happy thoughts and to a new way of seeing,
Cheers CMW

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