Tuesday 17 January 2012

Interpretation,Perspectives, Mansions within Mansions

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.

I have had many people wanting to hear stories about my time in Africa and my life in general, so I thought I would put pen to paper using this blog. So many extraordinary things have happened to me in the past, many relating to unthinkable reality! I`ve been lucky enough to be in a position where light can still be accessed even in the darkest moment. Because of this, pain has given way to love. Health has replaced disease and narrowness of thinking has become openness and acceptance.
The winds of change are blowing. We need to get back to basics and nourish our body, mind and spirit as well as our beautiful Mother Earth.

 Interpretation, perspectives, mansions within mansions, stories within stories, wheels within wheels, creation within creation.

We all are individuals travelling the same path, all wanting peace and love, good health and happiness yet we all see, hear and experience differently.
Poets, artists and musicians reach their audiences giving them the opportunity to freely connect with their works on emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Soul food. Often the watcher, the listener or the reader sees, hears and experiences something quite different to that of the creator. There are many stories within every story!
How we see, feel, react to and absorb information usually is controlled by our past.
Symbols and dreams also can mean different things to different people.

                                                  Be supple in mind as well as body
                                                  The willow bends with the wind
                                                  Holding firm
                                                  Allows movement without attachment

    Be open to new ideas. Be open to new possibilities. Be less attached to expectations and judgements.
The willow bends with the wind. Hold firm. Know that you are part of a bigger picture - one of Divinity connected to the Source. This will allow ease of movement in times of uncertainty and change.

The Chinese book of Change, and Wisdom, 'The I Ching' is one such work that encourages the reader/participant to reflect on the interpretation given and to also delve deeper into the psyche bringing to light other layers of perception. Hidden possibilities.   

The Firm Penetrates and Grows - Lin
This painting is one of a series  of the I Ching. I read many different interpretations of the I Ching before choosing this line in hexagon 19. I then painted my interpretation of that line.
The Firm Penetrates and Grows

The tapestry of life is depicted in the background. It is night and the emotions are dark. The moon also represents emotions. The bamboo bends like the willow yet stands firm. Green is the colour of the heart and hence our connection to our Higher Self and God. Bamboo holds firm, yet can bend with the wind, as it has strong roots in the ground and to its creator. If we stand firm, remain in the knowingness that we are a part of a bigger picture and if we can trust and have faith in our creator - God, our source - then we will have the courage to see that all experiences are a tool for higher learning. Everything has a purpose including the dark times. We can grow stronger, and become more, when we see our emotions with new eyes. Pain & suffering gives way to happiness and fulfillment.
The number 1 represents new biginnings and going out on a limb. The number 9 means creativity, selfless service and endings. 1+9 =  10. Stand firm in your source and you will have NEW BEGINNINGS

New emotions = new thoughts = new actions = faith = new emotions = new thoughts = new actions = peace

                                               Lighten up your day with knowingness
                                               And darkness cannot interfere with play

Here`s to a new way of seeing,
Cheers & Love  CMW

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