Tuesday 10 January 2012

2012 Be Prepared Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Spiritually.

  I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


2012 Predictions
There are copious amounts of predictions all forecasting the possible chaos that could destroy much of life as we know it on our beautiful planet Earth. Most religions and cultures around the world warn of impending disaster, and as humans become more and more entrenched in commercialism and materialism, the wanting of more & more, how can balance be reborn individually as well as globally? Certainly at times there comes a point in life where we are forced to re assess and change our way of living in order to survive. Disease, including cancer is an example of this. Bankruptcy or natural disasters are other examples. Change can happen very quickly.
Every experience is an opportunity for spiritual growth - for the observer as well as the experiencer
I have been reading about the intensity of the predicted Solar Flares that are due to be discharged by the sun within the next two years. Scientists don`t know exactly when - some say latter half of 2012 and others claim 2013 will be a big year for solar activity. Scientists do agree that they will be very intense, in fact larger than what we have ever been recorded to hit the Earth. True? Possibly. Google Solar Flares for 2012, and you can intuit your own feelings about possibilities in your State, County, Country.

At the least, Power outages, lasting for weeks, or months, could be a possibilty with Solar Flare Activity, also floods etc.


1/  The most beneficial thing that anyone can do is to make contact with the Divine Creator/God  Meditate and become one with the Creator. Get into the space between the words and connect with everything that is, ever will be and ever has been. The space that ignites the Spirit within, filling you with unconditional love and wholeness.
If you can be in this space daily then answers and directions come to light. Guidance, in a larger than life sense, will assist you in every way. You will become more energised and be more clear-headed and therefore creatively constructive as you won`t be acting out of fear but from a happy space of love. You will also be in the 'right' place at the right time.

2/  Read, and perhaps activate, personal ideals set out in the previous posting on this blog.
     Take responsibility for your health and your actions etc etc. Transmute Karma, make amends for mistakes etc. that might have done harm to others or our planet Earth.

3/  Transmute Fear  Meditation and a good diet with plenty of greens and fish oil will help. Licorice root tea drank daily will help pacify the adrenal glands. Less cheese, more exercise. Of course caffeine drinks, including the big coca cola, magnify stress.
Read an older post on this blog  23/5/2011 What is Quality of Life? It talks about fear!

4/  Be Prepared practically as well as emotionally, physically and spiritually and mentally.
    Power outages, lasting for months, could be a possibilty with Solar Flare Activity.
     Stock up with extra supplements. Store in a cool dry place Green Powders, Vit B`s, Colloidal     Minerals and Fish Oil. If necessary one could survive with only these.
     Have a Clean Water Supply that can be accessed if a power outage.
     Prepare a Heavy duty First Aid Kit.  Include Echinacea for immune system. Also include the mouthwash Eliminator. This is a Neways product and can be used for many different applications eg. diarrhea, infected wounds/ulcers. I also have a brilliant little box of homeopathic remedies that includes remedies such as Ledum for tick poisoning, Arnica for bruising. Ledum has saved my precious cat "Queenie" a couple of times!
     Learn how to heal using Creative Visualization techniques. Simple and free.
      Read  the posts: Visualisation - an incredible healing story     24/01/12
                                   Creative Visualisation for Healing (how to)  31/01/12
  * Stock up with heart tablets, asthmatic medication, epilepsy medication etc.
     Own a Good Pair of Rubber-soled Boots, jeans, sunhat, long-sleeved shirt, gloves.
     Wind-upTorches, solar radio? Camp oven, solar oven, cob oven?
     Tinned Food, Dried Fruits, Nuts. Matches etc etc. Can opener etc. 
     Disinfectant, well-sealed containers for storing / carrying water, foods.
There are countless other 'things' one could add to the list. The basic idea is that if you have done some preparation then you can stop thinking in the 'fear' and get on with the now. Creativity, family, work, happiness, fulfillment.

* I recently read an article that wrote about research on the effect of solar flares on our health. It said that there are more people presenting as suicidal, having asthmatic attacks, epilepsy and heart attacks when solar flares are discharged. Food for thought.. Why not think about being possibly prepared?

Of course the only thing constant is change. Maybe recent events leading up to this time have changed what might have been into another story in time and space. Possibilities are endless. Who really knows the future?    

                                     See the positives, hidden somewhere in the negatives
                                     Resting, waiting to be discovered
                                     Spirit calling out
                                     To be united with the mind
                                     Consciousness awakening

Next time I will show you another of my paintings, hopefully adding a little bit more colour and inspiration into the world.

Until next time, CMW

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