Monday 7 December 2015


A Reminder That Miracles Do Happen
We CAN heal ourselves 
We CAN heal our Mother Earth 


A Miraculous Christmas Healing Story (story from 2011)

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Christmas time is a very special time for many people around the world. Families and friends come together renewing the gift of sharing and giving.
For me, Christmas Day pulls at my soul. I make sure on this day to take time out to recharge 'the essentials', to make contact with the divine nature within and to connect with the grace of God/The Creator. I like to spend some time in quiet contemplation followed by maybe an hour of distant healing & prayers, sending light to all those in need and to our beautiful Mother Earth.

This story is about light shining through and the miracle healing that happened one particular Christmas Day.

Light Shining Through
I don`t think I have mentioned this before, I was conceived on a cold and frosty Christmas Eve hence my name Christabel Mary. Maybe this set the tone of my life`s purpose. Anyhow, healing, one way or another, has always been a part of my life, especially on Xmas Day.
This particular Christmas Day I had decided to start distant healing/prayers at 2.30pm. after the family had had lunch and had opened their presents. The upstairs verandah was a quiet space, perfect for meditation.
I always have a list of people, who have made contact, for absent healing and methodically send 'healing' to each person one at a time - usually for about 5 minutes each. Sometimes though, I feel almost obsessed with a particular patient. I don`t know what comes over me but I feel compelled to meditate etc. for that person three times a day and sometimes for up to twenty minutes at a time. This particular Xmas I was in this mode, and actually had been for about a month.

  The man I was sending healing to was in a hospital a few hours drive away. He had a condition that had been created after coming in contact with bats. He had wart-like growths on his brain and was now, and had been for a few months, in a vegetable-like state. Couldn`t eat, drink, talk, communicate in anyway at all, and was incontinent. He just lay there, spirit somewhere else.
   Now it happened that even though I had never met this man, I did know his parents and therefore I wished to help in whatever way I could. As a channel, for healing the body, mind and spirit, Divine essence travels through you to the person/family in need. The 'healer' is just the channel - it`s the light, God`s light, that heals whatever is needed for the patient`s highest good. Interestingly the man`s parents were told by the doctors at the hospital that if he didn`t die he would always be in a vegetable-like state as he had a large amount of brain damage. The nuns apparently said it would be best not to send healing because of this! This is what the parents told me.

    Well, Christmas Day comes once a year AND it is filled with possibilities. Energy is high. The vibration of Jesus Christ is always very high but on this day, is really high. All good for healing. If one can surrender to the Divine Love then possibilities can manifest as realities.
     2.30pm On the verandah sitting in a director`s chair, back straight, breathing in Divine Essence, making contact with God without any other thoughts, wants, needs, expectations, being in that space of complete love beyond emotion. A part of everything. God`s presence felt.
     2.50pm  In the absolute stillness I am propelled into sending healing to my friend`s son. Through my third eye I could see a light. The light was quite distant, and central in my inner vision. Very, very bright - as bright as the light seen in fork lightning, but it was still and distant and did not take away my focus on sending healing. Suddenly the light energy discharged straight at me, through my third eye, sending me flying. Indescribable power, brightness like never before seen anywhere.
      I couldn`t speak, I couldn`t move. I was awestruck - such power. As I remained motionless all I could think of was my patient. "If only I had thought of him as the light struck me" I thought to myself. I had been mesmerized for that split moment in time and space as the light struck me. All thoughts had evaporated into thin air. Time? Around 3pm.

      After Christmas Day I totally forgot about the brain-dead chap. Never felt the urge to be a conduit for healing for him ever again, even though I was still doing absent healing for others!

      A couple of weeks later I happened to see his parents. They had just arrived home after staying near their son and visiting their son in hospital every day over the Christmas Holiday week.
   "Hello Christabel, good to see you". They cheerfully said as they waved for me to sit down and have a chat. I couldn`t help but notice that they seem to have had a load lifted from their shoulders.
   " Did you have a nice Christmas? How`s C--- "? I asked as I sat down next to them.
   " You will never guess what happened", the Father said as his wife butted in. " On Boxing Day our son`s friend came to us and told us of the dream she had had on Christmeas night." The wife paused for a breath, and then continued excitably,  "She said that in her dream C--- had come to her and told her that she was to tell his parents that he is healed!" Tears of happiness were now beginning to wet the mother`s face. They were not religious and they most certainly weren`t into anything outside the box. Plain good country folks.
With almost a sense of incredibilty, the husband then softly and slowly said, " You know, on Christmas Day when we were standing over C---`s bed watching him, both of us suddenly saw a change. Nothing really noticeable physically. We felt a change for the better, can`t explain why, but WE FELT IT"
Curiousity didn`t kill this cat. I couldn`t help but wonder.
   " What time would that have been?" I queried
   " Actually we had just looked at my watch. It was three o`clock".

A couple of months later there was a knock, knock at the side doors. There standing on the verandah was the man`s mother holding a basket full of freshly baked scones. Next to her stood a tall man.
  "Hello. Come in, come in" I yelled at my friend knowing that a cup of tea would be on the cards. "Do come in and sit down. I`ll just put the kettle on."
I headed into the kitchen area to press the button on the electric kettle then returned to the sitting-room where my friend, and the man, had already made themselves at home.
   " Christabel, This is my son C--." She hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "My son heard my husband and I mention your name in conversation and asked if he may come and meet you. He felt he needed to.  So here we are."
    C--- extended his hand. His hand-shake was filled with purpose. "Thankyou so very much" He said. "I know you had something to do with my healing. Thankyou."
     "It`s great to meet you and to see that you have made total recovery. Well done. Isn`t it nice to know that God works in mysterious ways."
With the formalities over we sat down, drank in the music of creation, and had a nice cup of tea. Just the three of us.

Christmas is about hope. Christmas is about love. Christmas is about sharing, giving and caring.
I hope this true story brings these truths home and that you may have a truly inspirational Christmas.

                                                      Believe in the magic of Creation
                                                     And Creation will come through you

May you all have a very Happy Christmas
 Lots of Love CMW

Friday 20 November 2015


Using the masculine side of expression - logic, action, physical -
and mixing it with
the feminine side of expression - spiritual, feelings, stillness, selfless service -
creates happiness

It is time to look within and connect with the divine
and it is time for action and making a difference.

One good idea, followed through with action, can change the world.

Have courage
Have patience
Forgive yourself and others
Tread softly
Give thanks
Let your love shine

Until next time.  love CMW

Monday 21 September 2015

Satsang - Who Am I?

                                                 WHO AM I?  
                                      The watcher or the watched?
                                         The actor or the director?

                                                 Am I my clothes?
                                                 Am I my parents?
                                                 Am I my job?
                                                 Who am I?

                                       IN SILENCE I AM EVERYTHING
                                       The voice and the song
                                       The forest and the tree
                                       The raging river and the silent spring
                                       The starlit sky and the deep blue sea 
Who am I?
 Meditation removes the 'I'
No body, no mind
Peace beyond all understanding 

In the silence, the music of creation sings

The Question is "WHO AM I?"
What we focus on we become.
One pure thought-pattern can change 
our physical, emotional and spiritual journey.

Walk softly and lovingly
Caressing each moment
As life caresses you

Why not focus on oneness  -  peace, compassion, love, beauty
And begin to 'be' & see a different reality.
Trillions of atoms in the vastness of 'space'. 
Nothing solid. Nothing defined.
Movement and interaction.
Forever changing and rearranging
Slipping in and out of the real 'me'.

This equinox (happening right now) can open windows and doors, ushering in new possibilities driven by our imagination and emotional thought patterns.

Creation is truly fascinating
and, we are part of it!
Love to you , and yours,     
Enjoy,    CMW

Monday 7 September 2015

22nd, 23rd & 24th SEPTEMBER WORLD PRAYER DAYS for Solutions to Refugee Crisis



                                          please share this poster 


Let us all light a candle
So our world leaders can see in the dark

Thursday 3 September 2015




                                          please share this poster 

 Prayers for Refugees

The plight of the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing unsettled, worn-torn lands is devastating and upsetting for those people that have loving hearts. I cannot for  the life of me imagine what those scared little hungry children and their parents, friends and fellow refugees can be going through.

I watched the news - there they were, thousands upon thousands of hungry homeless and desperate refugees. 
Tears of sorrow pour from my heart and soul. Judgement shakes at my core. Separation from my centre, my innermost being that is part lover and part creator of our universe is activated as I fall into sadness, disgust and anger. To think that the world, our world, has come to this.

Shaking my head, and then realizing that I am magnifying the refugees` feelings with my spontaneous reactions, I dry my eyes, switch the TV off and head for the kettle. A cup of tea and some quiet time is what I need to settle me down and to reconnect with Spirit. I had been leaking vital energy because of over zealous feelings.

Actually I never drank my tea. Instead I went into meditation. Into the space between words. Into deep silence. Into the peace that passes all understanding.

Cradled in love. No body, no me - a part of the Divine dance of creation where all good things drop into mind without thinking. No separation. Connected to God.
In the silence I heard these words:

                        PRAY FOR THE REFUGEES
                        PRAY THAT THEY HAVE COURAGE
                        PRAY THAT THEY HAVE STRENGTH
                        PRAY THAT THEY HAVE FOOD & SHELTER 


 So I prayed. 

Thoughts driven by passion are able to make change a reality. Pure uncomplicated thought patterns driven by love and expressed through prayer are powerful.
Imagine the possibilities if we all join together to pray. Our prayers can be answered.
Remember to light a candle and pray  

May we give thanks for having a loving heart and an open mind,
May there be an end to suffering
And a caring solution to the refugee crisis

Thanking for joining with us
God bless  CMW

Saturday 22 August 2015

Wheels Within Wheels

I am in the middle of writing a novel.
Flashes of light.
Heaven sent.
Creativity opens doorways allowing hidden truths to surface.
Many angles, many stories all belonging to the same picture.
God speaks through us and moves us to new heights.

Wheels Within Wheels

Paintings within paintings.
This painting is part of a larger painting called The Toning.

Take care of your soul
May you sing, dance, write, paint or scream out your story
Much Love CMW


Thursday 16 July 2015

When The Mind is Tamed, The Path is Straight


When the mind is allowed to be self-indulgent and fills up with thought patterns to do with anger, sadness, jealousy, greed, guilt, if only and I wants etc etc. it creates unhappiness, chaos and separates us from our higher self. We leak energy and become less productive and more self- destructive.
When separated from our higher self (our soul connection to God/ Source) we become less of who we really are.
Our purpose is essentially to be that of joy and to be productive and full of love - to be more whole. When we are living a life of joy (not one filled with -ve thoughts and reactions) the universe provides everything to support that joy.

Learning to control the mind, instead of it controlling you, is the key to a happy fulfilled life.
Once thoughts and responses (reactions) are +ve the path to fulfillment is revealed.


We can live a chaotic, struggling, stressful  life or an organized responsible freely expansive and exciting life. The choice is ours. It all boils down to MIND MATTERS!!

Once the mind is controlled the path to happiness is found.


1/  Learn to meditate - still the mind
2/  Be awake to any negative thoughts, words, actions and reactions you might have. (judgements, anger, jealousy, hatred, unworthiness, fear etc.) LAUGH AT YOURSELF!
3/  Do tapping, EFT, Body Electronics, Rebirthing or any other therapy that allows you to free up past conditioning and transmute worn out thought patterns!(there are many, many different modalities that can assist you in the process).
4/  Remove yourself from bitchy, judging people. BREATHE DEEPLY
When someone bothers or upsets you take a breath and step aside and say to yourself  "isn`t that interesting" or "isn`t he/she interesting".
5/  Eat a healthy diet - vegs ++++, water ++, fermented foods, fibre ++ , fruit
6/  Walk, stretch, do Tai Chi and/or Yoga and take a break from the computer and Iphone.
7/  Pamper yourself and sing and dance like never before
8/  Make lists - organize yourself
9/  Love what you do. Volunteer, help out.
10/  Be grateful for what you have now and who you are!

I laugh at myself and my petty little judgements every day. I love being human and love everyone else for them being human. Everyone is an individual creating and rearranging their paths just like me. We all have different paths to take that lead us to the path of fulfillment and wholeness. Colourful and entertaining, each of us expressing our own story as we unravel ourselves and the Great Mystery.

Isn`t life interesting?
I`m off to the Daintree to spread my friend`s ashes - he was a green man
Whilst there I will sing and walk, laugh and cry.

Until next time,
May your thoughts be with you
Love  CMW

Sunday 5 July 2015

Healing Ross River Fever with Channeling Distant Healing

Lady Shocked by Instant Healing - sometimes healing comes in strange packages!

                                Know that there is always hope
                                Have courage to look outside the box  

The hugeness of creation, and the interconnectedness of all that is, creates stories within stories and endless possibilities. There are many, many different ways healing can happen whether through Western medicine, Eastern medicine or complementary medicine. There are also many, many ways that healing can be channeled energetically. Healing with prayer, spiritual healing, Reiki, distant healing are a few ways that can activate permanent healing.
Healing may happen for the body, mind or spirit or for all three areas.
If the healing intent is pure then healing always takes place in at least one area - the area that needs, and wants, healing!!

The Wheel Of Life
 Now to the story about
 The Lady With Ross River Fever correction 

Sometimes we would walk through a Tourist Resort  to get the beach. The husband and wife owners of the Resort did not mind as we hired out bicycles to their guests. This particular day there was something obviously amiss. We could see the husband running backwards and forwards as he cleaned the rooms! Abnormal to say the least as his wife was the one who usually worked alongside the cleaners!
  " Where is N....?" we called out to him.
  " I`m afraid she is really sick and can hardly walk at all, never mind clean" he replied and then added  "she has Ross River Fever."
After seeing if he needed any help we visited his sick wife. She could hardly move her feet as they hurt so very much. 
I remembered when I had had Ross River Fever. I could not even pick up a tissue with my left hand it was so very painful. My left knee, ankle and foot was also affected by the virus. It felt like a steam-roller had squashed all my bones. PAINFUL indeed. I was out of action for three months ... and how I healed is a unique story as well  ... a story I`ll share with you another time.
Now this particular lady knew nothing about energy healing at all. Seeing her in so much pain I really wanted to help her in some way - maybe some distant(absent) healing? 
  "Do you mind if I do some absent healing for you tonight?" I asked, "It might help with the pain."
She looked at me as if I was a 'nutter' making me laugh out load.
   "Nothing ever negative happens, it`s just healing energy that is sent to kick-start healing." I explained, with a twinkle in my eye. 
Relaxing she then said " This pain is so unbearable I`ll try anything." 

We waved goodbye and with beach towels in hand headed for the beach.

Every night I spent at least an hour channeling healing energy to sick people around the country. The list of 'sickies' was huge. The last on the list was now N who we had seen earlier in the day.
Sometimes whilst asking for healing to go to ... I would suddenly change appearances and a 'Spirit Healer' would appear in my body. I would watch from my right shoulder. - now you probably also think I`m mad! Different 'Spirit Healers' came through for different illnesses. Sometimes I had Divine Healing Light, sometimes white, cream or purple. I ask for healing for the highest good of the patient to come through and then leave it to God to decide what needs to be sent. I trust and have absolute faith in the process.
                                  EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED
                                       BE OPEN TO CHANGE
                            KNOW THAT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE

Sitting quietly in a meditative state the lucky last person on the list was now highlighted in my mind. Breathing long soft breaths I asked for healing of the body, mind and spirit for P.. to come through in which ever way is for her highest good.

As I breathed in and opened myself up to allow healing to come through I felt pressure on my third eye. The space between the eyebrows, centre stage. My world disappeared as the pressure became stronger. Suddenly a vision of a rather well-fed Chinese man appeared. He had a beautiful round face and light was streaming into his third eye. His presence was strong and filled with love.
The force coming into my third eye now became very strong and as it did so I left my body and watched as it took on the appearance of a Chinese Healer. Even though I was watching the Chinese man I also felt my body was his, yet my mind was still alert and thinking. Shape-shifting.
Whilst watching the light stream into his/my third eye I directed it to go to N.. of ...Resort. I could see the light stream out through his/my hands.
A couple of minutes later it was all over. The 'Chinese Spiritual Healer' had left leaving me sitting in the chair and very aware of being totally back in my body. I thanked God for the healing, and headed off to the bathroom to clean my teeth as it was my bedtime.

The next day we trotted off down to the beach, once again with our towels and bottled water and once again through the Tourist Resort. This time it was different. The Resort didn`t feel as chaotic as the day before. Out of one of the rooms appeared N. with cleaning gear in hand.
   "Good morning, good morning" she yelled at us as she ran to meet us. " Look at me, look at me, NO PAIN!" Her eyes were filled with wonder and her face was lit up like a christmas tree. She was really happy, well wouldn`t you be?
Her husband had heard her call out and hurried out to thank me. 
   "That is amazing" he said. "I cannot believe it. The difference from yesterday is unbelievable." 
They couldn`t stop talking, asking questions and laughing. They had never experienced anything like this before. N. Thanked me over and over again (it was Spirit not me who did the healing I was the channel). 
   "'Our' pleasure" I replied to her thankyous, "now it is time for our swim."
   "One more question before you go," said the husband. "Could you please do some healing for N`s leg. She has a nasty cancer on her lower leg that needs to have surgery on it.Maybe healing will work on that!" The husband turned to his wife and excitingly said  "Show her your cancer, go on."

N. bent down and then rolled up her slacks. 
   "My God" she said with a look of astonishment on her face "my God, it was there yesterday and now it is all gone!"
Both of them looked at her perfectly healthy leg. They stroked it and looked really close at it. There was no sign of having anything wrong with it. Perfectly healed, smooth skin.
   "That is healing for you" I laughed. "Looks perfectly healthy to me. Still see the doctor on your scheduled appointment though, so he can check your leg for himself." 
As we headed for the beach I felt a warm tingle inside as I knew their view of life, and creation, would never ever be the same again. That`s healing for you!

  PS. Ross River Fever never visited her again and neither did that skin cancer

Know that there is always hope
Have courage to look outside the box  

Until next time
May The Force be with you
Cheers and love  CMW                        

Friday 5 June 2015


SUNDAY 7th JUNE IS WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY (W.E.D.) There are many WED activities happening this Sunday. Check out your local Council to find out what`s on.

On WED day information is shared about how we can improve our environment by doing simple things such as recycling, riding a bike, car pooling and energy saving in the home, work environment and building etc etc etc. There are usually activities and games that highlight our environment.
Many people, and businesses, are already doing quite a lot to reduce waste, pollution - noise, air, water, waste. Buildings are consciously built providing a cooler, warmer environment by using sustainability principles. Building with thoughts on reducing energy use etc etc.

IT IS TIME TO RESPECT OURSELVES AND OUR PLANET and take responsibility for our actions!

The Earth, our Mother, keeps on giving and giving, provides shelter, food, water, and a safe clean? environment for us to breathe in and bathe in.
Spirit / God expresses itself in nature in all Its glory!

The in-breath is followed by an out-breath. Give and take. Yin and Yang.
Polarity is part of the game of life.


Take something from nature and give something back. Keep the balance.
Pollute and create problems for all living things -plants, animals, insects, humans.

Family picnics, and the healthy Good Life, are disappearing along with our values and our respect for our provider!
Electronic gadgets, TV, microwaves and electricity towers etc are creating distortions in our own electric-magnetic fields. Inbalance = disease.

A weekend away camping, a day at the beach swimming and going on a bush walk help recharge our batteries and our vibratory field that impacts our immune systems. Listening to and playing in nature activates our immune systems.

Spend a day in nature breathing in clean air and absorbing the magic of creation. Share with your family.
Join a local "Earth Care " group  and plant out heaps of trees.
Give a tree to a friend to say thankyou, Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, or to welcome a new baby`s arrival.
                   TAKE ACTION your inner, higher self will love you!

                    TAKE ACTION your inner, higher self will love you!
                      AND SO WILL YOUR GRANDCHILDREN

I`m heading off to the Sunshine Coast`s WED celebrations on Sunday. Hope to take some interesting photos. 
A new post on another unusual healing will be soon.

Until next time,
Enjoy what nature is all about, and maybe get dirty,
Cheers  CMW


Wednesday 27 May 2015

A Long-Distance 'Calling` and Another `Miracle` Healing.


A NEW STORY WOVEN - Healing Takes Place
A New Story Woven

Clairsentience and Telepathic Communication Saves The Day

Friday 5pm ... I needed a night of 'me` time. 
My whole week had been hectic. I was renting, &living in, an old motor mechanic`s shed in Far North Queensland that had somehow evolved into a Community Centre, and the last week had been really full-on. People came to the Centre searching for the meaning of life as well as coming for guidance re health or `hands on` healing. People also came to access the library which was filled with literature on sustainability, gardening, complementary healing and meditation, yoga, Tai Chi,  etc. The Shed, known as The Living Planet, was open seven days a week and was a free service to the public.
Yes, a little fresh air would be nice.

My very good friend, and partner-in-crime, said he would open up the 'Living Planet' the following morning as he would be there anyway, doing his sculpture.
Great. By 6pm I was in his car listening to Maria Callas whilst traveling to my friend`s place at Trinity Beach.

That night was exactly what I needed. Sleeping under the stars with the sound of the sea gently rhythmically washing up on the nearby beach. Paradise.

Saturday Morning On Saturday morning I woke up feeling refreshed and awash with the sounds of nature. It already was a beautiful day and the smell of fresh coffee was calling me. I threw a sarong on and headed for the kitchen where my friend was preparing some paw paw for breakfast. 
As I walked towards the kitchen some numbers kept repeating themselves in my head. I wondered if my friend knew something about these numbers
  "Hey E...  do you know what these numbers stand for?" I asked my friend, as I headed for the coffee "feels and sounds like a telephone number" I continued "..... and ... it feels like Sydney. Do you know anybody who is sick in Sydney?"
My friend said she didn`t know of anybody who was sick in Sydney and that the numbers meant absolutely nothing to her. 
I was no wiser why I had the numbers in my mind  so I decided to drop them and enjoy my friend, good coffee, paw paw, yoghurt and freshly made meusli - after all this was my time-out.

Sunday Morning Sunday morning I woke up in the Shed to the sound of birds chirping and the telephone already ringing. I slid down the ladder, answered the phone, put the kettle on and quickly jumped in the shower and immediately started singing. 
Strange, I heard myself singing those numbers again - the same ones as the morning before. My subconscious had sang the numbers! 
  I must admit that I do usually wake up with a tune in my head  and when I spontaneously burst into song the words usually give me a run-down of the day`s activities or the day`s emotional happenings that will come into play. Numbers though, had never visited my mind in this way before. The feeling around the numbers was still Sydney and maybe, just maybe, was a phone number??  
Sunday was very busy indeed and the numbers once again were forgotten or pushed aside.

Monday Morning
On Monday morning the numbers showed up like headlines in my mind. As soon as I woke up they were there LOUD and CLEAR. 
Knock three times and the door will be opened and indeed it was. The numbers had showed up three days running there now seemed to be an urgency to act on the situation quickly to find out whether the numbers were in fact a phone number. You see the numbers did not have any area code numbers. I quickly ran to the phone and started dialing the number for Telstra inquiries.

   "Yes, there are two telephone numbers with that number," the lady from Telstra explained. "There is one in Sydney and one in Melbourne."

I thanked her for her help, and time, before hanging up and then looked at my clock.  It was 7.30am. "I think I will wait until 9am to ring, and I will ring the Sydney number," I thought to myself. "If someone is sick they should have had breakfast and maybe a wash by then." 
I looked over to the bench where my Final Telstra notice was. This latest notice had a big red stamp on it that said DISCONNECTION if bill not paid immediately. You see, The Living Planet was about selfless service, compassion and trust and at the moment I had no money at all. People could leave a donation, but I never thought about money or donations, as I would be only thinking of the patient`s health and well-being. When I felt compassion and was focused on the patient it never entered my head to point out the donation tin! I mainly lived off and out of my garden. I did not, for the life of me, know how I could pay the bill in time. I thought I could anyhow get by without a phone, after all, nobody had phones in the past and they survived.

9am  ringing Sydney and not really knowing why. Possible sick person?
  "Hello, P  from ....Hair Products, how may I help you?" The woman who answered the phone asked.
I was shocked and felt confused. A business number? How embarrassing. Strange. Oh well, just go for it. 
   " Sounds strange but, I have had this number in my head for three days, and as I do distant healing I thought someone around that number might be sick." I blurted out. Then after momentary silence, and to my surprise she then said,
   "actually, this number is the private number of a lady who is very sick indeed. She is in hospital and at death`s door. She is dangerously ill and the doctors think she will soon die."
   " It most certainly feels like this is a calling for healing," I explained. " So, could you please ring her family and ask them if they are okay with me doing distant healing for her." Then I  added, " if it isn`t okay, could you ask them to ring me reverse charges to let me know. I will be happy with whatever they decide." 
The lady said she would pass on the message immediately and before hanging up she asked ,"and where might I ask are you ringing from?"
    "Yungaburra, in Far North Queensland" 
    "My God, that is unbelievable. I most definitely will contact them straight away." she whispered, before saying goodbye.
Four Days Later 
Four days later the 'sick' patient rang to thank me. She had made a complete recovery and wanted to know how I could have known that she was sick etc etc. The lady couldn`t understand how I had `heard' her phone number, especially when she lived so far away in Sydney! "How could that happen?" She kept asking.
I explained how the spiritual aspect came into it  and how, in truth, we are all connected and are made up of energetic vibrations that tickle and mix with all aspects of creation. 
Her soul (higher self) had called out for help and my antennas had picked up her soul`s call (vibrational pull) for healing! In truth there is no distance or time. 

Two Days Before Phone Disconnection
The Postie delivered the mail and I was opening my letters. The second one was a letter from a friend in Brisbane. As I opened his letter a cheque fell to the floor. "What on earth is this?" I said out loud. I knew my friend in Brisbane had no extra cash at all and was actually struggling financially. I never ever spoke to him about my finances and he had NO idea about my telephone bill being long overdue. I looked at the cheque, picked up my telephone bill, looked at his cheque again and then again the bill. I could not believe my eyes! - The amount on the cheque was an odd amount of dollars and was the EXACT AMOUNT OWING TO TELSTRA!!! By the afternoon the money was in my bank account and the next day I wrote a cheque to Telstra!!
My friend had been tapped on the shoulder by Mr Big Ears and his higher self - his subconscious - had been tickled and awakened to my need of money to pay my telephone bill! 

When I phoned to thank my friend in Brisbane (& to tell him that the cheque  actually was the exact amount owing to Telstra) he told me how he happened to have extra dollars. He explained that his sister in Melbourne had sent him some $ so that he could fix his very long drive up as it needed a grader etc etc. After paying for his drive he had some dollars left over so he decided to send the rest on to me!! Perfect timing indeed. The `Powers that Be` are capable of perfect timing and accurately delivering what is needed!!

Miracles happen every day to those that open their eyes, ears and heart. Ask and you shall receive!! Do good works - from your heart - with faith, trust, love and compassion and your movements, and emotions, are felt and heard within the ONE MIND of our Creator -  Mr Big Ears!
There is no sense of distance when we use the telephone. Most people have never thought about how sound can travel long distances through the telephone!! 

Did you know that Prayers, within the silence of the mind (God-space), travel long distances, across seas, over mountains. If one believes that their prayers are heard and surrenders the worry, pain, anger and fear to the Creator then healing can start to take place.

The Distant Healer
First and foremost The Thought Behind Healing must be Filled With Light - A High Unselfish Vibration That Connects With The Universal Mind - God`s Mind
One clear uninterrupted thought driven by compassion is asking God (Divine Source)) for "the healing of the body, mind & spirit - whatever is for the patient`s highest good." 
The act of surrendering to the Divine, who knows and vibrates to perfection, is like the Amen after prayer. The healer`s thanks seal the prayer and in so doing sets the vibration of healing in action.

The Healer Is The Channel For Healing
Doubt and/or attachments to the way one thinks one should heal as well as the lower ego believing that it is the healer who is doing the healings, creates a resistance and therefore interferes with the Divinity of the situation and the quality of healing. 
The universal law RESISTANCE = PERSISTENCE stops the natural flow of creation and therefore healing.

LOVE, TRUST & COMPASSION connects the healer to the source and also the patient to the source (God).

For me, prayers are answered and miracles take place over and over again. I have faith in the whole unseen Divine system. Just like when I plant a seed I have faith in that seed and therefore know that it has the potential to grow into a huge tree which in turn will bear fruit, provide shelter and produce more seeds. You see that tiny little seed is filled with Divine power from day one. If Divine Laws are not broken then the power within the seed is free to expand, express itself  and grow into a tree.

Well, this was a really long-winded blog post so thanks for taking the time to read it all. In the next two blog posts I will recall more stories of unusual healings.

Until then tune in (in stillness) and ask the Creator for healing to be sent to someone who is suffering. Ask for healing of the body, mind and spirit - whatever is needed for his/her/their highest good.  Maybe for the people of Nepal? Maybe for your son, daughter, mother or neighbour? 


Love is the driving force behind the healer and the healing essence.
Open your heart and do it! Don`t bother asking whether they received the healing, or not, as if you are sincere (not trying to manipulate anything to your way of doing things, or personal needs etc) they would have received healing in some form. After all the Creator knows more than us. Just be grateful for being you and for being able to help in some way. Trust and give thanks. Your heart will feel happiness. Love in action ...... Soul Food.

Until next time
May love be your best friend
Cheers CMW




Sunday 3 May 2015

NUMEROLOGY and The Game of Life - Finding Your Bliss


IS MY SOUL TRUTHFULLY EXPRESSING ITSELF? - if it is then you will be experiencing a very happy life - worthiness and fulfillment, living alone or not !

Numbers And The Game of Life

We are all uniquely made with inner, and outer, strengths and weaknesses. Each and every one of us vibrates at different frequencies that are aligned with different aspects of creation that were impacting us the time we were born. Sounds weird.
Everything that is - here on planet Earth and in the greater Universe, down to the smallest particle - is vibrating, creating and influencing and impacting on everything else. The smallest particle imagined has a relationship with the largest form, or thought, you can imagine!!!!


Every vibration creates a pattern within other patterns.

How very lucky are the mothers and fathers who are open to having a numerology reading for their children. Luckier still are the children!!
The date of birth and the child`s name tell us the pattern of creation that is uniquely that child or person ie. what that child resonates to and is here to express throughout their lifetime. When the person is aligned with their own unique expression of creation a fulfilling and rewarding life is lived!
I wish I had known about numerology when my children were at primary school - I would have understood their frustrations, and actions, more clearly and I would have guided them through those times using different angles - their life-purpose in mind.

Why I have brought up numerology is because of late I have encountered many unhappy adults who are not making progress in their healing.
Why are they not healing? What is missing in the healing equation?
Hidden emotional trauma? Diet not supporting the liver etc.? Lack of pure water?
Lack of sleep? Bowel hygiene? Parasites / candida? Lack of laughter? Stress? etc.

After checking all of the above I ask them what they are passionate about ie. what do they like doing that  makes them lose track of time and really happy.
Those people that are not expressing their `bliss`can take action by making time for their `bliss`.

Other people who have a tendency to depression and unhappiness, frustration and a feeling of emptiness often don`t have a hobby or have job satisfaction. They can have terrific jobs and no financial concerns and a wonderful wife and children but are still frustrated or unhappy.
They can honestly say that they don`t feel fulfilled .... "Something is missing in my life" they say, then often add " I cannot put my finger on it, but it is like something is missing".

If you are working in a job that actually is not allowing your soul vibration to be expressed, then it is virtually impossible to live the dream.  I am talking here about happiness and fulfillment that comes with the total expression of you and your connection to the source.

The Three Main Life Expression Divisions Ages 1-81
Are you working in a job that compliments your soul path?
Are you aware of the gifts that you have and can access to enhance your your work ability etc etc.?  Most people are not aware.
Pythagoras knew that all life was numbers.
Numerology gives you the keys to understand your mental and emotional needs.
Life becomes much easier for you, and all those around you, when you express your soul`s vibrations.


Simply put:
Every number vibrates to specific qualities.
Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number. Numbers 1-9 are used.
The Full name at birth is needed. Every letter (of this name) is represented by a number and these are all added up.
Your date of birth is also added up. The numerologist can then work out, by using a number system, your strengths etc.  and what will truly make you feel whole and fulfilled.

                           FINDING YOUR BLISS OPENS THE HEART

Childhood programming impacts and can stifle the true self.
Heavy conditioning through habitual programming distorts our vision of ourselves and the world. Possibilities and potential can fade or be wiped out if we are off-course.

The subconscious knows who you really are. Your parents subconscious also knows and that is why your name was chosen and resonates perfectly with your soul.

When we live the life we were intended peace, beauty and happiness evolves naturally and the heart has the freedom to open.

I was trained as a nursing sister and in complementary medicine. Growing up my parents discarded and rejected my thoughts about wishing to learn music, singing, art etc. Guess what - my numbers are all to do with teaching and traveling AND the number three - CREATIVITY.  My numbers re creativity are to do with spirituality, creativity and metaphysics!! I always thought I was useless (childhood programming) in the creative area and yet that is truly where my passion lies. Expressing myself through writing and art re quality of life and metaphysics etc.
Everything fell into place once I learnt that my soul WANTED me to be more of the vibration I was born with, NOT what I was `supposed` to do or had been conditioned to believe I was to do.

   May you reach your fullest potential

   May the stars shine inside
   May happiness be your friend

   Until next time  
   Cheers and love    CMW                                


Wednesday 29 April 2015

Thoughts, PRAYERS and ACTION for Nepal After Devastating Earthquake


Photo courtesy of Abercrombie & Kent Travel

We pray for strength, hope and courage for all those who are in Nepal
We pray for all those who have lost or are searching for loved ones.
We pray for all rescue workers, doctors and nurses that you may be strong and have courage. We give thanks for their service to mankind.
We pray for all those who have fear that they may be given hope and can find some peace and comfort through this uncertain, traumatic time.
We pray that help and goods that are needed are provided quickly

Nepalese students and Chinese students gathering to pray for Nepal in Nanhua University in Hengyang, central China’s Hunan province. International rescue teams and relief supplies began arriving in Nepal’s devastated capital on April 27 to help terrified and homeless survivors of a quake
See photos at: 


Chinese Rescue Workers Take A Rest  photo              

                                   & NOURISHES  THE SOUL
                               A WARM HEART = HAPPINESS
make a difference and give a donation



REDCROSS › ... › Current emergency responses



May our hearts be warm and open
And gratitude be our friend 

May all those suffering be at peace 
Knowing help is at hand
Until next time     CMW