Thursday 16 July 2015

When The Mind is Tamed, The Path is Straight


When the mind is allowed to be self-indulgent and fills up with thought patterns to do with anger, sadness, jealousy, greed, guilt, if only and I wants etc etc. it creates unhappiness, chaos and separates us from our higher self. We leak energy and become less productive and more self- destructive.
When separated from our higher self (our soul connection to God/ Source) we become less of who we really are.
Our purpose is essentially to be that of joy and to be productive and full of love - to be more whole. When we are living a life of joy (not one filled with -ve thoughts and reactions) the universe provides everything to support that joy.

Learning to control the mind, instead of it controlling you, is the key to a happy fulfilled life.
Once thoughts and responses (reactions) are +ve the path to fulfillment is revealed.


We can live a chaotic, struggling, stressful  life or an organized responsible freely expansive and exciting life. The choice is ours. It all boils down to MIND MATTERS!!

Once the mind is controlled the path to happiness is found.


1/  Learn to meditate - still the mind
2/  Be awake to any negative thoughts, words, actions and reactions you might have. (judgements, anger, jealousy, hatred, unworthiness, fear etc.) LAUGH AT YOURSELF!
3/  Do tapping, EFT, Body Electronics, Rebirthing or any other therapy that allows you to free up past conditioning and transmute worn out thought patterns!(there are many, many different modalities that can assist you in the process).
4/  Remove yourself from bitchy, judging people. BREATHE DEEPLY
When someone bothers or upsets you take a breath and step aside and say to yourself  "isn`t that interesting" or "isn`t he/she interesting".
5/  Eat a healthy diet - vegs ++++, water ++, fermented foods, fibre ++ , fruit
6/  Walk, stretch, do Tai Chi and/or Yoga and take a break from the computer and Iphone.
7/  Pamper yourself and sing and dance like never before
8/  Make lists - organize yourself
9/  Love what you do. Volunteer, help out.
10/  Be grateful for what you have now and who you are!

I laugh at myself and my petty little judgements every day. I love being human and love everyone else for them being human. Everyone is an individual creating and rearranging their paths just like me. We all have different paths to take that lead us to the path of fulfillment and wholeness. Colourful and entertaining, each of us expressing our own story as we unravel ourselves and the Great Mystery.

Isn`t life interesting?
I`m off to the Daintree to spread my friend`s ashes - he was a green man
Whilst there I will sing and walk, laugh and cry.

Until next time,
May your thoughts be with you
Love  CMW

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