Monday 7 December 2015


A Reminder That Miracles Do Happen
We CAN heal ourselves 
We CAN heal our Mother Earth 


A Miraculous Christmas Healing Story (story from 2011)

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Christmas time is a very special time for many people around the world. Families and friends come together renewing the gift of sharing and giving.
For me, Christmas Day pulls at my soul. I make sure on this day to take time out to recharge 'the essentials', to make contact with the divine nature within and to connect with the grace of God/The Creator. I like to spend some time in quiet contemplation followed by maybe an hour of distant healing & prayers, sending light to all those in need and to our beautiful Mother Earth.

This story is about light shining through and the miracle healing that happened one particular Christmas Day.

Light Shining Through
I don`t think I have mentioned this before, I was conceived on a cold and frosty Christmas Eve hence my name Christabel Mary. Maybe this set the tone of my life`s purpose. Anyhow, healing, one way or another, has always been a part of my life, especially on Xmas Day.
This particular Christmas Day I had decided to start distant healing/prayers at 2.30pm. after the family had had lunch and had opened their presents. The upstairs verandah was a quiet space, perfect for meditation.
I always have a list of people, who have made contact, for absent healing and methodically send 'healing' to each person one at a time - usually for about 5 minutes each. Sometimes though, I feel almost obsessed with a particular patient. I don`t know what comes over me but I feel compelled to meditate etc. for that person three times a day and sometimes for up to twenty minutes at a time. This particular Xmas I was in this mode, and actually had been for about a month.

  The man I was sending healing to was in a hospital a few hours drive away. He had a condition that had been created after coming in contact with bats. He had wart-like growths on his brain and was now, and had been for a few months, in a vegetable-like state. Couldn`t eat, drink, talk, communicate in anyway at all, and was incontinent. He just lay there, spirit somewhere else.
   Now it happened that even though I had never met this man, I did know his parents and therefore I wished to help in whatever way I could. As a channel, for healing the body, mind and spirit, Divine essence travels through you to the person/family in need. The 'healer' is just the channel - it`s the light, God`s light, that heals whatever is needed for the patient`s highest good. Interestingly the man`s parents were told by the doctors at the hospital that if he didn`t die he would always be in a vegetable-like state as he had a large amount of brain damage. The nuns apparently said it would be best not to send healing because of this! This is what the parents told me.

    Well, Christmas Day comes once a year AND it is filled with possibilities. Energy is high. The vibration of Jesus Christ is always very high but on this day, is really high. All good for healing. If one can surrender to the Divine Love then possibilities can manifest as realities.
     2.30pm On the verandah sitting in a director`s chair, back straight, breathing in Divine Essence, making contact with God without any other thoughts, wants, needs, expectations, being in that space of complete love beyond emotion. A part of everything. God`s presence felt.
     2.50pm  In the absolute stillness I am propelled into sending healing to my friend`s son. Through my third eye I could see a light. The light was quite distant, and central in my inner vision. Very, very bright - as bright as the light seen in fork lightning, but it was still and distant and did not take away my focus on sending healing. Suddenly the light energy discharged straight at me, through my third eye, sending me flying. Indescribable power, brightness like never before seen anywhere.
      I couldn`t speak, I couldn`t move. I was awestruck - such power. As I remained motionless all I could think of was my patient. "If only I had thought of him as the light struck me" I thought to myself. I had been mesmerized for that split moment in time and space as the light struck me. All thoughts had evaporated into thin air. Time? Around 3pm.

      After Christmas Day I totally forgot about the brain-dead chap. Never felt the urge to be a conduit for healing for him ever again, even though I was still doing absent healing for others!

      A couple of weeks later I happened to see his parents. They had just arrived home after staying near their son and visiting their son in hospital every day over the Christmas Holiday week.
   "Hello Christabel, good to see you". They cheerfully said as they waved for me to sit down and have a chat. I couldn`t help but notice that they seem to have had a load lifted from their shoulders.
   " Did you have a nice Christmas? How`s C--- "? I asked as I sat down next to them.
   " You will never guess what happened", the Father said as his wife butted in. " On Boxing Day our son`s friend came to us and told us of the dream she had had on Christmeas night." The wife paused for a breath, and then continued excitably,  "She said that in her dream C--- had come to her and told her that she was to tell his parents that he is healed!" Tears of happiness were now beginning to wet the mother`s face. They were not religious and they most certainly weren`t into anything outside the box. Plain good country folks.
With almost a sense of incredibilty, the husband then softly and slowly said, " You know, on Christmas Day when we were standing over C---`s bed watching him, both of us suddenly saw a change. Nothing really noticeable physically. We felt a change for the better, can`t explain why, but WE FELT IT"
Curiousity didn`t kill this cat. I couldn`t help but wonder.
   " What time would that have been?" I queried
   " Actually we had just looked at my watch. It was three o`clock".

A couple of months later there was a knock, knock at the side doors. There standing on the verandah was the man`s mother holding a basket full of freshly baked scones. Next to her stood a tall man.
  "Hello. Come in, come in" I yelled at my friend knowing that a cup of tea would be on the cards. "Do come in and sit down. I`ll just put the kettle on."
I headed into the kitchen area to press the button on the electric kettle then returned to the sitting-room where my friend, and the man, had already made themselves at home.
   " Christabel, This is my son C--." She hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "My son heard my husband and I mention your name in conversation and asked if he may come and meet you. He felt he needed to.  So here we are."
    C--- extended his hand. His hand-shake was filled with purpose. "Thankyou so very much" He said. "I know you had something to do with my healing. Thankyou."
     "It`s great to meet you and to see that you have made total recovery. Well done. Isn`t it nice to know that God works in mysterious ways."
With the formalities over we sat down, drank in the music of creation, and had a nice cup of tea. Just the three of us.

Christmas is about hope. Christmas is about love. Christmas is about sharing, giving and caring.
I hope this true story brings these truths home and that you may have a truly inspirational Christmas.

                                                      Believe in the magic of Creation
                                                     And Creation will come through you

May you all have a very Happy Christmas
 Lots of Love CMW

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