Sunday 5 July 2015

Healing Ross River Fever with Channeling Distant Healing

Lady Shocked by Instant Healing - sometimes healing comes in strange packages!

                                Know that there is always hope
                                Have courage to look outside the box  

The hugeness of creation, and the interconnectedness of all that is, creates stories within stories and endless possibilities. There are many, many different ways healing can happen whether through Western medicine, Eastern medicine or complementary medicine. There are also many, many ways that healing can be channeled energetically. Healing with prayer, spiritual healing, Reiki, distant healing are a few ways that can activate permanent healing.
Healing may happen for the body, mind or spirit or for all three areas.
If the healing intent is pure then healing always takes place in at least one area - the area that needs, and wants, healing!!

The Wheel Of Life
 Now to the story about
 The Lady With Ross River Fever correction 

Sometimes we would walk through a Tourist Resort  to get the beach. The husband and wife owners of the Resort did not mind as we hired out bicycles to their guests. This particular day there was something obviously amiss. We could see the husband running backwards and forwards as he cleaned the rooms! Abnormal to say the least as his wife was the one who usually worked alongside the cleaners!
  " Where is N....?" we called out to him.
  " I`m afraid she is really sick and can hardly walk at all, never mind clean" he replied and then added  "she has Ross River Fever."
After seeing if he needed any help we visited his sick wife. She could hardly move her feet as they hurt so very much. 
I remembered when I had had Ross River Fever. I could not even pick up a tissue with my left hand it was so very painful. My left knee, ankle and foot was also affected by the virus. It felt like a steam-roller had squashed all my bones. PAINFUL indeed. I was out of action for three months ... and how I healed is a unique story as well  ... a story I`ll share with you another time.
Now this particular lady knew nothing about energy healing at all. Seeing her in so much pain I really wanted to help her in some way - maybe some distant(absent) healing? 
  "Do you mind if I do some absent healing for you tonight?" I asked, "It might help with the pain."
She looked at me as if I was a 'nutter' making me laugh out load.
   "Nothing ever negative happens, it`s just healing energy that is sent to kick-start healing." I explained, with a twinkle in my eye. 
Relaxing she then said " This pain is so unbearable I`ll try anything." 

We waved goodbye and with beach towels in hand headed for the beach.

Every night I spent at least an hour channeling healing energy to sick people around the country. The list of 'sickies' was huge. The last on the list was now N who we had seen earlier in the day.
Sometimes whilst asking for healing to go to ... I would suddenly change appearances and a 'Spirit Healer' would appear in my body. I would watch from my right shoulder. - now you probably also think I`m mad! Different 'Spirit Healers' came through for different illnesses. Sometimes I had Divine Healing Light, sometimes white, cream or purple. I ask for healing for the highest good of the patient to come through and then leave it to God to decide what needs to be sent. I trust and have absolute faith in the process.
                                  EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED
                                       BE OPEN TO CHANGE
                            KNOW THAT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE

Sitting quietly in a meditative state the lucky last person on the list was now highlighted in my mind. Breathing long soft breaths I asked for healing of the body, mind and spirit for P.. to come through in which ever way is for her highest good.

As I breathed in and opened myself up to allow healing to come through I felt pressure on my third eye. The space between the eyebrows, centre stage. My world disappeared as the pressure became stronger. Suddenly a vision of a rather well-fed Chinese man appeared. He had a beautiful round face and light was streaming into his third eye. His presence was strong and filled with love.
The force coming into my third eye now became very strong and as it did so I left my body and watched as it took on the appearance of a Chinese Healer. Even though I was watching the Chinese man I also felt my body was his, yet my mind was still alert and thinking. Shape-shifting.
Whilst watching the light stream into his/my third eye I directed it to go to N.. of ...Resort. I could see the light stream out through his/my hands.
A couple of minutes later it was all over. The 'Chinese Spiritual Healer' had left leaving me sitting in the chair and very aware of being totally back in my body. I thanked God for the healing, and headed off to the bathroom to clean my teeth as it was my bedtime.

The next day we trotted off down to the beach, once again with our towels and bottled water and once again through the Tourist Resort. This time it was different. The Resort didn`t feel as chaotic as the day before. Out of one of the rooms appeared N. with cleaning gear in hand.
   "Good morning, good morning" she yelled at us as she ran to meet us. " Look at me, look at me, NO PAIN!" Her eyes were filled with wonder and her face was lit up like a christmas tree. She was really happy, well wouldn`t you be?
Her husband had heard her call out and hurried out to thank me. 
   "That is amazing" he said. "I cannot believe it. The difference from yesterday is unbelievable." 
They couldn`t stop talking, asking questions and laughing. They had never experienced anything like this before. N. Thanked me over and over again (it was Spirit not me who did the healing I was the channel). 
   "'Our' pleasure" I replied to her thankyous, "now it is time for our swim."
   "One more question before you go," said the husband. "Could you please do some healing for N`s leg. She has a nasty cancer on her lower leg that needs to have surgery on it.Maybe healing will work on that!" The husband turned to his wife and excitingly said  "Show her your cancer, go on."

N. bent down and then rolled up her slacks. 
   "My God" she said with a look of astonishment on her face "my God, it was there yesterday and now it is all gone!"
Both of them looked at her perfectly healthy leg. They stroked it and looked really close at it. There was no sign of having anything wrong with it. Perfectly healed, smooth skin.
   "That is healing for you" I laughed. "Looks perfectly healthy to me. Still see the doctor on your scheduled appointment though, so he can check your leg for himself." 
As we headed for the beach I felt a warm tingle inside as I knew their view of life, and creation, would never ever be the same again. That`s healing for you!

  PS. Ross River Fever never visited her again and neither did that skin cancer

Know that there is always hope
Have courage to look outside the box  

Until next time
May The Force be with you
Cheers and love  CMW                        

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