Wednesday 15 February 2012

Ask and You Shall Receive

When all else fails ....... ASK FOR HELP!

I have always had a way with children, little children as well as the older ones. I love kids. So, of course when my long lost relative asked if I could do a favour and babysit his two children, I said yes, Hakuna matata, no worries.
Well it turned out that they had never left the baby (5 months old) with anybody before. I live and hour and a half drive away so actually had only seen the baby a couple of times. A real little cutey.
 The older child was really excited to see me and instantly began running all over the place, jumping up and down on the bed etc. etc. He crashed just before the parents left for their special night out. The baby though was different, he didn`t crash. After his mummy and daddy left the beautiful little baby boy yelled, kicked and screamed hysterically for nearly three quarters of an hour. I fed him, I burped him, I sang to him as I held him, I cradled him in my arms rocking him gently, I walked around the house holding him close to me. He HATED IT! All he wanted was his mummy. His vocal capacity, and expression, was enormous! His back and leg muscles like that of a lion. Wow, what a shock, and might I add, quite alarming for me!

 Years ago, when I was a nurse, I had quite a long time in the children`s ward and I had found it really warming as the babies seemed to respond to my gentle way of calming them down. My own children, and grandchildren as well as friends` children, always were very easy to look after. I admit that it has been a long time since I babysat any babies but you would think it would be something like riding a bike, something that comes naturally and something you never lose. Wrong?

The simple things in life are free, and, usually work. After three quarters of an hour of the baby hysterically crying it was as if I suddenly felt a tap on the shoulder nudging me. Instantly I thought "When all else fails, ask and you shall receive". What a relief. My tension dissipated as I quietly asked the baby`s higher self, and guiding angels, to help soothe the baby so that he may have a beautiful peaceful sleep.
Within a couple of minutes the baby was in a deep sleep. Thank You.

                                                   Waiting in the wings
                                                   Is the help you may need

                                                   Ask and you shall receive

So simple to turn to God, to remember you are a little speck of stardust that is part of the whole. A child of God, a child of the Universe.
The trick is to remember this when we are swept up with emotion, enduring the unexpected, or simply enjoying life.  We are loved and we are not alone. Help is always at hand, if we ask, not beg, for it. Be grateful for blessings received. No analysing, just plain acceptance and gratitude. Fullstop.

Here`s to beautiful freshness and babies peacefully sleeping
Here`s to the sublime gift of love

Cheers CMW

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