Monday 27 February 2012

Outback Vision Quest

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

Every now and then a Gorge With A Little Oasis
With every action there is a reaction!
Sometimes we lock our feelings (our reactions) away. Sometimes the emotional pain suffered is so acute that it is easier to push feelings aside, hiding them in order to get through the day. The trouble is that if we don`t  express our pain we are then more likely to manifest disease, especially cancer. I`m a living example of this. By the way I have no signs of cancer now.
Tears, screams and more tears unplug the choked up, and banked up, inner turmoil. Spirit requires movement in order to remain balanced and productive. Happiness is to do with balance in all areas of life be it spiritual, emotional, mental or physical.
                                               The sun torches earth
                                               Barren wasteland
                                               Parched solitude
                                               No sound heard
                                               Not even the whistle of a single bird

                                               Naked stalks
                                               Wait patiently for wet
                                               To bathe once more
                                               The roots of time                         
                                               To cast new seeds
                                                On desert floor

                                                Carpet of colour
                                                Comes quickly once more
                                                Abundance of life
                                                Stillness gone
                                                Movement, dance-like
                                                Now creates a new song

I love the outback. The silence is deafening, the purity of colour is profound. No phones, no computers, no people, no judgement. Spending time by yourself in the Outback is akin to a Vision Quest. Mother Earth shares her secrets openly giving you time to absorb her qualities which in fact are part of us all. In the stillness, and silence, one is embued with the complicated, simplicity of creation. Boundaries are dissolved as you become part of Mother Earth and hence part of the 'whole'. Doorways open as pain and suffering is released. Movement for the Spirit. Knowingness for the mind. New song.

                                                 Richness of beauty
                                                 Waiting to explode
                                                 Into a profusion of colour

                                                 Thunder rolls in
                                                 Within the emptiness
                                                 Stillness filled with pure delight
                                                 Screaming to be heard

                                                 Movement found
                                                 Within the centre

Here`s to letting go of the past
and making way for the new

Cheers and love CMW


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