Wednesday 22 February 2012

Distant or 'Absent' Healing heals Extreme Ross River Fever

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW


Magnetic Island
6.30am onwards
When I lived on Magnetic Island I would walk along the walking tracks and then climb up a magnificent granite outcrop and upon reaching the top I would then indulge in an hour of meditation - for myself and for the Earth. Often I would have huge white-breasted sea eagles encircle me and very often other birds including white cockatoos, drongos, friar birds, parrots and honey eaters would come very close, purching on the branches of native trees that somehow appeared between the huge rounded boulders, lurching forward, towards the Pacific Ocean. Magnetic Island is clothed in green, hence over 180 different species of birds frequent the Island.
I would arrive back home, bag of rubbish in hand collected along the way, around 8am. How lucky was I!

Those days were centred around healing. Hands on healing happened usually one or two times a day in between painting and designing. 'Absent' or 'distant' healing was my main way of giving back to the planet. I would do absent healing for about an hour and a half  during the day and about an hour and a half, sometimes longer, in the evening before retiring for the night. Those days were full of magic.

I have many, many stories of amazing happenings on Magnetic, but today I would love to tell you a little story of yet another healing, this time through conscious 'distant' healing.

This particular day I had dropped in to visit a friend, and her husband, who owned, and ran, a holiday resort. I hadn`t seen either of them for awhile, hence my visit. When I arrived it was evident that her husband was flat out working doing her jobs as well as his own.
  "Where`s that darling wife of yours?" I searchingly asked.
  "Can`t stop and talk, sorry. Poor darling is terribly sick with Ross River Fever. She can hardly walk as she is in loads of pain. Just wish she could get some relief." He answered, then muttered  "It`s a bloody nuisance".
It was summer and the humidity was high. This couple were well into their fifties, so he was feeling the work-load.
    I raced inside to see her and to see if she needed help with anything. It was true, the dreaded Ross River Fever had definitely got hold of her. She was in agony. After a little while it was time for me to go but, before leaving her I couldn`t help myself from asking her if she would like me to do some 'absent' healing for her. She looked at me in a rather blank way. I guess she had never heard of 'absent' or 'distant' healing before.
   " I just get into a medititive state and ask for healing to be sent you. It`s no big deal, I do it all the time for loads of people. Great for pain relief. Nothing negative ever happens and who knows, maybe you will be healed!" I laughed. "I`m just a chanel for energy to flow through me, activating your healing energy."
    "Okay," she answered." That would be wonderful. I`ve been like this and in pain for weeks so I am ready to try ANYTHING!"   I kissed her on the cheek and, with a twinkle in my eye, said goodbye.

    That night I sat down and asked for healing to flow through me to my suffering friend, healing her body, mind and spirit, whatever was needed for her highest good. Straight away a surge of light forcibly entered my third eye, almost pushing me backwards, and then, just as I could feel my body changing shape I found myself looking at my body, which was now to the left of me. I looked at my body  and saw a big fat Chinaman occupying my body instead of me. I watched him as a surge of white light came out of his third eye and travelled straight to my friend`s body.
A couple of seconds, maybe minutes, later I was back in my body, knowing that my friend was healed.

Usually I don`t go and check up, or look for results, as I know something positive, whether subtly or obviously has occurred. It always does. I trust and have absolute faith. The next morning though, I thought I would call in to say hello and see if they needed any help. Her husband had looked so worn out.
    I called in around mid morning, and to my delight, there they BOTH were, merrily working away. Both of them rushed towards me, grinning from ear to ear. "I`M HEALED," My friend yelled as she ran to give me a hug. "It`s a miracle. No pain at all. I feel really great, in fact like I never even had Ross River! Thankyou so VERY VERY MUCH."
  " I`m just a vehicle for healing. Well, I guess I`m in partnership - with the patient and with the powers that be. I thank God, and my higher self and guides, after sending healing, and you can also thank God in your thoughts, and prayers, for your healing."
My friend`s husband had a bewildered and very happy face and quickly butted in cheekily, "My wife also has a rather large skin cancer that will not heal. Maybe you could ask for healing, and, remove that?" He was half joking, half asking, "Darl, show Christabel your lower leg. Go on, show her the cancer."

   My friend bent down and rolled up her white slacks. There was dead silence. Shock. Mouths had dropped open as I tried to see what and where the cancer was. It was nowhere to be found.
   " A miracle. It`s completely gone!" They utterred simultaneously. "It`s completely gone."

Like I said before, there are many, many different healing stories and many, many other unusual stories to do with my life over this period on Magnetic Island. The Universe is filled with possibility and we, as aware and open travellers on the path, can learn through experience, more about the 'whole' that we are part of. If we come from, and through, the heart then much is revealed to us. If we come from expectations, want, greed, judgement,  instead of compassion and surrender, then the ego`s veil not only separates us from the 'whole'/ God, but also separates us from the true joy of living and the ability to truly reach our full potential.

May trust and faith, surrender and gratitude allow the true healer to evolve
May we joyously capture each moment of truth
As we step out into the unknown
May we rest in peace knowing we are part of the whole

Until next time
Love CMW

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