Tuesday 31 January 2012

Creative Visualisation for Assisting Healing of Cancer and Other Diseases

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW


Creative visualisation is a means of reprogramming your body

The power of creative visualisation is extraordinary. It is free and allows you to take an active part in healing your body. Your body loves you being actively involved in the healing process, in fact each organ/part of the body has big ears and seems to respond to any thoughts to do with love and healing. It`s as if the area that is out of balance knows whether you love it enough to commit to sending your messages of healing to it! We all know that the sun shines when we, as humans, feel loved. Animals and plants also respond to thought patterns that originate from love.

Each part of the body is effected by thoughts, words and the emotions. The stronger the emotion attached to the words and thoughts, the bigger effect on the body.
Different biochemical processes are set in action according to the emotional charge. If the emotions are less than love, maybe driven by anger, pain, fear etc. then as a result of biochemical responses dis ease happens. Muscles contract, headaches, diahhrea, stomach ache, skin rashes, hair falling out, palpitations and heart attacks are some examples that are a result of these domino effects on the body. The subtle energy circuits within, and around, the body become restricted and distorted and eventually can cause dis ease on a larger scale.

Visualisation, if filled with passion, can remove physical problems

I have taught visualisation now for over thirty years and have seen many a physical problem dissolve with this process. Patients, who had terminal cancer or who had major problems with pain, often were sent to me by their medical practitioner as nothing else medically could be done for the patients. Seeing the change in q
quality of life was, and still is, extraordinary.
The technique is very simple and it is free. YOU are doing the work for yourself. I guess some people feel subconsciously that they don`t have the power to heal themselves. Once again programming has led most people to believe that a doctor (Western medicine) is there to fix all our health problems. All we have to do is pay the $$, collect the pills, and do as the doctor tells us. Mind you, there is a time and place for everything, including western medicine. Both the emotional and the mental part of the body effects the physical and the spiritual part of the body, and vice versa. So why not work all systems?

Visualisation Checklist  - if you really want results!
1/  Do you really want to heal, yes really want to heal?
2/  Are you willing to make a committment to doing visualisation at least three times a day for twenty to twenty-five minutes, until you are healed. If you can`t commit to this then maybe you're not all that interested in actually healing. Try and see what emotional problems are blocking you.
3/ Wear loose clothing. No tight pants, belts, sweaters, socks, head-bands, shirt necks.
4/  Shoes off. If a cold hard floor, then wear slippers or put little rug, blanket, towel under your feet.
Never have bare feet on cold concrete as this will temporarily shut down your much used, and needed kidney meridian.
5/  Allocate a quiet area and sit in a comfortable upright chair. No slouching. Both feet flat on the floor. No crossed legs.
     If you are too sick to sit in an upright chair, then lie flat on the bed, legs uncrossed. If this gives you too    much pain or difficulty in breathing then get yourself into a comfortable position.

NB. Listening to someone else`s visualisation CD is okay at first, in order to give you an idea of how it works. To get really good results though, you need to find (use your imagination) something that you relate to and can have a bit of fun with. You need to imagine something that you can get emotionally enthusiastic about.
The aim is to use the imagination and visualise somehow your disease being zapped, removed, dissipated, destroyed by whatever means your imagination can conjure up. For example. if you are a plumber and you have blocked arteries you could imagine dissolving the build-up and then blasting out the pipes(arteries).  If you are a doctor you could imagine tiny doctors inside your body with a laser, zapping away the tumour. If you are a carpenter then maybe imagine you sanding away the tumour. If you believe in God then maybe you can imagine white/gold divine healing light transmuting your arthritis or tumour. As long as you don`t imagine lumps of anything floating around your body, or anything else that could bring about more problems. Always imagine something or someone immediately taking away the debris. Why not imagine it being dissolved and flushed out? Transmuted and handed back to the Creator?
For twenty to twenty-five minutes you are the director of your show!

Thoughts, Words and Imagination Create Your Future

1/  Best to do visualisation on a not too full stomach.  Sit yourself down, feet flat on the floor, legs uncrossed.
2/  Close your eyes and become aware of your breath. Breathe a little more fully than normal. Follow the inward breath and then the outward breath. Let your breath begin to relax your body.
3/  Now for the next 15 to 20 minutes visualise getting rid of your physical problem. Be enthusiastic. Get involved as if it is really happening. Sounds mad. Please don`t feel stupid, just do it. There are 100s of people around Australia, never mind the world who have used this simple healing technique and have had huge successes.
4/  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. For the last five minutes of each healing visualisation make sure you visualise yourself very excited and relieved as you are COMPLETELY HEALED. Every time you must finish off with five minutes of excitement and see the doctors as they scratch their heads in amazement. See the baffled doctors looking at  and checking your CLEAR xrays! See friends hugging you with delight.
LASTLY SEE YOURSELF two years, five years, ten years from now still perfectly healthy and doing everything that you enjoy doing.

Please note:
If you are finding it hard to 'see' in your visualisation then just try to imagine and KNOW that your imagined 'prophecy' is happening.

A little exercise that may will help you to get used to the idea of seeing things in your mind.
Every day pick up a piece of fruit or a vegetable in your right hand. Really look closely at it, then close your eyes and see it in your mind`s eye. Repeat this once a day with a different fruit or vegetable.

If you want to read examples of visualisation results please look at my previous posting. Also the book A Pocket Full of Gold by Christabel Mary has more healing stories in the chapter on Visualisation.
Have fun,
Here`s to healing and enjoying life more
Cheers CMW

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Visualization - An Incredible Healing Story

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Another Incredible Healing Story

This story is taken from my book on Health,  A Pocket Full of Gold.  My book also includes my own magical healing from advanced ovarian cancer.  This particular story though is about someone who had been sent home from hospital to die as she had very advanced Cirrhosis of the liver. Please allow yourself to absorb the story as it demonstrates the body`s capacity, and yearning, for healing.

Taken from Chapter 11 "Visualisation"    A Pocket Full of Gold  page 217by Christabel Mary

The ambulance pulled into our drive. A lady, who obviously was very sick, and in excruciating pain, was helped very slowly to the front door. I quickly went to her aid, and sat her down on the couch. I then arranged some soft pillows behind her back and lifted her legs carefully up on to the couch.
  When I was sure she was comfortable, I pulled my chair close to her so that she did not have to strain when she spoke. The lady was extremely ill, and it was very obvious that she had liver failure as her whole body was bright yellow, including the sclera of the eyes. I could see that she must have come straight from the hospital as she still had the patient details tagged around her wrist. My heart went out to her.
    "I am dying," the lady said breathlessly. "Oh the pain." Holding an extremely swollen liver, she gently leant closer and whispered, "They have sent me home to die. There is nothing more they can do. I cannot keep any food down and the pain is horrific. Can you help me?"
    "The doctors were right in saying that there is nothing more they can do." I said, with a twinkle in my eye, "but, there is quite a bit YOU can do."
   I could see by her body language that she was willing to try to help her situation. I continued: "The mind is unbelievably powerful and can have an enormous input on the owner`s health. Where there is passion for healing, and a good imagination, anything is possible." 
I immediately remembered a large brown mole on my left hand.
  About two years previously, one of my sons, and his mate, had borrowed the mate`s mother`s car, without asking. Kids do these things. I can remember taking my mother`s Morris Minor for a spin around the block. I was 14 and my folks had gone out for the afternoon.
  Anyway the mother was furious and reported her child and my son to the police.
  'Mr Plod' came to our home to see my son ........ My son who was very well behaved compared to all the other kids was copping it............

I actually was furious at the attitude of the policeman. Really furious. anyhow back to the story

  ........ I wiped off the extra paint from my hands and realised that the tiniest of brown moles, on my hand, had grown, in that hour, to a mole the size of my pointer or first fingernail! This was an eyeopener for me. My anger had released who knows what chemicals in my body, and my immune system probably had not had the time to respond. Incredible.
  Now back to the story.
    "See this mole?" I said, showing her my hand. "Go ahead and touch it."
 The lady touched it and then looked up at me, wondering what I was leading up to.
    "You can see that it is attached and that there is no flaky skin. It looks like a beauty spot. Come back tomorrow, and this will be gone. I`ll show you the power of the mind." The words flowed out of my mouth without me really thinking about what I was saying. "The mind can do anything, and you, still have your mind in tact."
  I stopped speaking for a second or two, in order to let my words sink in. "I have taught visualization for many years now......."

  Cutting the story short I asked the ambulance man to bring the lady back the next day at ten o`clock

  That night I sat myself on the couch and did some intense visualization, seeing my huge fixed mole GONE. I placed my right hand over my left, so that the mind could focus on the spot, and then I got down to business. I stayed with this focus for about twenty minutes. When I was finished, I lifted my right hand off the left expecting the mole to be gone. It wasn`t.
    "Oh dear. You have to leave mole, the lady will be back in the morning and you have to be gone," I said to my unconcerned mole, with a worried feeling inside.
  This, I kown, all sounds a little mad. I knew anything was possible, including the removal of my mole, as I had seen healings happen, umpteen times.
  The next day my mole was looking quite happy with being fixed to my hand. Not loosing any faith, at ten past nine, I sat down again to repeat my visualization of the night before. After twenty minutes, again, I lifted my hand only to find the mole still there.
    "Oh gosh, she`ll be here soon," I said to myself, starting to feel a bit foolish. "I think I will quickly vacuum the sitting room before she gets here."
  When all else fails, I resort to vacuuming. My mind always forgets to worry, and thoughts also disappear as I suck up God knows what, into the vacuum cleaner.
  Well I did the vacuuming and everything looked nice. I had already picked some flowers to liven the place. They were featuring, as usual, on the dining room table. I always liked the place to look clean, colourful and welcoming.
    "I had better put this thing away. I wonder what time it is?." It was five minutes to ten. I bent down to pick up the vacuum cleaner and guess what, I realised that the mole on my left hand was no longer there. It had completely gone!
    "What a blessing and Thank You," I murmered gratefully, as I shoved the vacuum cleaner into the hallway cupboard.


The lady in question had been diagnosed with advanced cirrhosis of the liver. Her liver was enlarged to three times the normal size. Using visualization, within a week her liver had reduced its size by a third.
   She insisted that I went to the doctor with her, when she went for her planned weekly appointment. She excitedly said to the doctor, "Look, my liver is not so big, and I am now able to keep food down."
  The doctor replied with a know-it-all smirk. "That, my dear is your liver shrinking. This is what happens when your liver dies. It shrinks."
Unpeturbed by his negative tones, the lady then asked,
    "Say I was to heal. How long would it take for my jaundice to disappear?"
The doctor thought she was in denial, and repeated her fate, then added, "If you were to heal, which at this stage is impossible, it would take weeks, possibly months to rid yourself of all that bile."
  The lady and I left laughing, as we knew she was healing, not dying. This particular lady had always worn a ring on her fourth finger. It had a stone, which to me, looked like a moonstone. When she had first come to me, a week earlier, it was a milky cream colour. Now there were flecks of emerald green and scarlet red shining brightly in the middle of the stone!
  My new found friend told me that she had been given the ring when she was young. In those days it was full of colour, as it was a fire opal.
    "It lost all its colour years ago. I thought maybe it was because of the dish washing detergent I use."
She was delighted to see the colour coming back again. The stone must have been picking up her energy. This meant that she was definately healing!!

True. The lady completely healed within a few weeks. Not only were her liver tests okay, but all her jaundice had disappeared as well. Her ring was also back to its full colour.

CONCLUSION. The body, just like a child, loves undivided attention. It thrives on love.

By the way I happened to run into this lady about four years ago. She still had no signs of any liver problems! This was about twenty years after her sickness was transmuted.

If you are interested in different types of healing  'miracles' please check out some other true stories on this blog. 
 Monday 12 th December 2011 "A Miraculous Christmas Healing Story
 Sunday 24th July  "When is a Nightmare Your Best Friend?"
 Sat. 2nd July 2011  "Instantaneous Healing"

Next time I will share with you how to get results with visualization

Until then
Happy Reading,
Cheers CMW

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Interpretation,Perspectives, Mansions within Mansions

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.

I have had many people wanting to hear stories about my time in Africa and my life in general, so I thought I would put pen to paper using this blog. So many extraordinary things have happened to me in the past, many relating to unthinkable reality! I`ve been lucky enough to be in a position where light can still be accessed even in the darkest moment. Because of this, pain has given way to love. Health has replaced disease and narrowness of thinking has become openness and acceptance.
The winds of change are blowing. We need to get back to basics and nourish our body, mind and spirit as well as our beautiful Mother Earth.

 Interpretation, perspectives, mansions within mansions, stories within stories, wheels within wheels, creation within creation.

We all are individuals travelling the same path, all wanting peace and love, good health and happiness yet we all see, hear and experience differently.
Poets, artists and musicians reach their audiences giving them the opportunity to freely connect with their works on emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Soul food. Often the watcher, the listener or the reader sees, hears and experiences something quite different to that of the creator. There are many stories within every story!
How we see, feel, react to and absorb information usually is controlled by our past.
Symbols and dreams also can mean different things to different people.

                                                  Be supple in mind as well as body
                                                  The willow bends with the wind
                                                  Holding firm
                                                  Allows movement without attachment

    Be open to new ideas. Be open to new possibilities. Be less attached to expectations and judgements.
The willow bends with the wind. Hold firm. Know that you are part of a bigger picture - one of Divinity connected to the Source. This will allow ease of movement in times of uncertainty and change.

The Chinese book of Change, and Wisdom, 'The I Ching' is one such work that encourages the reader/participant to reflect on the interpretation given and to also delve deeper into the psyche bringing to light other layers of perception. Hidden possibilities.   

The Firm Penetrates and Grows - Lin
This painting is one of a series  of the I Ching. I read many different interpretations of the I Ching before choosing this line in hexagon 19. I then painted my interpretation of that line.
The Firm Penetrates and Grows

The tapestry of life is depicted in the background. It is night and the emotions are dark. The moon also represents emotions. The bamboo bends like the willow yet stands firm. Green is the colour of the heart and hence our connection to our Higher Self and God. Bamboo holds firm, yet can bend with the wind, as it has strong roots in the ground and to its creator. If we stand firm, remain in the knowingness that we are a part of a bigger picture and if we can trust and have faith in our creator - God, our source - then we will have the courage to see that all experiences are a tool for higher learning. Everything has a purpose including the dark times. We can grow stronger, and become more, when we see our emotions with new eyes. Pain & suffering gives way to happiness and fulfillment.
The number 1 represents new biginnings and going out on a limb. The number 9 means creativity, selfless service and endings. 1+9 =  10. Stand firm in your source and you will have NEW BEGINNINGS

New emotions = new thoughts = new actions = faith = new emotions = new thoughts = new actions = peace

                                               Lighten up your day with knowingness
                                               And darkness cannot interfere with play

Here`s to a new way of seeing,
Cheers & Love  CMW

Tuesday 10 January 2012

2012 Be Prepared Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Spiritually.

  I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


2012 Predictions
There are copious amounts of predictions all forecasting the possible chaos that could destroy much of life as we know it on our beautiful planet Earth. Most religions and cultures around the world warn of impending disaster, and as humans become more and more entrenched in commercialism and materialism, the wanting of more & more, how can balance be reborn individually as well as globally? Certainly at times there comes a point in life where we are forced to re assess and change our way of living in order to survive. Disease, including cancer is an example of this. Bankruptcy or natural disasters are other examples. Change can happen very quickly.
Every experience is an opportunity for spiritual growth - for the observer as well as the experiencer
I have been reading about the intensity of the predicted Solar Flares that are due to be discharged by the sun within the next two years. Scientists don`t know exactly when - some say latter half of 2012 and others claim 2013 will be a big year for solar activity. Scientists do agree that they will be very intense, in fact larger than what we have ever been recorded to hit the Earth. True? Possibly. Google Solar Flares for 2012, and you can intuit your own feelings about possibilities in your State, County, Country.

At the least, Power outages, lasting for weeks, or months, could be a possibilty with Solar Flare Activity, also floods etc.


1/  The most beneficial thing that anyone can do is to make contact with the Divine Creator/God  Meditate and become one with the Creator. Get into the space between the words and connect with everything that is, ever will be and ever has been. The space that ignites the Spirit within, filling you with unconditional love and wholeness.
If you can be in this space daily then answers and directions come to light. Guidance, in a larger than life sense, will assist you in every way. You will become more energised and be more clear-headed and therefore creatively constructive as you won`t be acting out of fear but from a happy space of love. You will also be in the 'right' place at the right time.

2/  Read, and perhaps activate, personal ideals set out in the previous posting on this blog.
     Take responsibility for your health and your actions etc etc. Transmute Karma, make amends for mistakes etc. that might have done harm to others or our planet Earth.

3/  Transmute Fear  Meditation and a good diet with plenty of greens and fish oil will help. Licorice root tea drank daily will help pacify the adrenal glands. Less cheese, more exercise. Of course caffeine drinks, including the big coca cola, magnify stress.
Read an older post on this blog  23/5/2011 What is Quality of Life? It talks about fear!

4/  Be Prepared practically as well as emotionally, physically and spiritually and mentally.
    Power outages, lasting for months, could be a possibilty with Solar Flare Activity.
     Stock up with extra supplements. Store in a cool dry place Green Powders, Vit B`s, Colloidal     Minerals and Fish Oil. If necessary one could survive with only these.
     Have a Clean Water Supply that can be accessed if a power outage.
     Prepare a Heavy duty First Aid Kit.  Include Echinacea for immune system. Also include the mouthwash Eliminator. This is a Neways product and can be used for many different applications eg. diarrhea, infected wounds/ulcers. I also have a brilliant little box of homeopathic remedies that includes remedies such as Ledum for tick poisoning, Arnica for bruising. Ledum has saved my precious cat "Queenie" a couple of times!
     Learn how to heal using Creative Visualization techniques. Simple and free.
      Read  the posts: Visualisation - an incredible healing story     24/01/12
                                   Creative Visualisation for Healing (how to)  31/01/12
  * Stock up with heart tablets, asthmatic medication, epilepsy medication etc.
     Own a Good Pair of Rubber-soled Boots, jeans, sunhat, long-sleeved shirt, gloves.
     Wind-upTorches, solar radio? Camp oven, solar oven, cob oven?
     Tinned Food, Dried Fruits, Nuts. Matches etc etc. Can opener etc. 
     Disinfectant, well-sealed containers for storing / carrying water, foods.
There are countless other 'things' one could add to the list. The basic idea is that if you have done some preparation then you can stop thinking in the 'fear' and get on with the now. Creativity, family, work, happiness, fulfillment.

* I recently read an article that wrote about research on the effect of solar flares on our health. It said that there are more people presenting as suicidal, having asthmatic attacks, epilepsy and heart attacks when solar flares are discharged. Food for thought.. Why not think about being possibly prepared?

Of course the only thing constant is change. Maybe recent events leading up to this time have changed what might have been into another story in time and space. Possibilities are endless. Who really knows the future?    

                                     See the positives, hidden somewhere in the negatives
                                     Resting, waiting to be discovered
                                     Spirit calling out
                                     To be united with the mind
                                     Consciousness awakening

Next time I will show you another of my paintings, hopefully adding a little bit more colour and inspiration into the world.

Until next time, CMW

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Some Personal Ideals For 2012

      I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Allow worry to subside in the knowledge that all is in fact in Divine Order. Make contact with our Creator
Honour who we truly are by giving ourselves silence and contemplation within the apparent chaos of our daily lives.
Judge not. Enjoy our friends and their unique way of expressing themselves and creating their individual journey.
Create unity in diversity - be it within community, politics, religion
Transmute fear, anger and pain by working on ourselves
Practice foregiveness and open the heart. Make amends for past mistakes.Transmute Karma
Listen to our friends, partners, family, neighbours. Listen not only to people but also to the trees, the birds, the ocean.
Practice the art of non-attachment whether it be to people, material objects, control issues or past pain or suffering so that moving forward into self-love and creativity can take place.
Take responsibility for one's own feelings, responses, perspective, actions and life situations
Treat all living things with sensitivity, compassion and love. All living things are an integral part of us.
Give blessings for all daily creations that we experience. Be grateful.
Understand that change is just a thought away. Have courage to be that change
Live life constructively and creatively creating positive outcomes - enjoy the process
Open meridians (energy circuits) - Tai Chi, Stretching, Yoga,. Walk, cycle, rather than drive
Eat healthier foods. Support co-operatives, health food shops and local small businesses
Grow foods, herbs. Plant trees. Keep bees
See the beauty in each and every moment thus infusing love and joy into the 'whole'. Aliveness.
Honour the Planet at all times. Create less rubbish. Compost, recycle, reduce
  These are just a few of the ideals that the Living Planet Quality of Life Resource Centre, that used to be my home as well as a 'Centre', aimed to spread around by practicing them ourselves. I watched people as they became more inspired, and more of life, by being constructively active in making this world (&their world) a better place.

Here`s to Change
Here`s to Action
Here`s to Happiness
And good Health

Cheers CMW

Sunday 1 January 2012

2012 Out With The Old and In With The New

This Christmas was the best Xmas ever. Our family worked in a local town helping to prepare Christmas dinner for, and feed, many homeless, lonely and challenged people. It was a huge day - 6 hour shift . We all had sore feet and were exhausted at the end of the day. No Xmas dinner and no opening of presents for us! The family had voted on what to do for this Christmas a few weeks before. It was unaminous. We all wished to do something that was worthwhile and for others.
We opened our presents on Boxing Day. No rushing, just relaxing! Lunch was a shared meal with specially made cold vegetarian goodies, not too much, just enough.
THIS CHRISTMAS WAS THE BEST EVER. Nothing centred around greed. It actually felt like a real Chrsitmas!
2011 flew by. On a personal level much was observed and much was dissolved. Most friendships were strengthened but some friendships petered out.
                                          He who grasps becomes attached
                                          And in so doing strangles himself
Some friendships had to be worked on. I had to work on letting go of my attachments, and expectations, as well as my judgements in order for those friendships to survive, and in fact blossom!!! Worth every bit of the effort.
Small minded thoughts, that include the word "should ", are often clung to and can create bitterness and stress, which then impacts on our social environment as well as our physical being.

To complete the year 2011 I enjoyed a small family dinner with my grandchildren. Whilst enjoying our meal we each reflected over, and shared, the good, the bad, the happiest and the most personally rewarding times throughout the year. After dinner each of us thought about our intentions for 2012 - how we could better ourselves, what we were going to change/work on and aim for. Quietly we each wrote down, on a little bit of paper,our sincere intentions for 2012. Then each of us thought about those intentions whilst asking the angels, and our guides, to help us honour our intentions. Each little bit of paper was then individually burnt by the author and thus the intentions were sent out into the ether, setting the scene for 2012!
A nice way to complete the last year and to bring in the New Year.

                                        HAPPY  NEW  YEAR

May 2012 be filled with the music of creation. HOPE, COURAGE, FOREGIVENESS, PEACE, LOVE & FULFILLMENT
Here`s to 2012
Cheers CMW