Monday 1 August 2011

Snakeskin - Shedding the Old, Renewal

August 2nd

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


A couple of days ago I decided it was time to do a juicing cleanse. I think I will start on the 14th August as that is the day after my birthday outing with my family. I have started collecting boxes to grow some wheatgrass in as I feel I need green. I will also be juicing carrots, apple, celery, ginger and beetroot. My aim is to juice for a month. That gives me heaps of quiet time meditating, contemplating and being quiet around the home. Life gets so full of activity. I think it is good to wind down and take a breath and have the time to be very awake, in the moment, to allow truth and beauty to reveal itself more freely.
I call this process of uncluttering Sacred Time. Candles lit, flowers and other offerings to the Divine will be ritually given each day emphazing the connection to everyone and everything. All feelings and insights experienced in the stillness of the mind are a sacred deepening assisting the soul on its journey.
Every time I do this juicing fast I feel a deeper connection to God. Therefore any habitual destructive, judgemental or emotional actions are decreased as my heart is recharged with LOVE.
When old ways of seeing are transmuted I always feel that I am stepping out of my clothes. I actually turn my head back, with a smile on my face, as if I can 'see' the old clothes lying there on the floor.

Nature Spirits want us to communicate with them.

I play a lot with nature, toning the earth in places devoid of love. I have fun with the lizards, birds and in fact all creatures large or small. Nature is my best friend and I believe I am Natures friend. When I need an answer to a question animals sometimes manifest in the physical - even in places where they are very rarely seen! Sometimes far away from their seasonal migration. Sometimes so close that I can feel their breath, or if birds manifest I can feel their wings ruffle my hair as they fly past. When I was working in the Cook Islands my answer to a pressing question was given to me when a huge sperm whale jumped right out of the water in front of me - with a smile on his face. Everyone (locals) was shocked as it was the wrong time of the year for whales and they never ever come that close! When the answer to my question is clear the animal/bird/insect just vanishes in a flash.

There was a huge new moon last night.
Most of my Sacred Time will be spent in meditation in the library. The library is a sacred place where I do 'hands on' healing and distant healing. It is a space where people come to gain knowledge or come for sanctuary. It is also used for community gatherings such as meditation.
This morning when I opened the door to go into the library there was a beautiful new snakeskin hanging directly over the inside of the doorway.
I most certainly will be stepping out of the old and into another stage of my development.

 Everything that we do permeates the whole.

When a snake slides over my feet, or is seen by me crossing over my path, I know energy of a spiritual kind is presenting itself. Lifeforce is available. If the snake comes from my left it is to do with my past, if from the right it is a new energy coming into my life (from the future).
For me snakes are always positive and dynamic. Movement. I also am aware of the colour of the snake, insect, bird or animal. Once I nearly stood on a black and white striped snake. I therefore knew balance (Yin/yang) was the order of the day!

 As I said before, everything is everywhere, nothing is separate. Energy permeates all. Our emotions, words and actions spread out into the whole. Like a pebble dropped into a still pond, ripples spread out. The ripples more obvious to the naked eye when close to the action, thoughts, words and emotion.

A few years ago, when it was time for bed, I opened my bedroom door only to find a bird disorientated and off balance. I caught him and released him outside. At the time I thought it rather strange that the bird had somehow flown into my bedroom. These birds are usually in bed at dusk, way before dark.
The next morning I woke up with vertigo. I had only had vertigo once before and that was after an accident where I fell and knocked my head on the concrete and broke my arm.
They only thing that seemed to make the vertigo go was a supplement of chelated minerals that included calcium and Vit D. I later had a Vit D test and I was vit D deficient. Now I take extra Vit D and have had no other vertigo attacks. (Vit D is necessary for calcium absorption and apparently loads of people in sunny Queensland are vit D deficient!).

Another time we were renting a house and I had a very strong feeling that the house was sold. The neighbours were looking for someone to rent their place as they were going to be moving. I rang our landlady and explained that the house next door was going to be coming up for rent and that I was wondering if they had an interested buyer or that their house had sold. The landlord claimed that it definately wasn`t being sold and that we could keep on renting. A couple of days later, when I was parking the car in the driveway, a huge white-tailed rat ran across my path, as if coming out of the house! I had never seen or heard of these rats in that part of Australia. Again I thought that it was strange. I also thought that someone (a giant rat), pretending to live by spiritual laws (white tail), was in fact lying and that was going to impact on us. A couple of days later I found out that the house had been sold and that we had two weeks to find somewhere else!! Next door had already lined up someone to rent their place as rental properties are very hard to find in that area.
The animal kingdom had forewarned us so we didn`t get caught up in anger etc. and without resistance (anger, fear) we were soon given alternative accommadation.

Next time I will share with you a story about a black dog called Anubis

Until then
Happy days,
Cheers CMW

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