Thursday 11 August 2011

Anubis Comes to the Rescue


I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


In Egypt prayers are seen carved on the most ancient tombs to assist the dead in admitting them to the underworld. Anubis, depicted as a man with a head of a jackal-like animal, is an incredibly ancient god. He is the god of preservation and was known as the embalmer of Osiris so that Osiris would be able to live again.
Anubis protects, and leads, the innocent into heavenly existence. Anubis monitored the scales of truth to protect the dead from deception and eternal death. He is also portrayed as a black dog escorting and protecting Isis. He is also a patron of magic and is seen holding the divine sceptre carried by kings and gods.
As the protector he has a black and white ox-hide splattered with blood and hanging fron a pole.
In modern times he is often thought of as a black dog or jackal.
 Now to my story. It goes something like this:

Way back my ancestors were very religious. One chap in particular was a missionary type who travelled from village to village preaching the gospel. His only form of income was that given to him by his congregation. This money he would take with him in a black bag as he walked to his next calling.
One day he was walking to his next village when two thieves jumped out from behind some rocks to steal his money. Suddenly a black dog appeared from nowhere and warded off the two thieves! Of course no money was able to be stolen.
Apparently the two thieves were so shocked that they became devote christians.

I believe that thought patterns manipulate matter. If a certain thought pattern, or belief pattern, has been around for a long time, even if we think it is only a mythical creation, it can be used to assist us in our times of need. It also can be a destroyer.

In the past when I have been really worried about a dangerous situation I have seen a beautiful short-haired, sleek black dog, with pointed large ears, appear in the physical form in front of me. Sometimes it will run quickly across my path only a few feet away from me! I am not looking for a dog, or expecting anything to manifest, it just happens. The dog is definately physical, not a vision.
Years ago I was frantically driving down to Melbourne and I needed to know that my daughter and children were safe. I was very worried about a particular situation. The stretch of road was flat, no farms in sight, in the middle of what seemed like nowhere I asked the universe "Are the girls okay?"
Immediately I saw about 100 metres in front of me a little dirt track that headed off to the left of the road into the distance. No house in sight. Right in the middle of the dirt track, a couple of metres in from the road, sat the same black, shiny short-haired dog with pointed large ears, sitting upright as if protecting that track.
I immediately knew my family was safe. They were being protected and no harm would come to them.

Another time my partner and I were at the fish markets in Dar Es Salam (apparently you should never go there as you could be knocked off- for money). We were on the beach, behind the markets,checking out the colours and designs of the fishing boats. Fabulous boats. Anyhow, we started to walk back to the markets when a man started to hassle us. He was getting closer and closer to my friend Somerset and had a very aggressive, threatening look in his eyes. Ne was about a metre from Somerset when he pulled out a shiny knife and was abouut to lunge at Somery. On the spur of the moment all I could think to do was to yell out in my mind "ANUBIS"!!!!!
INSTANTLY the man backed back. He then turned around and walked off.
Somerset had been terrified and had thought he was a gonner. I am sure he would have been killed if Anubis had not come to the rescue. This time I didn`t see a black dog but I now know who to call for in a dangerous situation.

Another time a lady from Melbourne rang me asking for guidance and help. She  was having trouble with people breaking into her house. Twice her house had been robbed. She also had had threatening letters etc. She lived in an area where there were many unemployed and where there were many hoons. She couldn`t sleep through fear of a break-in and attack. I told her to make sure she always locks up and then I told her about Anubis and how he is a protector. I described him and asked her to ask him to guard her house. I asked her to imagine this beautiful, pointed-eared, sleek black dog sitting on guard at her front door and her back door (as if there were two black guard dogs).
That night she slept like a baby. Not only was she now protected but she also had transmuted her fear!
Her fear had been a growing concern, as resistance = persistence. If fear remains, then reason to have that fear will persist!!

I will be writing about thought patterns and manifestation another day.

Bye for now
Cheers CMW

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