Sunday 24 July 2011

When is a Nightmare Your Best Friend?

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


When is a Nightmare Your Best Friend? 

Many years ago I used to invite people who had a terminal illness to stay at our home for seven to ten days. I lived on Magnetic Island, an island that has coral outcrops and beautiful National Park walks etc., 180 different species of birds throughout the year and blue skies to top it off. A perfect resting place where one can communicate with the spirit of the land and the quiet space within.
I would teach the patient meditation & visualization, a bit about juicing & diet etc and generally let them unwind and be quiet.
A young man, possibly in his late twenties, came to stay with us in our crazy household. He had been diagnosed some time before with inoperable cancer of the brain. Even though his prognosis was very poor this young man had stuck to a juicing and raw food diet and was doing everything by the book. He had come to learn to meditate, to have some hands-on healing and for any other little bits of information about healing (I had quite a large health section of books).
Now you might think this odd, but that very first day of sitting in meditation I was given a message. "Tell the guy that if he has a nightmare that he has to say immediately on waking I`m Alive, I`m Safe and I am Loved. As soon as he realizes that he was dreaming, and before he does anything at all, he must repeat over and over out load to himself (or think the words over & over) I`m Alive, I`m Safe and I am Loved!"
Well the words I heard were very clear so even though I thought the guy would think I was nuts I asked him if he ever had nightmares.
"No, never. Why do you ask" He said looking at me in a strange way.
"Oh, well" I said shrugging my shoulders "If you ever do happen to have one, this is what you must do".
The next morning he came excitedly down the stairs yelling out "Guess what. I had a nightmare last night! AND I did what you told me to do".
No more was said about the nightmare incident, although he did confide his past to me. The chap returned home to his wife and children refreshed, relaxed and happy.                                        
I moved house after getting divorced, and then went on a working stint in a remote part of AfricaIt was two years later when I heard from this man again who had happened to find out where I was living after reading about my African experience in a newspaper.
He rang me with this news "Just wanted to tell you that the next time I had a brain scan there was no sign of ever having cancer!!!!"

Many years later after understanding more about thought patterns and emotions I understand how this happened. I haven`t the time and space to go into this on the blog but believe me those few words uttered straight after a nightmare are healing indeed. They are transmuters, transmuting deep-seated suppressed fear and suffering.
If you know anyone who has nightmares please tell them this story. Children will need one of their parents to say the words softly and clearly without any other distractions like hugging etc. You need to put in a clear thought pattern whilst everything except the fear is the child`s focus. You may hold the child`s hand or stroke softly a very young child`s forehead/third eye whilst repeating the words over and over until they fall back to sleep.

This writing is taken from my HEALTHY HINTS PAGE

La la salama - sweet dreams
Cheers  CMW

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