Sunday 28 August 2011

Channelling Healing, Distant Healing, Energy Healing

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


For years I devoted my days to being of service, especially channelling healing, to those that asked for help. Sometimes I found myself placing my hands over a patient, sometimes on the patient. I had utter faith in God and had no need to look, or wish, for results as I knew that healing could be of the body, mind or spirit and God knew what to do in what area. I always asked, and still do, for healing of the body, mind and spirit, whatever is needed for the highest good of the patient. Before laying on of hands I quietly centre myself and make contact, in the stillness, to the Creator before asking, in my mind, in the name of Jesus Christ for healing to take place. Most of the time I experience heat surging through my body, down my arms and through my hands into the patient. My hands move automatically to the areas needed. I allow my hands to do their 'thing' whilst I watch on without my ego interfering.
In the past though I would sometimes feel my body changing shape and I would feel like I actually was a different person. This would also sometimes happen when I was doing absent or distant healing. When this feeling happened I was/ am fully aware of myself as well as the 'other' image. Patients would be instantly healed when this happened.
Many patients claimed to see various healing energies/entities who assisted in the 'healings' that took place.
Even after being healed, through distant/absent healing, patients would ring me to say that they had seen an Indian Medicine Man or a Chinese Medicine man etc.come to them and heal them. By the way, I never ever suggested anything of the sort  pre session and most of the time my patients were not into anything to do with 'spiritual' healing.
More on these types of healings another time.

There was also a spiritual Aboriginal Medicine man who called himself Jagel.
Many people would say they had a vision, whilst my hands were on them, of an Aboriginal man standing next to me. Strangely again it was people who weren`t looking for a vision and also probably had never ever had one, or heard of having visions.
Other patients saw an ascended master mainly Jesus, Archangel Michael and Mary.
Please remember that I never spoke of anything to do with visions, sixth sense, spirituality or anything else. It was just that the patients happened upon me, or had had a dream before hand that they could get help from me so somehow stumbled onto me. I have never advertized, and in fact I don`t talk about healing unless someone brings it up. I also don`t make any claims to people that they will be healed, although I do know that nothing negative ever happens. Only good things happen adding to a better quality of life.
Healing is sometimes subtle yet profound when healing happens at an etheric level. Sometimes emotional, sometimes physical. I don`t put any thought into expectations, wishes or wants as I don`t know what is truly the most beneficial area to be worked on. Actually I`m flat out trying to work out my own issues so how could I know all about each patient - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, environmentally, diet, karma, lessons to be learnt etc.!
The source, the higher self knows all as it is all. So I am just a 'empty' channel tuning in to the Divinity within it all. Surrendering to a higher energy for the good of all.

Jagel also channelled loads of information through me in the way of writing words of wisdom, truth and beauty. He also channelled through me this batik. I was fully conscious and in the "space between the words" as I, or should I say we, produced this batik on raw silk.

'Mother Earth' is about balancing the yin and the yang to form complete harmony.
 Even though female energy is very different to male energy we have both energies within us. In this batik the snake on the left, represents female energy and the snake on the right represents male energy or lifeforce.
Yin is female, receptive and intuitive, yang is male and is active and logic. Often we are more receptive and intuitive and not enough logic and action, or the other way around.
In iridology (I`m also an iridologist), the left side of the body represents the feminine, compassionate and spiritual side of things, and the right side of the body represents the male logic, work, physical action and intellect. We look for weaknesses in either side of the body to see where there is insufficiency, or lack, in the patient`s life. We look for genetic weaknesses that inadvertly create different emotional responses like depression, anger, guilt which all then affect the body`s vibrational frequencies and health. The idea is to regain harmony in all aspects of the self.
If we look at both sides of ourselves, and try to bring both expressions of lifeforce into balance, then opportunity to create our full potential, in harmony with the whole, will be realized. Health also will be attained as well as spiritual growth. The body, mind and spirit relies on balance between the different expressions of creation within and without our physical body.
In the above batik we also see the pulse of creation as the wave like motion travels beyond the immediate frame. The dots represent movement and pure essence within all matter.
'Mother Earth' suggests two energies in harmony, with the uterus inbetween, coming together to give birth (heads of the snake meet up at the cervix).

Until next time,
Cheers CMW

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