Monday 22 August 2011

The Supernatural - Extraordinary Raffle Winnings

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


When your heart is flowing in Divine Presence you are selflessly living with compassion to all - friends, community, nature and Mother Earth. God works through, and in us, in every way. 
Faith, Trust and Commitment to Awakening our consciousness carries us to the deepest most silent part within - where everything (God) resides.
Doors are flung open and light imbues us. Chaos may arise and the light within rearranges our perspectives. In the silence we feel, 'see' and hear the all-knowing voice of God. 

God (Divine Creator of all) hears our every thought, word and action!

Two Front Doors To Home

The other day a friend of mine, and I, were talking about old times and how things seem to manifest at the right time in the right place. I remembered a time in my past when we were really short of cash.

I was sitting on the ferry heading home, from the mainland, to the Island when an acquaintance of mine plonked down on the seat next to me.
'Hello Christabel, long time no see'.
I always enjoyed my conversations with her as she was also a trained nursing sister.
'Have been watching out for you' she said, as she rearranged her shopping so that it wouldn`t fall over. 'Actually, I wanted to know if you happen to know of anyone interested in escorting a sick friend of mine to
see an alternative healer in the Cook Islands'.
My ears were now like my eyes, wide open. Goose bumps flew into action. She continued as she looked at me
'The first person I thought of was you, but I thought you probably would be too busy to go'.
Before she could say any more I butted in and said I would love to go. This felt like a calling.

All food, travelling expenses from Cairns, and accommodation, would be covered by the lady. I would meet the lady in Cairns and then we would fly to Raratonga. We were to stay in a rented cottage for six weeks, hire a motor bike and ride to the healer`s home a few times a week. The healing technique was called Body Electronics and I was to learn the techniques and work on the patient during these times. What a blast! I hadn`t felt so excited for ages.
A few weeks previous to seeing my acquaintance on the ferry I had had a vision of pressure points on the body, so I actually had started to study reflexology. Body Electronics incorporates lengthy pressure point holding as well as other techniques. Yes, I felt I HAD to go!

I would have to find the dollars to enable me to fly/rail/bus? it up to Cairns.
My husband was without work and we were finishing building our pole home, so at this stage of the game we were very short of cash. ( I never charged my patients who came for healings ).  
Also my parents were coming to stay with us on the Island and they were very fussy about the food they ate. They had expensive tastes and loved their classy wine and caviar, water biscuits and dips, whisky, expensive marmalade and a particular expensive apricot jam. Olives etc etc etc. There was no way we had the cash to buy our own basics, never mind theirs!

On top of this there appeared another hitch. The lady had rung me to say that the only dates available were from July......through to August......... . My parents were due to arrive within this time-frame so after speaking to  the lady, and telling her that I was really excited about going with her, I rang up my parents to tell them about the Cook Island 'once in a lifetime opportunity' and to ask them if they could possibly change their travelling dates.
They were furious. Even though they were financially well-off and retired, they would not change their dates.
'Stuff it' I said to myself, as I put down the receiver. 
I started packing that day.

I had certainly, and unknowingly, put out a clear focussed thought pattern
My thought pattern was I AM GOING, NO MATTER WHAT!

A few days later the lady from Cairns rang and informed me that there had been a stuff-up and that the dates were to be July..... to August ..... . instead of August ..  !
I was ecstatic. The new dates meant that I would arrive home the DAY BEFORE my parents turned up!!!
One hurdle down.

Now to my story about the raffle winnings.

The next hurdle, to overcome, was the food problem. If my parents didn`t have expensive food all hell would be let loose. Peace would not be on the agenda.

I was travelling home on the bus trying to conjure up some brilliant ideas re food for my folks. Slightly agitated, I started to feel like nibbling on something like potato chips or, yes twisties. Hadn`t had any twisties for years and years (not good for you). Used to eat them when I was a teenager. 
Thoughts continued running through my mind as to where the hell I could conjure up some $ to acquire ingredients etc etc. Oh, and our incredibly old and unique sprinkler had thrown in the towel. It used to water the whole garden. My husband would definately not be bothered watering our garden by hand and we were in the dry season. My 'babies' would definitely need watering whilst I`m away and I`m to leave in a couple of days time. Come on God, I need your help.

  'Faulty Towers', yelled the bus driver as he pulled into the front of our garden. That was my stop. Faulty Towers was the locals name for our home.
I grabbed my things, said thank you, and waved ta ta.
  'Have a great time' he yelled to me, as he swung the bus back on to the road.

My head was in a bit of a spin. Home. Coolness.
The sun was behind me and as I approached our two open front doors I could make out two large 'somethings' sitting inside in the hallway. What seemed like a rather large dirty washing basket and a smaller white plastic laundry basket were indeed featuring in the front hall. Strange. 
The closer I moved the more inquisitive I became. "What on earth is that?" I said to myself as I dropped my shopping and bag on the floor. "My goodness, this is odd". 
Perched, and featuring, on top of the biggest basket was a MASSIVE packet of Twisties! I did not know that you could buy Twistie packets that large! All very weird. Scratching my head I walked around the baskets which I could now see were absolutely FULL of goodies.
  'These groceries must have been delivered to the wrong house' I thought to myself as I fondled the Twisties packet.
  'How odd' I took in a deep breath and pinched myself as I saw what was poking out from under the Twisties packet. 'A sprinkler and it is exactly the same as our old one, but is new!'  
I had been looking all over the place to buy a new one like my very, very old one that had broken a few weeks before. I had been told they do not make them any more!

Inside the baskets there was not only the much needed sprinkler but there was also the 'right' expensive whisky, Mum and Dad`s favourite wine, their favourite olives, jam, marmalade, water biscuits, and actually everything
they really loved, and expected. There was also everything that my family needed for the pantry, to keep the wolves away, as well as lots more much needed goodies!

I hunted for a delivery note as usually this was stuck on the top of deliveries. No note of any kind could be found on either basket. Strange, and bewildering, indeed. It was amazing that everything we really needed was actually sitting in the two baskets yet I had absolutely no idea where they came from or who they were meant for. The delivery man must have mistakenly dropped off the groceries at our address. Somebody would surely realize the mistake and come and collect them. 
I put the kettle on for a cuppa, winked back at the winking Twisties and then rang up the delivery business to inform them of their mistake and to see if they could come and pick the baskets up.
  'No, wasn`t us. We have had no delivey to you today. Sorry love, cannot help you.'

I poured my cup of Earl Grey and once again checked out the baskets. Those Twisties were too much to take. Temptation overcame me. I opened up the winking twisties and wrote a big Thankyou and hope you don`t mind note, saying that I would replace the packet a.s.a.p. Then I sat down and pondered.

Maybe someone had given them to us? Not possible. Nobody on the island knew my parents, never mind what their favourite foods and wine were! Our two front doors were always wide open so anybody, I suppose, could have put them in the front entrance. No locks and patients would amble in and find comfort in one of the sitting rooms or garden. Sometimes people would just come and find peace and then go on their way. We also had a piano that people and tourists would wander in and play. Island life was quite laid-back and creative.

Before I left for Cairns, and the Cook Islands, we had already used the promite and flour and a couple of other things. Every time we used something from the baskets we said thankyou and I wrote it on the Twistie List so we could replace them when the baskets were claimed.

I left on a high note and had the most rewarding and inspirational adventure in the Body Electronics mind-field. When I arrived home, the day before my folks were to arrive, the still unclaimed goodies were taken out of the baskets ready for use. My folks didn`t know the story behind their 'comfort' and really enjoyed their holiday. Caviar, wine and the tropics. Not bad eh?

Three or four weeks after my parents had returned home I ran into the old postmistress. 'Hi, Christabel. Did you enjoy your win?'
'What win?'
'You know. The Rediscovery Weekend Raffle'
'We were away that weekend. How could we have won the raffle?' I asked in disbelief. I knew that they normally sell raffle tickets throughout that weekend drawing it at the end of the Rediscovery Festival.

What the Postmistress said next was astonishing. 
  'It was DEFINITELY  YOU who won the two baskets. I remember the day, and, who bought the ticket!' She was shaking her head from side to side and looked extremely puzzled as she continued to explain to me, 'I and my friend were selling tickets to people at the end of the jetty as. We caught people as they got off the ferries and also as they got on to head off back to the mainland.'
She stopped for a breath and then continued, 'It was really strange. An old man, whom I`ve never ever seen before, got off the ferry, walked straight to us and just bought one ticket, turned around and got back on the ferry. Back to the mainland!' She shook her head 'We thought it very strange'.
Then she continued, 'What was even stranger was that he didn`t leave a name. He just wrote down a phone number, and then left! Both my friend and I thought it all very odd indeed '.

What I thought was even stranger was that the postmistress didn`t ring us up to find out who the lucky winner was. It took her weeks to go through the phone book and find us. Crazy. She apparently just had a mental block. If she had rung us straight away you know, I would have told her, over the phone, to give it to a charity to re raffle off.

As it turned out  thanks to the old man, an angel in disguise, our needs were more than met. Thank You.

Moral of this story
If you are living your passion, then the universe reveals its unlimited self, supplying all that you need.
Mister Big Ears hears everything

For a couple of other incredible stories go to:
Post  25/10/11  The Purple Jacket - a Gift from Africa`s Animal Kingdom
Post  15/06/11  Madagascar  Sunset Moth - Africa Calling

Have fun reading,
Until next time
Love and light CMW

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