Monday 27 February 2012

Outback Vision Quest

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

Every now and then a Gorge With A Little Oasis
With every action there is a reaction!
Sometimes we lock our feelings (our reactions) away. Sometimes the emotional pain suffered is so acute that it is easier to push feelings aside, hiding them in order to get through the day. The trouble is that if we don`t  express our pain we are then more likely to manifest disease, especially cancer. I`m a living example of this. By the way I have no signs of cancer now.
Tears, screams and more tears unplug the choked up, and banked up, inner turmoil. Spirit requires movement in order to remain balanced and productive. Happiness is to do with balance in all areas of life be it spiritual, emotional, mental or physical.
                                               The sun torches earth
                                               Barren wasteland
                                               Parched solitude
                                               No sound heard
                                               Not even the whistle of a single bird

                                               Naked stalks
                                               Wait patiently for wet
                                               To bathe once more
                                               The roots of time                         
                                               To cast new seeds
                                                On desert floor

                                                Carpet of colour
                                                Comes quickly once more
                                                Abundance of life
                                                Stillness gone
                                                Movement, dance-like
                                                Now creates a new song

I love the outback. The silence is deafening, the purity of colour is profound. No phones, no computers, no people, no judgement. Spending time by yourself in the Outback is akin to a Vision Quest. Mother Earth shares her secrets openly giving you time to absorb her qualities which in fact are part of us all. In the stillness, and silence, one is embued with the complicated, simplicity of creation. Boundaries are dissolved as you become part of Mother Earth and hence part of the 'whole'. Doorways open as pain and suffering is released. Movement for the Spirit. Knowingness for the mind. New song.

                                                 Richness of beauty
                                                 Waiting to explode
                                                 Into a profusion of colour

                                                 Thunder rolls in
                                                 Within the emptiness
                                                 Stillness filled with pure delight
                                                 Screaming to be heard

                                                 Movement found
                                                 Within the centre

Here`s to letting go of the past
and making way for the new

Cheers and love CMW


Wednesday 22 February 2012

Distant or 'Absent' Healing heals Extreme Ross River Fever

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW


Magnetic Island
6.30am onwards
When I lived on Magnetic Island I would walk along the walking tracks and then climb up a magnificent granite outcrop and upon reaching the top I would then indulge in an hour of meditation - for myself and for the Earth. Often I would have huge white-breasted sea eagles encircle me and very often other birds including white cockatoos, drongos, friar birds, parrots and honey eaters would come very close, purching on the branches of native trees that somehow appeared between the huge rounded boulders, lurching forward, towards the Pacific Ocean. Magnetic Island is clothed in green, hence over 180 different species of birds frequent the Island.
I would arrive back home, bag of rubbish in hand collected along the way, around 8am. How lucky was I!

Those days were centred around healing. Hands on healing happened usually one or two times a day in between painting and designing. 'Absent' or 'distant' healing was my main way of giving back to the planet. I would do absent healing for about an hour and a half  during the day and about an hour and a half, sometimes longer, in the evening before retiring for the night. Those days were full of magic.

I have many, many stories of amazing happenings on Magnetic, but today I would love to tell you a little story of yet another healing, this time through conscious 'distant' healing.

This particular day I had dropped in to visit a friend, and her husband, who owned, and ran, a holiday resort. I hadn`t seen either of them for awhile, hence my visit. When I arrived it was evident that her husband was flat out working doing her jobs as well as his own.
  "Where`s that darling wife of yours?" I searchingly asked.
  "Can`t stop and talk, sorry. Poor darling is terribly sick with Ross River Fever. She can hardly walk as she is in loads of pain. Just wish she could get some relief." He answered, then muttered  "It`s a bloody nuisance".
It was summer and the humidity was high. This couple were well into their fifties, so he was feeling the work-load.
    I raced inside to see her and to see if she needed help with anything. It was true, the dreaded Ross River Fever had definitely got hold of her. She was in agony. After a little while it was time for me to go but, before leaving her I couldn`t help myself from asking her if she would like me to do some 'absent' healing for her. She looked at me in a rather blank way. I guess she had never heard of 'absent' or 'distant' healing before.
   " I just get into a medititive state and ask for healing to be sent you. It`s no big deal, I do it all the time for loads of people. Great for pain relief. Nothing negative ever happens and who knows, maybe you will be healed!" I laughed. "I`m just a chanel for energy to flow through me, activating your healing energy."
    "Okay," she answered." That would be wonderful. I`ve been like this and in pain for weeks so I am ready to try ANYTHING!"   I kissed her on the cheek and, with a twinkle in my eye, said goodbye.

    That night I sat down and asked for healing to flow through me to my suffering friend, healing her body, mind and spirit, whatever was needed for her highest good. Straight away a surge of light forcibly entered my third eye, almost pushing me backwards, and then, just as I could feel my body changing shape I found myself looking at my body, which was now to the left of me. I looked at my body  and saw a big fat Chinaman occupying my body instead of me. I watched him as a surge of white light came out of his third eye and travelled straight to my friend`s body.
A couple of seconds, maybe minutes, later I was back in my body, knowing that my friend was healed.

Usually I don`t go and check up, or look for results, as I know something positive, whether subtly or obviously has occurred. It always does. I trust and have absolute faith. The next morning though, I thought I would call in to say hello and see if they needed any help. Her husband had looked so worn out.
    I called in around mid morning, and to my delight, there they BOTH were, merrily working away. Both of them rushed towards me, grinning from ear to ear. "I`M HEALED," My friend yelled as she ran to give me a hug. "It`s a miracle. No pain at all. I feel really great, in fact like I never even had Ross River! Thankyou so VERY VERY MUCH."
  " I`m just a vehicle for healing. Well, I guess I`m in partnership - with the patient and with the powers that be. I thank God, and my higher self and guides, after sending healing, and you can also thank God in your thoughts, and prayers, for your healing."
My friend`s husband had a bewildered and very happy face and quickly butted in cheekily, "My wife also has a rather large skin cancer that will not heal. Maybe you could ask for healing, and, remove that?" He was half joking, half asking, "Darl, show Christabel your lower leg. Go on, show her the cancer."

   My friend bent down and rolled up her white slacks. There was dead silence. Shock. Mouths had dropped open as I tried to see what and where the cancer was. It was nowhere to be found.
   " A miracle. It`s completely gone!" They utterred simultaneously. "It`s completely gone."

Like I said before, there are many, many different healing stories and many, many other unusual stories to do with my life over this period on Magnetic Island. The Universe is filled with possibility and we, as aware and open travellers on the path, can learn through experience, more about the 'whole' that we are part of. If we come from, and through, the heart then much is revealed to us. If we come from expectations, want, greed, judgement,  instead of compassion and surrender, then the ego`s veil not only separates us from the 'whole'/ God, but also separates us from the true joy of living and the ability to truly reach our full potential.

May trust and faith, surrender and gratitude allow the true healer to evolve
May we joyously capture each moment of truth
As we step out into the unknown
May we rest in peace knowing we are part of the whole

Until next time
Love CMW

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Ask and You Shall Receive

When all else fails ....... ASK FOR HELP!

I have always had a way with children, little children as well as the older ones. I love kids. So, of course when my long lost relative asked if I could do a favour and babysit his two children, I said yes, Hakuna matata, no worries.
Well it turned out that they had never left the baby (5 months old) with anybody before. I live and hour and a half drive away so actually had only seen the baby a couple of times. A real little cutey.
 The older child was really excited to see me and instantly began running all over the place, jumping up and down on the bed etc. etc. He crashed just before the parents left for their special night out. The baby though was different, he didn`t crash. After his mummy and daddy left the beautiful little baby boy yelled, kicked and screamed hysterically for nearly three quarters of an hour. I fed him, I burped him, I sang to him as I held him, I cradled him in my arms rocking him gently, I walked around the house holding him close to me. He HATED IT! All he wanted was his mummy. His vocal capacity, and expression, was enormous! His back and leg muscles like that of a lion. Wow, what a shock, and might I add, quite alarming for me!

 Years ago, when I was a nurse, I had quite a long time in the children`s ward and I had found it really warming as the babies seemed to respond to my gentle way of calming them down. My own children, and grandchildren as well as friends` children, always were very easy to look after. I admit that it has been a long time since I babysat any babies but you would think it would be something like riding a bike, something that comes naturally and something you never lose. Wrong?

The simple things in life are free, and, usually work. After three quarters of an hour of the baby hysterically crying it was as if I suddenly felt a tap on the shoulder nudging me. Instantly I thought "When all else fails, ask and you shall receive". What a relief. My tension dissipated as I quietly asked the baby`s higher self, and guiding angels, to help soothe the baby so that he may have a beautiful peaceful sleep.
Within a couple of minutes the baby was in a deep sleep. Thank You.

                                                   Waiting in the wings
                                                   Is the help you may need

                                                   Ask and you shall receive

So simple to turn to God, to remember you are a little speck of stardust that is part of the whole. A child of God, a child of the Universe.
The trick is to remember this when we are swept up with emotion, enduring the unexpected, or simply enjoying life.  We are loved and we are not alone. Help is always at hand, if we ask, not beg, for it. Be grateful for blessings received. No analysing, just plain acceptance and gratitude. Fullstop.

Here`s to beautiful freshness and babies peacefully sleeping
Here`s to the sublime gift of love

Cheers CMW

Sunday 5 February 2012

Mind Matters and Personal Awareness

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW


                                      Stepping out
                                      Into a vast field of possibility and potential
                                      Focussing on the light instead of the dark
                                      Seeing things you didn`t see before
                                      Veiled from mind no longer

                                      Ideas shifting
                                      Loosening perspective
                                      Exploring patterns within the whole
                                      A new way of seeing releases the old

The mind dictates what, and how, we see. It`s true. Whatever the attention is focussed on is what you are able to see, hear, smell, feel. This is why it is of utmost importance to have a look, and listen, to our thoughts and words. The greatest lesson of all is that of controlling the mind. Once you are aware of your thoughts you can then begin to see how they domino out into your immediate environment attracting like energies to you.
Our emotions create a veil over our perspective. The senses trick us into becoming focussed on specific individual areas of creation (attention) and therefore we are hooked into the game of separation. The 'I' instead of the 'we'. A little picture instead of the whole. Unbalance, judgements, anger, fear, jealousy, sadness etc are the resultive pattern of behaviour.
Meditation is one means of stilling the mind. An adept experiences the 'whole' in meditation, beyond the emotions. The senses and emotions no longer control the mind.

Everything we see, and can touch, started off as sub atomic particles, unseen by the naked eye, swimming around in the field of potentiality, open and waiting for creative expansion. Our thoughts radiate out into this field of potentiality, immediately making contact with the sub atomic particles. Thoughts imprint the sub atomic particles that now in turn become the outer (yang) creative expression of the thought pattern.  This is the beginning of manifestation.

What we see and feel is a result of our thoughts. Control the thoughts and change can happen. Remember the old saying 'Change is just a thought away' ? It is true.

 I am talking about thoughts and manifesting once again, because the other day I was listening to a couple of people talking about a certain subject. They were quite emotionally charged as they debated the particular topic. What one person adamantly believed was different to what the next person emphatically believed. A strong debate! Both people saw from their perspective two different stories. Each story of course had come about because of the individual`s belief patterns, and focus, in the first intance. We all look at, and experience,  EVERYTHING from such a limited, and individual, angle of perspection. It`s interesting to hear other peoples thoughts and beliefs, but what is right and wrong is another story!

Interdimensional seeing
If one opens the mind to other possiblities, other dimensions, then the possibilty becomes real. A closed point-of-view shuts out possibility of experiencing other forms of reality.

Years ago I would hitch-hike from the Atherton Tablelands down to Cairns every week. I needed to be at the Cairns Spiritual Centre by 9 am. to do hands on healing. This particular day I had arranged to meet an acquaintance 5 klm from where I lived at 7 o`clock in the morning. He was going to do some shopping in Cairns that day. "Don`t you dare be late," He had warned me. "Be there at 7am. I will not wait for you if you are late."
  So I set off really early, umbrella in hand, as it was raining. I arrived at the pick-up point around five minutes to seven.  Quarter past seven and still no sign of him. I watched the birds do their thing, listened to their song and then slowly, and aimlessly, walked up and down and round the little dirt driveway area parallel to the road. Puddles had formed, muddy puddles.
   8am. came and went. "Patience, Christabel, patience. Maybe I have missed him?" I said to myself as I vagued out again. I had vaguely looked at one huge muddy puddle a couple of times and each time I had seen more insects in the water. Once again I vaguely hovered over the puddle, gazing, not expecting anything, just gazing. Suuddenly the whole puddle opened up to me. I could see through the muddy water and into the bottom of the sludge and there, right in amongst the sludge, were more insects! I could see them with true clarity. As if there was no mud at all!
   8.30am my lift finally arrived. No apologies, just anger. I guess he was angry at himself for being so late.
For me it had definately been worth the wait, as I got to see something that I had never seen before!

This type of vagueness has helped me see many things that are normally hidden behind the veil of emotion, expectation and other mental activity. One example is when I read an iris and sclera for diognistic purposes. Actually you are seeing changes in vibration in certain areas of the body. When areas are working at a slower vibration than is normal, there is a weakness in that area. When the area of the body (& iris) is vibrating at a fast rate then that area is in a healing crisis and possibly is presenting as pain. Slow and fast vibrations are seen in the Iris as a change in colour. When I look into an iris the whole iris becomes alive and very, very magnified. Sometimes it`s like I am walking in and through a forest - a forest of fibres. If I was to logically look at an iris, using my ego, I would see very little - a smaller picture.
If you stand over, or next to, a pane of glass and very softly gaze at that glass for ten minutes, there is a very strong possibility of the glass suddenly becoming very magnified, so much so that you can see the molecular structure within it. Who has time to stop and gaze, to stop and listen, to be still without the mind? This little excerise is one that is part of a process that leads us to expand our consciousness and perspection.

There is so much one can experience by shifting the way of seeing, by uncluttering the way of seeing and by opening up to possibility.
For a happier frame of existence remember, MIND MATTERS

Here`s to happy thoughts and to a new way of seeing,
Cheers CMW