Saturday 22 December 2012

Another Christmas Healing

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

                                               AND THEN THERE WAS LIGHT
Christmas is a time to reflect on LOVE and the joy and magic (and miracles) of creation
                            Anything is possible if done with a pure heart and a joy of life

Light Shining Through

Christmas Eve, in my house, is always full of the Christmas spirit. Family is together and carols are sung and played. This particular Christmas Eve was  interrupted with an urgent phone call.
   "Hello, C... speaking." I said joyfully, as I answered the phone. There was a pause and then, just as I was about to hang up, I heard a man`s voice. "We need your help urgently"  said the voice on the other end of the phone.
   "If you would be so kind  - could you please tell me what the problem is" I said calmly, "so that I can see if I can help you."
The man, who now was sounding agitated, actually quite frantic, then blurted out his problem without stopping for a breath. He was at his wits end.
   " It`s my daughter. We don`t know what to do." The caller stopped to catch his breath and then continued, "They discharged her from the psychiatric ward a few days ago. She won`t eat or talk to anyone and she doesn`t seem to recognize any of us." He now started crying, " She just sits bolt upright with a vacant look on her face and if we try to take her to the bathroom or get her to take her pills, or eat something, she physically attacks us. We don`t know what to do. Can you help us?"
  The girl`s father sounded very scared, frightened at doing the wrong thing and also frightened at what harm she might do to herself or to others. It turned out that the hospital had discharged most patients for the Christmas break, sending them home to family.  All the rest of his family was coming the next day to celebrate Christmas. Everyone was coming for Christmas dinner, or should I say lunch? I asked him where he lived, as I lived on an Island off North Queensland - Magnetic Island. I needed to know whether I could physically reach his daughter or if I would need to do long distance healing. Luckily they lived in Townsville just a short boat trip away.
When healing takes place at someone`s home it allows me to get to know the family and them me. I can then am able to reassure the members of the family and gain their trust. It opens up an easy doorway to truthful communication. Family can then feel safe in asking as many questions as they need. They instantly relax and let go of their suffocating fear.
   "Let`s see. The next boat leaves Magnetic Island in about three quarters of an hour." I  could almost feel the relief on the other end of the line. "I could be at your place by, say two o`clock. How does that suit?"
  After saying copious amounts of thankyous, his voice managed to ask me if I needed a lift from the wharf. I didn`t. Us Islanders are very resourceful. We actually had a 'shared vehicle' that sat patiently waiting to be driven in Townsville, a blessing for us all.
   "What`s your name and your daughter`s name?" I asked "and your address? It is probably a good idea to give me your phone number too, in case I get lost." I laughed. "See you soon."

  I put the phone down and yelled out to my family that I needed to go to Townsville and then ran up the stairs to the bedroom. My brightly coloured sarong, island dress code, was replaced with the first cotton shirt that I grabbed and a pair of slacks. Teeth brushed, face and hands washed, hair brushed, car keys and bag grabbed as I yelled to my family "I will be back sometime late afternoon. Bye."
  The car was now winding along over the point, driving past the ancient granite outcrops with the huge hoop-pines lurching towards the ocean, as wind whistled through my hair. Love Magnetic.
Hot, very humid. Wind. Clouds rolling in. Change about to happen. Change with emotion.
   The modern catamaran had not yet become a part of the local ferry system. The fast-cat ferries now (2012)only take twenty minutes to get to Townsville. The ferry that I boarded was the old kind, wooden and slow. Open windows, seaspray wetting the hair as the old 'Mama' rocked happily about over and through the waves. Such fun and very communal!
Sixty-five minutes later I arrived in the stifling heat of Townsville. I opened the doors of the car and wound down all the windows, boy the car was hot. Finally I climbed in and headed in the direction of the poorest part of town. Twenty minutes later, water bottle and spray water bottle in hand (in Townsville a spray bottle is a life-saver used for cooling the ankles and neck) I arrived at the family`s home.
   I could almost feel the tension and fear inside the house as I walked up the three steps to the front door. Before I had time to knock, the door flung open and there stood a little Italian man and a well-rounded Italian woman, probably in their early fifties. "Come in, come in" they said, as they showed me the way to the kitchen. "Thankyou so very much for coming."
  "It`s my pleasure." I said, as they sat me down and handed me a cool glass of orange juice.They then proceeded to explain that their daughter was in the bedroom, where she had been for the last few days.
Their pleading, ernest eyes were fixed on me. I instantly was filled with love, and understanding for them. Looking them straight in the eye I reassured them by telling them what I would probably do. I didn`t say, and I never do, suggest that healing will happen. I also never say that there is no need to worry. I am swept up in the moment, not thinking about results, what ifs, or anything at all, except that I am of service, for the good of all. I also never analyze or try to work out things intellectually, even though I was trained as a nursing sister, as this would be me then working through my ego. Nothing bad has ever happened, only good. What form that goodness will take, I don`t know. You see I have absolute faith in God and somehow my utter faith in the universe/source/God gives out a calming affect. It is like the angels appear in the room enveloping the people present with unconditional love. That 'higher support' then allows me to go about my business.

I very softly knocked on the bedroom door as I didn`t want to create too much of a disturbance by knocking normally. Sudden interruptions can trigger anything! Then I gradually pushed open the door. There she was, a woman in her early twenties, vacantly sitting upright on the edge of her bed. You could hear a pin drop. No response at all to me. Eyes glazed, fixed, empty. No one home. She was no longer in charge of her body as she had left. Catatonic. The room was empty apart from her bed, a chair and a huge picture of Jesus hanging on the wall behind her bed. "Thank God they are Catholics" I thought to myself, knowingly smiling at Jesus. After softly saying my name I slowly reached for a chair, brought it opposite her and close to her, and then sat down in front of her. I have to let you know here that I have no fear at all. No fear of being attacked. If I did then I would have been attacked!! My mind is filled with so much compassion resulting in heaps of light. Nothing comes into my mind at all except the healing vibration of pure love.
Looking directly into the vacated eyes I very gently took hold of each of her hands. Closing my eyes I asked in the name of Jesus Christ for healing of the body, mind and spirit. Instantly the light, in my mind`s eye, was intense as the energy ran down my arms and through my hands into the young woman. Buzz, buzz, buzzing, surging down my arms through my hands and into the patient. Five minutes later it was all over. My eyes gazed directly at the girl`s eyes that were now filled with glorious light. Beauty had returned. She had returned.
"ThankYou, ThankYou" I said to the powers that be "ThankYou for the healing."
   "Lovely to meet you." I said softly to her. "I will be back tomorrow, and the next day and the next." She looked at me as I talked, and then squeezed my hands as if to say thankyou.
   "Your Mum will be in, in a minute, to help you change and get ready for lunch." I said, with a kindly smile on my face.
  As I left the room I turned around and gave Jesus a cheeky wink. "I`ll be back tomorrow."

When the parents saw their daughter, and the change in her, tears of gratitude flowed. "Thankyou, Thankyou" they cried as they hugged me, "It`s a miracle, we have our daughter back".
   "Don`t thank me, thank God. I`m just a channel for healing." I said, with emphasis, then added, "I must be off now, but, I will be back tomorrow. Christmas Day 9.30am! See you then. Oh, ring me if you have any problems."
After another squeeze I bid them adieu.
Light Breaking Through The Shadows

What a brilliant Christmas gift this family enjoyed.
Their daughter, who now recognized them, ate a little late lunch and later some tea that day. Christmas day was filled with family and joy, even though their daughter was still reserved and only ate a little before retiring.
It was as if her inner energy channel, her soul energy, had been totally empty. Full of shadows. The daughter`s inner self  filled up more and more with light each time she had healing. Light (is of a higher love ) heals the body, mind and spirit when the emphasis is on this.
There were no more violent or angry attacks and in a few days she was capable of taking her medication along with her meals, showering etc etc. setting the table etc. Another week and she was just about back to leading a normal life even though she was still on medication. Her parents were overjoyed and asked if she actually needed her medication.
   Medication must always be the medical practitioner`s business, NOT the healers. Some medications can cause severe problems if suddenly stopped. A patient should always be monitored if drug doses are reduced or pumped up. I suggested that the next time the doctor sees her maybe, if she feels like it, she could ask if it could gradually be reduced a bit. Never harp on it though. The doctor knows best in medication matters and is responsible for his patient.
 " Trust God."  I said to her. "If your body and mind can be happy, and balanced, without medication then God will find a way to alert the doctor."

The young lady in question had been on medication for years and years. When this lady was in her late teens she had moved to Sydney where she got caught up in the drug scene and had been severely physically beaten by her boyfriend, and raped, and had been on medication ever since. Also in and out of psychiatric hospitals. A horror story indeed.

It happened though, that that Christmas proved the best ever. A turning point in her and her family`s lives. A few months later her very grateful family rang me to tell me she was now off all medication. Of course she would be monitored by her physician all her life in case other traumatic events occurred and triggerred off a response. Christmas sure is a special time.
I ran into her a few years later in Townsville`s Sunday markets in the Mall. She was happy, beautiful, productive and leading a normal well-balanced life.

By the way I still don't know how her family got hold of my phone number, or even who mentioned me to them. That I will never know.

Please note:
It is such a pleasure to be of service and give a free service! So many healers charge like wounded bulls. I don`t charge for healing. When I was very very ill I had no extra money to go to see, or be seen by, healers. Luckily I had such will-power that I worked out ways to heal myself. There is no way known that the lady`s family would have been able to afford a 'healing'. Their happiness was my payment. On Christmas Eve when they asked how much they owed me and I told them that there was no charge, they were so very, very grateful. The mother insisted on cooking a cake for my family and also gave me one of their cushions. Lovely. The cushion has been sat on over and over, as I teach meditation and always need loads of cushions!
I think we all have a right to good health., and boy, it is so wonderful to be able to enjoy someone else`s good health!

For another Christmas Healing story see:

Have a very joyous Christmas
And may you have the best of health in 2013
Love CMW


Thursday 20 December 2012



Is to be tendered as a garden
Is the key to faith
Is the key to trust
Is the Key to the garden of Eden
Bears no witness
And is shared with grace
It is laughter, joy and pain
It is growth of the spirit
Seed of creation
Unlocks doors
Flowing into the infinite

When love comes know that you have attracted it into your playpen - your garden
A garden can only flourish if it is well-cared for
Honour, respect and give grace

 HONOUR THE GIFT YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN whether parent, grandparent or carer


LOVE is about sharing and caring, respecting and appreciating, honesty and compassion, forgiveness and kindness. LOVE warms the heart and nourishes the soul. LOVE heals and balances the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual bodies.  LOVE transcends judgement and bitterness, anger and sadness creating joy and peace within and without - to all creatures great and small. Even the plants and trees respond to love. The emotion of LOVE is the highest of vibrational frequencies we, as humans, can experience. It is the frequency that tunes us into the Universe and Christ consciousness - The All That Is.

How can we learn to feel and experience love?  
CHILDREN are truly a magical gift - A gift of love. Parents and carers have the golden opportunity to learn about and experience love, as having children requires patience, caring, sharing, forgiveness, appreciation, honesty, creativity, listening, compassion and even inner work to overcome personal emotional blockages or habitual reactive dramas.
Self-empowerment and self love becomes you whilst at the same time your child becomes happier and healthier in more ways than one!

How can we help ourselves open up the heart chakra?
Take the time to think about, and absorb, the TEN SACRED KEYS to Sacred Parenting. Then watch yourself become more balanced and more loving as you weave the Ten Sacred Keys into your daily life.

Your children will be more loving just by you applying these keys!

FORGIVE, FORGIVE Ups and downs are part of living
Cheers and heaps of love,  CMW

Saturday 15 December 2012


Awareness of Music and It`s Effect on the Foetus, Baby and Child

The foetus, when only a few weeks old, even in this early stage, is already using the sense of hearing. Incredible. The foetus is cushioned inside a water sack and this water acts not only to protect the baby but also takes on the vibrations of sound which in turn program the baby for its future life. The most important sounds are those given by the mother’s voice. The tone, words and music of the sounds expressed are all absorbed by the foetus.                                                             
Studies show that the types of sounds, and music, help structure the emotional and mental makeup of the child`s future. If only I had known this when I was pregnant!
Sing to your unborn child. Your baby will relate to the songs heard in the safe atmosphere of the womb and be very happy to hear those same songs after he or she is born
Play an instrument 
Listen to Mozart whilst pregnant. You are tuning your unborn child into the idea that life offers a wealth of joy, stimulation and serenity
Sing to your baby - sing a lullaby to help baby sleep. Sing fun songs and nursery rhymes, clapping hands to the beat or humming softly a familiar tune
  Last year I heard someone on the ABC talking about a study of children who played a musical instrument whilst they were in Primary School. This person claimed that the IQ was significantly raised if the young student played an instrument. No wonder music lessons are now offered to children in Australia by State School system. Emotionally and mentally children are a lot happier if they learn an instrument or join a choir. A really great book to read about  positives to do with music and its impact on babies, children and the unborn child is
The Mozart Effect for Children by Don Campbell  ISBN 0-7336-1309-8                          CDs by Don Campbell with music for the unborn child, baby and toddler are also on the market 
When I was a teenager I used to lie down and listen to a Indian record every time my monthly pains would arrive. Every time my pain used to disperse. A few years ago I read that Ravi Shankar ragas were played to some plants. Those plants all leaned towards (at a sixty-degree angle) the speakers. Apparently they also grew taller than the other plants.
When my children were going to primary school I was a passionate potter and sometimes would have back pain. I would fill the bath with water and climb in. Then, much to my children’s embarrassment, I would sing very loudly, and slowly, up my spine. I would start at the base of my spine, singing to that area and gradually sing up the scales as well as my spine. Sometimes I would be ‘stuck’ on one note (area). I would keep singing that tone until I felt the need to move on. My back always felt better after this exercise!
A few years ago I was camping at Ellis Beach on my way up to the Daintree. Sounds rather odd, but I had two broken ankles -both in plaster. On the beach a man carrying a didgeridoo approached me saying he would like to give me a healing. I was told to lie down on the sand, which I did, and then he commenced blowing the didgeridoo pointing at the base of my spine. He then continued playing up my spine. Actually it was very similar to what I used to do when singing my spine! I definitely felt wonderful by the time he finished. So much so that I took a lefty to Mossman Gorge and ended up walking the whole walk – I think 5 klms, if I remember correctly.

Another time I was trying to cut a wedge of mince-meat, off a frozen lump, as I had forgotten to defrost the cat’s dinner. The knife slipped between my thumb and first finger, severing my artery. Swearing rather loudly, as blood spurted out, painting the ceiling fridge and cupboards I grabbed the tea towel, squashed my thumb onto my first finger and bandaged tightly. I then held my hand, fingers pointing upwards, above my head. The man next door drove me to the hospital where a nurse undid my ‘bandage’ and put on a decent  one. It wasn`t tight, and I just knew that it wasn`t stopping the blood flow. She told me it was, so I left it at that. After one and a half hours the doctor arrived. He gave me a local anaesthetic and stitched up my hand. A rather messy job as my hand was filled with blood. The blood had oozed into the tissues in my hand that was now very, very swollen.
On leaving the hospital the doctor explained to me that I would need antibiotics as there was so much blood in the tissues that an infection would happen. He gave me some painkillers to take home and warned me that I would have loads of pain when the anaesthetic wears off. That night I climbed up my bush ladder up to my bed in the loft, and slipped into bed making sure I didn`t knock my hand as it was already very painful. Then, I laid down resting my arm on a pillow. I then, very softly, sang to my hand whilst at the same time I very gently stroked my hand towards my heart. Soon I was asleep. NO PAIN KILLERS! My hand healed within a few days without any need for antibiotics!
One of my patients, who had constant pain in his chest ,and could never sleep, slept like a baby after placing his hands on his chest and softly singing to that area. He normally didn`t sing at all.
I have personally seen, and experienced, people healing with chanting, as well as with listening to a crystal singing bowl. In my Healing with Music workshops using the voice (toning the endocrine system), the singing bowl, gongs, bells, drums and other tribal instruments many people have had breakthroughs in their emotional and physical health!
I am so excited at sharing this information. There is so much more I could share on this topic but unfortunately space is limited.
Music has been used for hundreds of years in many cultures. So maybe you can do some research.
There are some really fabulous books written about the Healing Voice, Healing Chants and various kinds of classical music and its effect on the physical and emotional body.
Here`s to music
Here`s to singing, clapping, dancing
Tra la laaa la laaa  
Cheers and love,  CMW

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Sacred Parenting - The Eighth Sacred Key

                                         THE EIGHTH SACRED KEY - CREATIVITY

The Importance of Creativity
Children can help to create the expansion of the soul. The parent learns about adaptability, patience, compassion, acceptance, letting go of judgements, forgiveness, being in the moment, play,  laughter etc.
Very often the parent has to reach 'outside the box' that is stretch their imagination in order to make things work as well as have a fun-loving day.
Creativity is to do with the imagination and nurtures spontaneity, joy, freedom, passion, delight, good health, laughter, concentration, brain cell production, self-worth, confidence, internal balance, spiritual alignment and contentment.
Creativity puts the joy back into life as the soul expresses itself in an unconditional way.

Creativity begins with finding ways to get your baby to respond spontaneously to you as you communicate through talking, whispering, singing, tickling, massaging, play peak-a-boo. Yes, this is you being creative - thinking outside the box. As you play more and more with your child your child`s imagination starts to expand and imagination is needed for the child in the future to feel self-worth, to be able to problem solve and to be able to cope in the world.
The use of bright colours and moving mobiles teaches the baby about colour, form, movement and variety. The baby is already stretching his imagination (& brain cells).

Play = creativity
Hide and seek, dress ups, story-telling, reading books, playing in the sand-pit, building with blocks, building cubby houses out of cardboard boxes (can get the children to paint on them flowers,doors,windows etc.) or sheets over tables, charades - what am I? -  acting out an animal, I Spy With My Little Eye, dressing up dolls (can be hand painted butchers` paper dresses) etc. etc.

Painting, decorating, craft = creativity
Finger painting,  making serviette rings by painting, or sticking fabric, on sliced toilet roll insides, making Xmas decorations, sticking bits of coloured paper on a diary, notepads, picture frames - THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX (and cover or paint the box whilst you are at it). Making macaroni necklaces or daisy chains.Collecting sticks and binding them to make little stick figures.
Creativity is a form of play and is a brilliant way to get involved with your child. I still make Xmas cards and presents for my grandchildren and really LOVE receiving homemade presents from them even though they are now 14 years old! Their presents are a unique expression of them and is always from the heart. My delight keeps their hearts warm also! LUCKY ME.

Home is Where The Heart Is
A simple little bit of cardboard with a heart that had been cut out of butcher's paper and stuck on top of the blue paper that was covering the cardboard. On top of that was stuck with sticky tape another bit of gold wrapping paper cut into a star. What a fabulous little gift.

Splashing, or sticking the finger in non-toxic water based paint, onto a notepad makes such a colourful statement and you can always find it! Your child is very proud and feels worthwhile, happy that you respect his expression and gift, and feels a huge sense of achievement and confidence. You get a warm heart!

'Imagination is more important than knowledge'                      
                                              Albert Einstein

Without imagination there would be no joy
Without imagination there would be no inventions
Without imagination there would be no solutions to problems
Without imagination there would be a meaningless world
Imagination is the first step in creating anything

Kite Flying High

When playing and creating please give your child a free reign in expressing him or herself. Once the rules re paint / clay / sand / paper / string / clag / sticky tape are set then enjoy what happens next! If you tell the child to change this or that, or that this would be better, then you have squashed all traces of self-worth, excitement, spontaneity, achievement etc. ENJOY HIS OR HER UNIQUE SELF EXPRESSION. Each child is different and that is how they are meant to be.

Up, up and away
Kite flying high

Paper kite making, and decorating or painting, can be great fun. Good for flying, good as a mobile - maybe you could make some little ones, paint them and hang them up as a mobile in the nursery?
Older children can also have loads of fun expressing themselves making kites at the same time (to help decorate?or as gifts).

Crafty Christmas Gifts
Turn the TV off. Constant TV watching robs us of creativity. Be creative. Have fun. Stretch the imagination. Live a little. Your soul will benefit and so will your children`s souls.
Xmas Party Hat

Maybe give Grandma a photo of bubs with a baby footprint on the other side of the card? Use non-toxic paint though. Maybe cover a Diary or make some ragdolls out of your old dresses. Maybe cover a lampshade with string, buttons and plaited brightly coloured material.

Mia with her Bamboo home-made bike
Everyone loves home-made gifts. Think of what the person likes, and what their character is, as it is no good giving a nylon apron to someone who is earthy and organically minded! That special time, thought and energy put into a personal gift really hits the warm spot and doesn`t cost much. All you need is a bit of imagination.

Mia`s Mum used her imagination and cut some of our bamboo to make this gorgeous bike out of bamboo so that Mia could have a bike whilst traveling in Australia. Isn`t it a beauty!

Everyone actually is creative - it is our birthright           
Take the plunge. Step into the unknown and at the
same time rediscover the joy of your inner child
Stretch your mind and nourish your soul.

Your children will be inspired as their imagination expands and hopefully they will have the time to be more and more creative as they grow through childhood.They will feel safe exploring unchartered territories with their minds and in their lives. Confidence and happiness goes hand in hand when the soul is free to express itself.
Creative spontaneity and the appreciation of beauty, nature and the Arts, gives us the much needed balance in our lives and a balanced life helps us achieve our full potential.

Bring the colour into you and your child`s life
Play, create, laugh and relax
Think outside the box
And into a bigger reality

Here`s to creativity and fun
Cheers and love, CMW

Monday 10 December 2012

Sacred Parenting - The Seventh Sacred Key


The formative first three years of a child`s life are really important. These first three years will lay down the foundation for that child`s life.
If you are constantly yelling at, or are angry around, your child then you do need to look at what actually is causing the stress. It is not your child`s fault.
If you are not coping with the patterns of motherhood then it is time to stop and truthfully look at your situation and life. For your, and your child`s, emotional, physical and mental health are of utmost importance.

How can we expect to have happy children when we are not happy? If you are stressed then your child will also be stressed.
If we don`t spend one-on-one time with each child/baby we will have an unsatisfied, lacking child that will most definitely cause stress in the home!!! It is as simple as that. Take the time to play, tickle, sing to, or with, your beautiful child. Read stories, listen to music together, walk to the shops together and if your child is still a baby talk to her, or him, looking her in the eyes so that she is reassured of your love.

If Stressed :
Make sure you have adequate sleep. No stimulating drinks just before bed. If you are breastfeeding the same applies as what you take in affects the baby. Sugary foods, MSG, coffee, alcohol, sometimes wheat, carbonated drinks, energy drinks etc all can stimulate the brain creating stress. Delete scary movies.
Some parents have TV on for hours before the toddler`s and preschooler`s bedtime and then wonder why their child cannot sleep! Running around just before bed is asking for self-induced stress. Children cope better with school, kindy, life if they have a good night`s sleep - just like you!
Turn off the computer a few hours before bed. The electro-magnetic rays do distort the body`s energetic field. It is much harder for many people to have a good night`s sleep after they have been using the computer before going to bed.
Get yourself into a routine and stick to it. If your baby, toddler knows the routine they feel safe (It`s an inside thing) and are less likely to cause you stress.If possible have meals the same time each day. Bedtime the same time each night etc.Of course sometimes this is impossible - just try to work within your guidelines! Don`t try to do everything at once, plan your day and pace yourself.
Tiredness and a feeling of not being able to cope (or have enough time in the day) creates mountains out of molehills. Do yourself a favour wash the clothes and then when they are dry put them away. Many people become overwhelmed as the piles of washing, ironing, letters, dishes all pile up! Outside mess is an indicator or red light alarm showing you that some inner work is needed!!!!! Cheat and put everything away. Write a list of what needs doing and do one thing at a time. The world will not stop turning if you cannot get things done BUT if you are stressed then doing a little each day, and putting things in order, will most definitely release some tension. Your partner also will feel happier.
Women are multi-talented. Having children teaches us so many things including adaptability, perseverence, compassion, gratitude, acceptance, forgiveness, LOVE.
Check your diet. Make sure you are eating a really good diet. Brain power, physical power and emotional stability all rely on specific nutrients being eaten. Please re read THE THIRD SACRED KEY - The Importance of Diet.

Watch Yourself and recognize when you start feeling stressed.
Write in your daily journal about what triggers the feeling of agitation etc. etc.
We all tend to revert to blaming circumstances or other people for our problems. " If only he would.......".
"If only I had more time ....".  " If only my mother .....".  "If only I had more money...". "Why does this always happen to me?"
"I wish I could ....".    "If only I had ....". "I am hopeless....".
Thinking or uttering these thoughts and word patterns actually concretes these energies into becoming more of your situation. There is NO POSITIVE energy that can be had from these thoughts/words!!!!!! The `poor me/ victim` thoughts allow your energy, and power, to be leaked out leaving you more frustrated, more upset, more angry and more tired. SO step back and watch yourself habitually respond to the situations that trigger the above thoughts, THEN become more of yourself by repeating a positive statement such as one that focuses on how lucky you are - having a child/ somewhere to live/ rice to eat etc etc. Concentrate on what you do have not what you haven`t got. Focus on the good things that your partner has or does.
                                       RESISTANCE = PERSISTENCE
The more you concentrate on what isn`t happening or what you haven`t got, the more you are pushing away what you do want to happen or want to have!
Take personal responsibility for your actions and reactions rather than blame and condemn others and you will step into the zone of self-empowerment and your inner light will shine more brightly.
What are you frightened of?  Write your fears down. Are they real fears?Have you ever felt the same sort of fear or unworthiness before? Think back to your childhood. Write down when you first felt those fears. Have a look at your patterns of behaviour. Try not to judge yourself - just observe your life as an outsider. 
Softly watch yourself react to others actions or words. As soon as someone does or says something you feel uncomfortable with immediately think of the situation as interesting. Say to yourself  "Isn`t that interesting".
Life is interesting and the way people act and think is interesting. Everyone acts out their fears and insecurities by judging, hurting, blaming etc etc others! The word interesting often diffuses any reaction - it somehow lets you be a watcher instead of a reactive participator!
When your feathers are ruffled think of the situation or person talking, blaming, judging, as 

Manage your money well. Budget. Be realistic. Stop buying "stuff" to fill up your life with. The "stuff" is wanted as subconsciously you need to fill your "empty" life with something. The something you are actually craving is LOVE.
Play more, dance more, sing more, appreciate more, give thanks more, respect more. Be still more. Be creative with your food and be happy with your unique self and your very individual child. Be blessed.

Take the time to reflect on the miracle of creation. See the miracle of life in your baby, child. Hold your baby/child`s hand. Massage her or his back, feet, hands. Look into your child`s eyes and connect deeply.

Keep in touch with friends and family BUT make sure YOU and YOUR CHILD do what is best for you. You are the parent and you know best. Instead of rushing around visiting everyone maybe ask everyone to bring a plate of food and have them all around for a lunchtime 'get together'.
Be truthful. If you are tired and need a rest then let people know that you need time out, after all you are human!

Journal - write down your thoughts and each day write down everything that you are grateful for.

Have a Bath. Massage your feet. Massage your partner and he/she can massage you.
Take the time to brush your hair, play your music, sit quietly with your child - reading, talking, listening. Drink your tea out of a nice mug. Use aromatherapy - many scents are used specifically for stress relief. Ask at the chemist, health-food shop.

Decrease other commitments -your family comes first. Loads of parents try to do too much.


MEDITATION or listening to a visualization

Please talk to a health professional if you have done all the above and are still stressed.

Here`s to a stress free day  -- Breathe
Here`s to a happy family
Cheers and love,   CMW


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Sacred Parenting - The Sixth Sacred Key


Babies, toddlers, primary school children and teenagers all benefit in many, many ways when nature, and the garden, is part of their lives. 

                             NATURE TIME  =  MORE BALANCED LIFE = HAPPINESS
Whilst you are pregnant     it is wise to take time out to sit and reflect in amongst nature. The garden, or maybe  the local park, is a beautiful place to relax and hence recharge. Take a stroll through a Botanical garden or a walk near a river. Listen to the bird calls or maybe listen to the wind or the roar of waves crashing on the sand connecting you and your child to the patterns and rhythm of creation.
The unborn growing baby hears everything. The sounds of nature whilst recharging the mother, and/or  father,
will be creating  a sense of belonging and wholeness within the soul of your unborn child.
Fresh air, breathe it in deeply and know that you are filling yourself up with divine essence. Know  that you are filling yourself (and your baby) with beauty and unconditional love. Enjoy. Be still for a few minutes. Feel the wind on your cheek. New life.

Sun yourself for twenty minutes a day - expose your tummy and feel the warmth of creation warming your tummy. Vit D produced with the help of the sun , especially for bone health, is an added bonus.
Do all the above with your baby
Do all of the above with your toddler

Play in nature. Walk in nature. Picnic in nature. Rest in nature. 
Together plant flowers and food in your garden and watch them grow. Watch creation take place before your eyes. Together listen to the birds and watch how they fly. Together breathe, laugh and dance in nature. Together watch the change in seasons and the patterns of nature.  Together be part of the great mystery.

In nature

Smell the air
See the beauty                         
Breathe in the new and out the old

Tickling trickles
Wet hair

Feel the coolness
Of the water 
Washing away 
Your hurts and frustrations

New Life

Ocean vast
Crashing waves
Footprints on the sand


Sit together
Hide and seek
Within creation
The garden
The soul
The heart
Food and shelter
For birds, bees and butterflies
Can be found
In the garden

      Blessings on the blossom                
      Blessings on the fruit
      Blessings on the leaves and stems
      And blessings on the root

      Thankyou Mother Earth 


 NATURE TIME  =  MORE BALANCED LIFE = HAPPINESS Together nurture your children and watch them  flower and bear fruit

Until next time, Cheers & Love CMW

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Sacred Parenting - The Fifth Sacred Key


Less toxins = more happiness 

There are many harmful chemicals and pesticides in our 'progressive' society.
Many chemicals can create havoc within our own immune systems and endocrine systems creating disease and degeneration. Neurotoxins affect our mental state causing anger, confusion, loss of memory, depression etc etc. Fast foods, canned fizzy drinks and food additives can contain neurotoxins.
These same toxins either ingested, breathed in, or absorbed by the skin, have a greater impact on the unborn child, the newborn child and the toddler, as the brain is still undergoing development.

The air we breathe is full of different toxic chemicals including cigarette smoke, perfumes and air fresheners, fumes from cleaning agents, petrol and diesel, paint fumes, new white goods, cars, vinyl products, carpets .....and the list goes on and on. Huge amounts of toxic chemicals are released into the atmosphere every second of the day.
A responsible conscious parent will try to reduce toxic chemical intake as much as possible.
For Example
Use organic natural garden care.
Do not use insect sprays near children. Remove yourself as quickly as possible from sprayed area. Drink loads of water and go outside for awhile. Also wash hands and face ASAP with water.
Not buy a new car to bring the baby home from hospital.
Shut car windows when filling up with petrol/diesel. 
Stop smoking and ask friends to smoke outside away from the baby/child.
Paint the nursery with non-toxic paint.
Keep children away from paint fumes and other chemicals. Don`t use hairsprays and potent cleaning agents, be creative and think outside the box! See what is available, and chemical free, from the Health Food Shop.
I remember taking a new mattress, that stank of chemicals, out into the paddock for awhile, until there was no more 'smell', before being used. When my kids were small, and aluminium-free deodorants were not available, I would wear a frangipane flower in my hair or tucked into my blouse. The scent was beautiful.
A responsble conscious parent will be eating a good healthy organic home cooked diet.
A responsble conscious parent will not be ingesting fizzy drinks like coke a cola  that quickens the heart rate
and effects the brain and will not be giving these drinks to their children or feeding the children with packaged or fast food. For a treat why not have orange juice mixed with mineral water?

Be responsible and aware of what your child is breathing in, ingesting and absorbing. Check for chemical-free alternatives.

Having the TV on all morning or afternoon will impact on the child`s life. I have seen some parents actually place their newborn baby directly in front of their massive TV (between them and the TV). Electro magnetic fields given off from TVs, computers etc do weaken the immune system so keep your distance!
Sound pollution can be a problem and so can the lack of imagination and stimuli created by too much TV.
It`s no wonder that depressed people blob out in front of the TV - maybe the electromagnetic disturbances impact the watcher helping to create the depression!!!

Keep light and aware, not obsessive and grumpy. EVERY CHILD SHOULD FEEL THE JOY OF LIFE & NOT GROW UP FEARFUL. Less toxins = more happiness

BE AWARE AND RESPONSIBLE so that your children have the very best opportunity in life to reach their full potential. Happiness and success will then be possible.

Here`s to being awake and having a healthy well-balanced child
Until next time
Cheers and love CMW

Saturday 6 October 2012

Sacred Parenting - The Fourth Sacred Key

The Ten Keys to sacred parenting are applicable to all stages of parenting be it during the first stage  (pregnancy), the second stage (early childhood), the third stage (school age), the fourth stage (teenager), or the fifth stage when your child is an adult. The joy of parenting lasts forever!

 Wikipedia definition
Communication (from Latin "communis", meaning to share) is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior.
The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender. 

Rarely do we communicate
we just take turns talking


Communication with your child starts from the day your child was conceived. The fact that you have begun reflecting on the 'gift of life' and are able to recognize the magnificence of creation through this gift, is in truth the beginning of real communication.
As the months go by it is really important to talk to your unborn child - not only talk but listen and feel your tummy, and inside your tummy, as you talk. Watch softly for the baby`s response. Subtle at first but as the foetus grows you will feel the responses more and more clearly.
You are already building up a very positive, loving relationship between you and your child. Soothing words of love and happiness will allow your child to feel nourished and safe within the confines of the womb. Communicate caring and love through song. The unborn child will respond to your voice and to the vibrations of your emotional state and words. Resting your hands on your tummy as you communicate to he, or she, will help strengthen the feeling of love and trust within the relationship that now exists between you and your baby. Bonding on a deeper spiritual level will now take place.
It is a really good idea to spend quiet time communicating and bonding with your unborn baby each day.

After the baby is born this quiet intimate time together creates further bonding. When you feed your baby make sure you quietly enjoy this special time together. This time allows the baby to safely be nourished without distraction. Spiritually speaking eating meals with loved ones whilst appreciating the food, as well as eating whilst content, allows the food to be better digested and the mind more balanced.
SOFT COMMUNICATION - Food for the Soul
As your baby is growing into a toddler, and from then onwards, it is really wise to practice the art of soft communication. The child will then learn to respect others as he or she will know that he or she, has been heard.

Being heard creates self respect and respect for others. When time is taken listening and allowing a child to express his or her points of view, and ideas, then that child learns self-worth. Sadly most parents are rushing here and there and feel that they haven`t the time to patiently listen to a little child. It is no wonder that kids feel unwanted, and lack self-worth, and therefore get into all sorts of trouble when they are teenagers!

Most adults don`t know what is meant by soft communication.
Soft communication is a process that involves respect for whom you are talking to, patience, and the art of listening with more than ears. If we take the time to actually see, feel and hear the response to our words  we can begin to understand the other person more clearly. We also replace judgement with respect, fear with love, unworthiness with worthiness. Real communication then takes place. Most problems in later life stem from poor communication skills. More on this subject in another post at a later date.

                                        EVERYONE WANTS TO BE HEARD
                               EVERYONE  NEEDS TO FEEL WORTHWHILE
                                    THIS INSPIRES THE INDIVIDUAL SOUL 
                                       TO EXPRESS ITSELF MORE FREELY
                                THUS CREATING ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES 
                                                      FOR REALIZING
                                          THE SOUL`S FULL POTENTIAL 

Here`s to taking the time to listen
Cheers and Love   CMW

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sacred Parenting continued - The Third Sacred Key

A & R Two weeks old
Last time I posted I shared the first and second key to sacred parenting and how important it is to recognize the gift that has been given with pregnancy. Peace and happiness for the mother and child start at conception.

                                                   THE THREE Rs
 Reflection:       On the beginning of new life
 Recognition:    Of the gift for both parents - the gift of love, patience, self-knowledge
 Responsibility: Parental care for the body, mind and spirit of the embryo, foetus, unborn child (& self)

The Importance of Diet
 What mother eats and drinks DOES affect the embryo`s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Be mindful, take care. From day one the embryo responds to what you feed her/him affecting him/her for the rest of his/her earthly existence! Remember the little embryo turns into a foetus, then baby, who then becomes a child and later becomes an adult. In order to afford the child an exciting experience of creation and life, so that in the future full potential and happiness may be achieved, a good diet from day one is essential.
During pregnancy, and hopefully as you raise your child, be wise and eat the very best foods for optimal health, clear thinking and a happy emotional life.

EAT:     LOADS OF VEGETABLES  a variety of colours with salads and with main meal
             Please note: If vegetarian you will need to take certain supplements. Ask your doctor what you
             need and what dosage you should take.
             ORGANIC MEAT three times a week
             EGGS & LOW FAT CHEESE for extra protein
             DEEP SEA FISH  only once or twice a week
             GRAINS  Daily intake of organic whole grains
             NUTS & SEEDS   Soak nuts overnight in cold water - more easily digested
             SPROUTS  Provide heaps of enzymes, minerals & vitamins
             YOGHURT  Provides calcium as well as good gut bacteria
             FRUIT   Two or three pieces a day particularly for antioxidants (immune boosters)
DRINK:   UNPOLLUTED WATER between meals. Food is not digested and absorbed particularly well if fluids are taken with meals.ORGANIC MILK

At the very least cut down on these drinks and foods. Your pregnancy will be smoother, happier and much more fulfilling for you as well as for your growing baby. The gift of love will blossom.
SMOKING, DRINKING SUGARY DRINKS, COFFEE, TEA & ALCOHOL can detrimentally affect the baby`s future
so try to love the beautiful little baby inside of you more than your habits! Think of the little arms, legs, eyes, brain, kidneys, heart etc etc that are being formed as you eat and drink the very best foods for the baby`s growth and well-being.
A & R Two Years Old
EATING BISCUITS,CAKES, DEEP FRIED FOODS and PASTA or PIZZAS will rob your child of nutrients so eat only small amounts of these 'treat' foods. Potato chips and other 'dip' biscuits also need to be reduced to a 'special treat' status!! 

Prepare your meals with love and joy in the knowing that your baby is being well-nourished with the best foods. Your own body will also feel better. Your hair will shine more and you will have loads more energy. Stress will also be reduced! 

                                  THE BABY`S FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS & stomach
                                                   EAT LOVE & ENJOY

Love to all expectant mothers and their babies
Cheers  CMW