Saturday 22 December 2012

Another Christmas Healing

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

                                               AND THEN THERE WAS LIGHT
Christmas is a time to reflect on LOVE and the joy and magic (and miracles) of creation
                            Anything is possible if done with a pure heart and a joy of life

Light Shining Through

Christmas Eve, in my house, is always full of the Christmas spirit. Family is together and carols are sung and played. This particular Christmas Eve was  interrupted with an urgent phone call.
   "Hello, C... speaking." I said joyfully, as I answered the phone. There was a pause and then, just as I was about to hang up, I heard a man`s voice. "We need your help urgently"  said the voice on the other end of the phone.
   "If you would be so kind  - could you please tell me what the problem is" I said calmly, "so that I can see if I can help you."
The man, who now was sounding agitated, actually quite frantic, then blurted out his problem without stopping for a breath. He was at his wits end.
   " It`s my daughter. We don`t know what to do." The caller stopped to catch his breath and then continued, "They discharged her from the psychiatric ward a few days ago. She won`t eat or talk to anyone and she doesn`t seem to recognize any of us." He now started crying, " She just sits bolt upright with a vacant look on her face and if we try to take her to the bathroom or get her to take her pills, or eat something, she physically attacks us. We don`t know what to do. Can you help us?"
  The girl`s father sounded very scared, frightened at doing the wrong thing and also frightened at what harm she might do to herself or to others. It turned out that the hospital had discharged most patients for the Christmas break, sending them home to family.  All the rest of his family was coming the next day to celebrate Christmas. Everyone was coming for Christmas dinner, or should I say lunch? I asked him where he lived, as I lived on an Island off North Queensland - Magnetic Island. I needed to know whether I could physically reach his daughter or if I would need to do long distance healing. Luckily they lived in Townsville just a short boat trip away.
When healing takes place at someone`s home it allows me to get to know the family and them me. I can then am able to reassure the members of the family and gain their trust. It opens up an easy doorway to truthful communication. Family can then feel safe in asking as many questions as they need. They instantly relax and let go of their suffocating fear.
   "Let`s see. The next boat leaves Magnetic Island in about three quarters of an hour." I  could almost feel the relief on the other end of the line. "I could be at your place by, say two o`clock. How does that suit?"
  After saying copious amounts of thankyous, his voice managed to ask me if I needed a lift from the wharf. I didn`t. Us Islanders are very resourceful. We actually had a 'shared vehicle' that sat patiently waiting to be driven in Townsville, a blessing for us all.
   "What`s your name and your daughter`s name?" I asked "and your address? It is probably a good idea to give me your phone number too, in case I get lost." I laughed. "See you soon."

  I put the phone down and yelled out to my family that I needed to go to Townsville and then ran up the stairs to the bedroom. My brightly coloured sarong, island dress code, was replaced with the first cotton shirt that I grabbed and a pair of slacks. Teeth brushed, face and hands washed, hair brushed, car keys and bag grabbed as I yelled to my family "I will be back sometime late afternoon. Bye."
  The car was now winding along over the point, driving past the ancient granite outcrops with the huge hoop-pines lurching towards the ocean, as wind whistled through my hair. Love Magnetic.
Hot, very humid. Wind. Clouds rolling in. Change about to happen. Change with emotion.
   The modern catamaran had not yet become a part of the local ferry system. The fast-cat ferries now (2012)only take twenty minutes to get to Townsville. The ferry that I boarded was the old kind, wooden and slow. Open windows, seaspray wetting the hair as the old 'Mama' rocked happily about over and through the waves. Such fun and very communal!
Sixty-five minutes later I arrived in the stifling heat of Townsville. I opened the doors of the car and wound down all the windows, boy the car was hot. Finally I climbed in and headed in the direction of the poorest part of town. Twenty minutes later, water bottle and spray water bottle in hand (in Townsville a spray bottle is a life-saver used for cooling the ankles and neck) I arrived at the family`s home.
   I could almost feel the tension and fear inside the house as I walked up the three steps to the front door. Before I had time to knock, the door flung open and there stood a little Italian man and a well-rounded Italian woman, probably in their early fifties. "Come in, come in" they said, as they showed me the way to the kitchen. "Thankyou so very much for coming."
  "It`s my pleasure." I said, as they sat me down and handed me a cool glass of orange juice.They then proceeded to explain that their daughter was in the bedroom, where she had been for the last few days.
Their pleading, ernest eyes were fixed on me. I instantly was filled with love, and understanding for them. Looking them straight in the eye I reassured them by telling them what I would probably do. I didn`t say, and I never do, suggest that healing will happen. I also never say that there is no need to worry. I am swept up in the moment, not thinking about results, what ifs, or anything at all, except that I am of service, for the good of all. I also never analyze or try to work out things intellectually, even though I was trained as a nursing sister, as this would be me then working through my ego. Nothing bad has ever happened, only good. What form that goodness will take, I don`t know. You see I have absolute faith in God and somehow my utter faith in the universe/source/God gives out a calming affect. It is like the angels appear in the room enveloping the people present with unconditional love. That 'higher support' then allows me to go about my business.

I very softly knocked on the bedroom door as I didn`t want to create too much of a disturbance by knocking normally. Sudden interruptions can trigger anything! Then I gradually pushed open the door. There she was, a woman in her early twenties, vacantly sitting upright on the edge of her bed. You could hear a pin drop. No response at all to me. Eyes glazed, fixed, empty. No one home. She was no longer in charge of her body as she had left. Catatonic. The room was empty apart from her bed, a chair and a huge picture of Jesus hanging on the wall behind her bed. "Thank God they are Catholics" I thought to myself, knowingly smiling at Jesus. After softly saying my name I slowly reached for a chair, brought it opposite her and close to her, and then sat down in front of her. I have to let you know here that I have no fear at all. No fear of being attacked. If I did then I would have been attacked!! My mind is filled with so much compassion resulting in heaps of light. Nothing comes into my mind at all except the healing vibration of pure love.
Looking directly into the vacated eyes I very gently took hold of each of her hands. Closing my eyes I asked in the name of Jesus Christ for healing of the body, mind and spirit. Instantly the light, in my mind`s eye, was intense as the energy ran down my arms and through my hands into the young woman. Buzz, buzz, buzzing, surging down my arms through my hands and into the patient. Five minutes later it was all over. My eyes gazed directly at the girl`s eyes that were now filled with glorious light. Beauty had returned. She had returned.
"ThankYou, ThankYou" I said to the powers that be "ThankYou for the healing."
   "Lovely to meet you." I said softly to her. "I will be back tomorrow, and the next day and the next." She looked at me as I talked, and then squeezed my hands as if to say thankyou.
   "Your Mum will be in, in a minute, to help you change and get ready for lunch." I said, with a kindly smile on my face.
  As I left the room I turned around and gave Jesus a cheeky wink. "I`ll be back tomorrow."

When the parents saw their daughter, and the change in her, tears of gratitude flowed. "Thankyou, Thankyou" they cried as they hugged me, "It`s a miracle, we have our daughter back".
   "Don`t thank me, thank God. I`m just a channel for healing." I said, with emphasis, then added, "I must be off now, but, I will be back tomorrow. Christmas Day 9.30am! See you then. Oh, ring me if you have any problems."
After another squeeze I bid them adieu.
Light Breaking Through The Shadows

What a brilliant Christmas gift this family enjoyed.
Their daughter, who now recognized them, ate a little late lunch and later some tea that day. Christmas day was filled with family and joy, even though their daughter was still reserved and only ate a little before retiring.
It was as if her inner energy channel, her soul energy, had been totally empty. Full of shadows. The daughter`s inner self  filled up more and more with light each time she had healing. Light (is of a higher love ) heals the body, mind and spirit when the emphasis is on this.
There were no more violent or angry attacks and in a few days she was capable of taking her medication along with her meals, showering etc etc. setting the table etc. Another week and she was just about back to leading a normal life even though she was still on medication. Her parents were overjoyed and asked if she actually needed her medication.
   Medication must always be the medical practitioner`s business, NOT the healers. Some medications can cause severe problems if suddenly stopped. A patient should always be monitored if drug doses are reduced or pumped up. I suggested that the next time the doctor sees her maybe, if she feels like it, she could ask if it could gradually be reduced a bit. Never harp on it though. The doctor knows best in medication matters and is responsible for his patient.
 " Trust God."  I said to her. "If your body and mind can be happy, and balanced, without medication then God will find a way to alert the doctor."

The young lady in question had been on medication for years and years. When this lady was in her late teens she had moved to Sydney where she got caught up in the drug scene and had been severely physically beaten by her boyfriend, and raped, and had been on medication ever since. Also in and out of psychiatric hospitals. A horror story indeed.

It happened though, that that Christmas proved the best ever. A turning point in her and her family`s lives. A few months later her very grateful family rang me to tell me she was now off all medication. Of course she would be monitored by her physician all her life in case other traumatic events occurred and triggerred off a response. Christmas sure is a special time.
I ran into her a few years later in Townsville`s Sunday markets in the Mall. She was happy, beautiful, productive and leading a normal well-balanced life.

By the way I still don't know how her family got hold of my phone number, or even who mentioned me to them. That I will never know.

Please note:
It is such a pleasure to be of service and give a free service! So many healers charge like wounded bulls. I don`t charge for healing. When I was very very ill I had no extra money to go to see, or be seen by, healers. Luckily I had such will-power that I worked out ways to heal myself. There is no way known that the lady`s family would have been able to afford a 'healing'. Their happiness was my payment. On Christmas Eve when they asked how much they owed me and I told them that there was no charge, they were so very, very grateful. The mother insisted on cooking a cake for my family and also gave me one of their cushions. Lovely. The cushion has been sat on over and over, as I teach meditation and always need loads of cushions!
I think we all have a right to good health., and boy, it is so wonderful to be able to enjoy someone else`s good health!

For another Christmas Healing story see:

Have a very joyous Christmas
And may you have the best of health in 2013
Love CMW


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