Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sacred Parenting continued - The Third Sacred Key

A & R Two weeks old
Last time I posted I shared the first and second key to sacred parenting and how important it is to recognize the gift that has been given with pregnancy. Peace and happiness for the mother and child start at conception.

                                                   THE THREE Rs
 Reflection:       On the beginning of new life
 Recognition:    Of the gift for both parents - the gift of love, patience, self-knowledge
 Responsibility: Parental care for the body, mind and spirit of the embryo, foetus, unborn child (& self)

The Importance of Diet
 What mother eats and drinks DOES affect the embryo`s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Be mindful, take care. From day one the embryo responds to what you feed her/him affecting him/her for the rest of his/her earthly existence! Remember the little embryo turns into a foetus, then baby, who then becomes a child and later becomes an adult. In order to afford the child an exciting experience of creation and life, so that in the future full potential and happiness may be achieved, a good diet from day one is essential.
During pregnancy, and hopefully as you raise your child, be wise and eat the very best foods for optimal health, clear thinking and a happy emotional life.

EAT:     LOADS OF VEGETABLES  a variety of colours with salads and with main meal
             Please note: If vegetarian you will need to take certain supplements. Ask your doctor what you
             need and what dosage you should take.
             ORGANIC MEAT three times a week
             EGGS & LOW FAT CHEESE for extra protein
             DEEP SEA FISH  only once or twice a week
             GRAINS  Daily intake of organic whole grains
             NUTS & SEEDS   Soak nuts overnight in cold water - more easily digested
             SPROUTS  Provide heaps of enzymes, minerals & vitamins
             YOGHURT  Provides calcium as well as good gut bacteria
             FRUIT   Two or three pieces a day particularly for antioxidants (immune boosters)
DRINK:   UNPOLLUTED WATER between meals. Food is not digested and absorbed particularly well if fluids are taken with meals.ORGANIC MILK

At the very least cut down on these drinks and foods. Your pregnancy will be smoother, happier and much more fulfilling for you as well as for your growing baby. The gift of love will blossom.
SMOKING, DRINKING SUGARY DRINKS, COFFEE, TEA & ALCOHOL can detrimentally affect the baby`s future
so try to love the beautiful little baby inside of you more than your habits! Think of the little arms, legs, eyes, brain, kidneys, heart etc etc that are being formed as you eat and drink the very best foods for the baby`s growth and well-being.
A & R Two Years Old
EATING BISCUITS,CAKES, DEEP FRIED FOODS and PASTA or PIZZAS will rob your child of nutrients so eat only small amounts of these 'treat' foods. Potato chips and other 'dip' biscuits also need to be reduced to a 'special treat' status!! 

Prepare your meals with love and joy in the knowing that your baby is being well-nourished with the best foods. Your own body will also feel better. Your hair will shine more and you will have loads more energy. Stress will also be reduced! 

                                  THE BABY`S FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS & stomach
                                                   EAT LOVE & ENJOY

Love to all expectant mothers and their babies
Cheers  CMW

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