Sunday 28 August 2011

Channelling Healing, Distant Healing, Energy Healing

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


For years I devoted my days to being of service, especially channelling healing, to those that asked for help. Sometimes I found myself placing my hands over a patient, sometimes on the patient. I had utter faith in God and had no need to look, or wish, for results as I knew that healing could be of the body, mind or spirit and God knew what to do in what area. I always asked, and still do, for healing of the body, mind and spirit, whatever is needed for the highest good of the patient. Before laying on of hands I quietly centre myself and make contact, in the stillness, to the Creator before asking, in my mind, in the name of Jesus Christ for healing to take place. Most of the time I experience heat surging through my body, down my arms and through my hands into the patient. My hands move automatically to the areas needed. I allow my hands to do their 'thing' whilst I watch on without my ego interfering.
In the past though I would sometimes feel my body changing shape and I would feel like I actually was a different person. This would also sometimes happen when I was doing absent or distant healing. When this feeling happened I was/ am fully aware of myself as well as the 'other' image. Patients would be instantly healed when this happened.
Many patients claimed to see various healing energies/entities who assisted in the 'healings' that took place.
Even after being healed, through distant/absent healing, patients would ring me to say that they had seen an Indian Medicine Man or a Chinese Medicine man etc.come to them and heal them. By the way, I never ever suggested anything of the sort  pre session and most of the time my patients were not into anything to do with 'spiritual' healing.
More on these types of healings another time.

There was also a spiritual Aboriginal Medicine man who called himself Jagel.
Many people would say they had a vision, whilst my hands were on them, of an Aboriginal man standing next to me. Strangely again it was people who weren`t looking for a vision and also probably had never ever had one, or heard of having visions.
Other patients saw an ascended master mainly Jesus, Archangel Michael and Mary.
Please remember that I never spoke of anything to do with visions, sixth sense, spirituality or anything else. It was just that the patients happened upon me, or had had a dream before hand that they could get help from me so somehow stumbled onto me. I have never advertized, and in fact I don`t talk about healing unless someone brings it up. I also don`t make any claims to people that they will be healed, although I do know that nothing negative ever happens. Only good things happen adding to a better quality of life.
Healing is sometimes subtle yet profound when healing happens at an etheric level. Sometimes emotional, sometimes physical. I don`t put any thought into expectations, wishes or wants as I don`t know what is truly the most beneficial area to be worked on. Actually I`m flat out trying to work out my own issues so how could I know all about each patient - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, environmentally, diet, karma, lessons to be learnt etc.!
The source, the higher self knows all as it is all. So I am just a 'empty' channel tuning in to the Divinity within it all. Surrendering to a higher energy for the good of all.

Jagel also channelled loads of information through me in the way of writing words of wisdom, truth and beauty. He also channelled through me this batik. I was fully conscious and in the "space between the words" as I, or should I say we, produced this batik on raw silk.

'Mother Earth' is about balancing the yin and the yang to form complete harmony.
 Even though female energy is very different to male energy we have both energies within us. In this batik the snake on the left, represents female energy and the snake on the right represents male energy or lifeforce.
Yin is female, receptive and intuitive, yang is male and is active and logic. Often we are more receptive and intuitive and not enough logic and action, or the other way around.
In iridology (I`m also an iridologist), the left side of the body represents the feminine, compassionate and spiritual side of things, and the right side of the body represents the male logic, work, physical action and intellect. We look for weaknesses in either side of the body to see where there is insufficiency, or lack, in the patient`s life. We look for genetic weaknesses that inadvertly create different emotional responses like depression, anger, guilt which all then affect the body`s vibrational frequencies and health. The idea is to regain harmony in all aspects of the self.
If we look at both sides of ourselves, and try to bring both expressions of lifeforce into balance, then opportunity to create our full potential, in harmony with the whole, will be realized. Health also will be attained as well as spiritual growth. The body, mind and spirit relies on balance between the different expressions of creation within and without our physical body.
In the above batik we also see the pulse of creation as the wave like motion travels beyond the immediate frame. The dots represent movement and pure essence within all matter.
'Mother Earth' suggests two energies in harmony, with the uterus inbetween, coming together to give birth (heads of the snake meet up at the cervix).

Until next time,
Cheers CMW

Monday 22 August 2011

The Supernatural - Extraordinary Raffle Winnings

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


When your heart is flowing in Divine Presence you are selflessly living with compassion to all - friends, community, nature and Mother Earth. God works through, and in us, in every way. 
Faith, Trust and Commitment to Awakening our consciousness carries us to the deepest most silent part within - where everything (God) resides.
Doors are flung open and light imbues us. Chaos may arise and the light within rearranges our perspectives. In the silence we feel, 'see' and hear the all-knowing voice of God. 

God (Divine Creator of all) hears our every thought, word and action!

Two Front Doors To Home

The other day a friend of mine, and I, were talking about old times and how things seem to manifest at the right time in the right place. I remembered a time in my past when we were really short of cash.

I was sitting on the ferry heading home, from the mainland, to the Island when an acquaintance of mine plonked down on the seat next to me.
'Hello Christabel, long time no see'.
I always enjoyed my conversations with her as she was also a trained nursing sister.
'Have been watching out for you' she said, as she rearranged her shopping so that it wouldn`t fall over. 'Actually, I wanted to know if you happen to know of anyone interested in escorting a sick friend of mine to
see an alternative healer in the Cook Islands'.
My ears were now like my eyes, wide open. Goose bumps flew into action. She continued as she looked at me
'The first person I thought of was you, but I thought you probably would be too busy to go'.
Before she could say any more I butted in and said I would love to go. This felt like a calling.

All food, travelling expenses from Cairns, and accommodation, would be covered by the lady. I would meet the lady in Cairns and then we would fly to Raratonga. We were to stay in a rented cottage for six weeks, hire a motor bike and ride to the healer`s home a few times a week. The healing technique was called Body Electronics and I was to learn the techniques and work on the patient during these times. What a blast! I hadn`t felt so excited for ages.
A few weeks previous to seeing my acquaintance on the ferry I had had a vision of pressure points on the body, so I actually had started to study reflexology. Body Electronics incorporates lengthy pressure point holding as well as other techniques. Yes, I felt I HAD to go!

I would have to find the dollars to enable me to fly/rail/bus? it up to Cairns.
My husband was without work and we were finishing building our pole home, so at this stage of the game we were very short of cash. ( I never charged my patients who came for healings ).  
Also my parents were coming to stay with us on the Island and they were very fussy about the food they ate. They had expensive tastes and loved their classy wine and caviar, water biscuits and dips, whisky, expensive marmalade and a particular expensive apricot jam. Olives etc etc etc. There was no way we had the cash to buy our own basics, never mind theirs!

On top of this there appeared another hitch. The lady had rung me to say that the only dates available were from July......through to August......... . My parents were due to arrive within this time-frame so after speaking to  the lady, and telling her that I was really excited about going with her, I rang up my parents to tell them about the Cook Island 'once in a lifetime opportunity' and to ask them if they could possibly change their travelling dates.
They were furious. Even though they were financially well-off and retired, they would not change their dates.
'Stuff it' I said to myself, as I put down the receiver. 
I started packing that day.

I had certainly, and unknowingly, put out a clear focussed thought pattern
My thought pattern was I AM GOING, NO MATTER WHAT!

A few days later the lady from Cairns rang and informed me that there had been a stuff-up and that the dates were to be July..... to August ..... . instead of August ..  !
I was ecstatic. The new dates meant that I would arrive home the DAY BEFORE my parents turned up!!!
One hurdle down.

Now to my story about the raffle winnings.

The next hurdle, to overcome, was the food problem. If my parents didn`t have expensive food all hell would be let loose. Peace would not be on the agenda.

I was travelling home on the bus trying to conjure up some brilliant ideas re food for my folks. Slightly agitated, I started to feel like nibbling on something like potato chips or, yes twisties. Hadn`t had any twisties for years and years (not good for you). Used to eat them when I was a teenager. 
Thoughts continued running through my mind as to where the hell I could conjure up some $ to acquire ingredients etc etc. Oh, and our incredibly old and unique sprinkler had thrown in the towel. It used to water the whole garden. My husband would definately not be bothered watering our garden by hand and we were in the dry season. My 'babies' would definitely need watering whilst I`m away and I`m to leave in a couple of days time. Come on God, I need your help.

  'Faulty Towers', yelled the bus driver as he pulled into the front of our garden. That was my stop. Faulty Towers was the locals name for our home.
I grabbed my things, said thank you, and waved ta ta.
  'Have a great time' he yelled to me, as he swung the bus back on to the road.

My head was in a bit of a spin. Home. Coolness.
The sun was behind me and as I approached our two open front doors I could make out two large 'somethings' sitting inside in the hallway. What seemed like a rather large dirty washing basket and a smaller white plastic laundry basket were indeed featuring in the front hall. Strange. 
The closer I moved the more inquisitive I became. "What on earth is that?" I said to myself as I dropped my shopping and bag on the floor. "My goodness, this is odd". 
Perched, and featuring, on top of the biggest basket was a MASSIVE packet of Twisties! I did not know that you could buy Twistie packets that large! All very weird. Scratching my head I walked around the baskets which I could now see were absolutely FULL of goodies.
  'These groceries must have been delivered to the wrong house' I thought to myself as I fondled the Twisties packet.
  'How odd' I took in a deep breath and pinched myself as I saw what was poking out from under the Twisties packet. 'A sprinkler and it is exactly the same as our old one, but is new!'  
I had been looking all over the place to buy a new one like my very, very old one that had broken a few weeks before. I had been told they do not make them any more!

Inside the baskets there was not only the much needed sprinkler but there was also the 'right' expensive whisky, Mum and Dad`s favourite wine, their favourite olives, jam, marmalade, water biscuits, and actually everything
they really loved, and expected. There was also everything that my family needed for the pantry, to keep the wolves away, as well as lots more much needed goodies!

I hunted for a delivery note as usually this was stuck on the top of deliveries. No note of any kind could be found on either basket. Strange, and bewildering, indeed. It was amazing that everything we really needed was actually sitting in the two baskets yet I had absolutely no idea where they came from or who they were meant for. The delivery man must have mistakenly dropped off the groceries at our address. Somebody would surely realize the mistake and come and collect them. 
I put the kettle on for a cuppa, winked back at the winking Twisties and then rang up the delivery business to inform them of their mistake and to see if they could come and pick the baskets up.
  'No, wasn`t us. We have had no delivey to you today. Sorry love, cannot help you.'

I poured my cup of Earl Grey and once again checked out the baskets. Those Twisties were too much to take. Temptation overcame me. I opened up the winking twisties and wrote a big Thankyou and hope you don`t mind note, saying that I would replace the packet a.s.a.p. Then I sat down and pondered.

Maybe someone had given them to us? Not possible. Nobody on the island knew my parents, never mind what their favourite foods and wine were! Our two front doors were always wide open so anybody, I suppose, could have put them in the front entrance. No locks and patients would amble in and find comfort in one of the sitting rooms or garden. Sometimes people would just come and find peace and then go on their way. We also had a piano that people and tourists would wander in and play. Island life was quite laid-back and creative.

Before I left for Cairns, and the Cook Islands, we had already used the promite and flour and a couple of other things. Every time we used something from the baskets we said thankyou and I wrote it on the Twistie List so we could replace them when the baskets were claimed.

I left on a high note and had the most rewarding and inspirational adventure in the Body Electronics mind-field. When I arrived home, the day before my folks were to arrive, the still unclaimed goodies were taken out of the baskets ready for use. My folks didn`t know the story behind their 'comfort' and really enjoyed their holiday. Caviar, wine and the tropics. Not bad eh?

Three or four weeks after my parents had returned home I ran into the old postmistress. 'Hi, Christabel. Did you enjoy your win?'
'What win?'
'You know. The Rediscovery Weekend Raffle'
'We were away that weekend. How could we have won the raffle?' I asked in disbelief. I knew that they normally sell raffle tickets throughout that weekend drawing it at the end of the Rediscovery Festival.

What the Postmistress said next was astonishing. 
  'It was DEFINITELY  YOU who won the two baskets. I remember the day, and, who bought the ticket!' She was shaking her head from side to side and looked extremely puzzled as she continued to explain to me, 'I and my friend were selling tickets to people at the end of the jetty as. We caught people as they got off the ferries and also as they got on to head off back to the mainland.'
She stopped for a breath and then continued, 'It was really strange. An old man, whom I`ve never ever seen before, got off the ferry, walked straight to us and just bought one ticket, turned around and got back on the ferry. Back to the mainland!' She shook her head 'We thought it very strange'.
Then she continued, 'What was even stranger was that he didn`t leave a name. He just wrote down a phone number, and then left! Both my friend and I thought it all very odd indeed '.

What I thought was even stranger was that the postmistress didn`t ring us up to find out who the lucky winner was. It took her weeks to go through the phone book and find us. Crazy. She apparently just had a mental block. If she had rung us straight away you know, I would have told her, over the phone, to give it to a charity to re raffle off.

As it turned out  thanks to the old man, an angel in disguise, our needs were more than met. Thank You.

Moral of this story
If you are living your passion, then the universe reveals its unlimited self, supplying all that you need.
Mister Big Ears hears everything

For a couple of other incredible stories go to:
Post  25/10/11  The Purple Jacket - a Gift from Africa`s Animal Kingdom
Post  15/06/11  Madagascar  Sunset Moth - Africa Calling

Have fun reading,
Until next time
Love and light CMW

Sunday 14 August 2011

After the Fire

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


After The Fire

Mask and clothes removed                   
Leads to flowering of barren land

It always amazes me how nature reclaims
itself after a bushfire.
It also is fascinating seeing the wildflowers in a desert landscape bloom with such beauty.
"After the Fire", after we have `been emptied`,
new meaning and new strength appears. We have the opportunity to recreate a better self and with
this new self reach more of our creative and spiritual potential. Blossom.

The ego masks the true self. Often spirit is not felt
by the human who hasn`t realized the essence within. Once the connection to God, the Source, is truly felt, there is no need for hiding behind a mask.

Vanity is but a mere piece of clothing
That filters out the light
And keeps you in the dark

Temptation is most certainly the Ego`s way of letting us know it`s alive and well. That is the beauty of being human and participating in this fascinating game of three dimensional reality!

Until next time
Cheers, CMW

Thursday 11 August 2011

Anubis Comes to the Rescue


I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


In Egypt prayers are seen carved on the most ancient tombs to assist the dead in admitting them to the underworld. Anubis, depicted as a man with a head of a jackal-like animal, is an incredibly ancient god. He is the god of preservation and was known as the embalmer of Osiris so that Osiris would be able to live again.
Anubis protects, and leads, the innocent into heavenly existence. Anubis monitored the scales of truth to protect the dead from deception and eternal death. He is also portrayed as a black dog escorting and protecting Isis. He is also a patron of magic and is seen holding the divine sceptre carried by kings and gods.
As the protector he has a black and white ox-hide splattered with blood and hanging fron a pole.
In modern times he is often thought of as a black dog or jackal.
 Now to my story. It goes something like this:

Way back my ancestors were very religious. One chap in particular was a missionary type who travelled from village to village preaching the gospel. His only form of income was that given to him by his congregation. This money he would take with him in a black bag as he walked to his next calling.
One day he was walking to his next village when two thieves jumped out from behind some rocks to steal his money. Suddenly a black dog appeared from nowhere and warded off the two thieves! Of course no money was able to be stolen.
Apparently the two thieves were so shocked that they became devote christians.

I believe that thought patterns manipulate matter. If a certain thought pattern, or belief pattern, has been around for a long time, even if we think it is only a mythical creation, it can be used to assist us in our times of need. It also can be a destroyer.

In the past when I have been really worried about a dangerous situation I have seen a beautiful short-haired, sleek black dog, with pointed large ears, appear in the physical form in front of me. Sometimes it will run quickly across my path only a few feet away from me! I am not looking for a dog, or expecting anything to manifest, it just happens. The dog is definately physical, not a vision.
Years ago I was frantically driving down to Melbourne and I needed to know that my daughter and children were safe. I was very worried about a particular situation. The stretch of road was flat, no farms in sight, in the middle of what seemed like nowhere I asked the universe "Are the girls okay?"
Immediately I saw about 100 metres in front of me a little dirt track that headed off to the left of the road into the distance. No house in sight. Right in the middle of the dirt track, a couple of metres in from the road, sat the same black, shiny short-haired dog with pointed large ears, sitting upright as if protecting that track.
I immediately knew my family was safe. They were being protected and no harm would come to them.

Another time my partner and I were at the fish markets in Dar Es Salam (apparently you should never go there as you could be knocked off- for money). We were on the beach, behind the markets,checking out the colours and designs of the fishing boats. Fabulous boats. Anyhow, we started to walk back to the markets when a man started to hassle us. He was getting closer and closer to my friend Somerset and had a very aggressive, threatening look in his eyes. Ne was about a metre from Somerset when he pulled out a shiny knife and was abouut to lunge at Somery. On the spur of the moment all I could think to do was to yell out in my mind "ANUBIS"!!!!!
INSTANTLY the man backed back. He then turned around and walked off.
Somerset had been terrified and had thought he was a gonner. I am sure he would have been killed if Anubis had not come to the rescue. This time I didn`t see a black dog but I now know who to call for in a dangerous situation.

Another time a lady from Melbourne rang me asking for guidance and help. She  was having trouble with people breaking into her house. Twice her house had been robbed. She also had had threatening letters etc. She lived in an area where there were many unemployed and where there were many hoons. She couldn`t sleep through fear of a break-in and attack. I told her to make sure she always locks up and then I told her about Anubis and how he is a protector. I described him and asked her to ask him to guard her house. I asked her to imagine this beautiful, pointed-eared, sleek black dog sitting on guard at her front door and her back door (as if there were two black guard dogs).
That night she slept like a baby. Not only was she now protected but she also had transmuted her fear!
Her fear had been a growing concern, as resistance = persistence. If fear remains, then reason to have that fear will persist!!

I will be writing about thought patterns and manifestation another day.

Bye for now
Cheers CMW

Monday 1 August 2011

Snakeskin - Shedding the Old, Renewal

August 2nd

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


A couple of days ago I decided it was time to do a juicing cleanse. I think I will start on the 14th August as that is the day after my birthday outing with my family. I have started collecting boxes to grow some wheatgrass in as I feel I need green. I will also be juicing carrots, apple, celery, ginger and beetroot. My aim is to juice for a month. That gives me heaps of quiet time meditating, contemplating and being quiet around the home. Life gets so full of activity. I think it is good to wind down and take a breath and have the time to be very awake, in the moment, to allow truth and beauty to reveal itself more freely.
I call this process of uncluttering Sacred Time. Candles lit, flowers and other offerings to the Divine will be ritually given each day emphazing the connection to everyone and everything. All feelings and insights experienced in the stillness of the mind are a sacred deepening assisting the soul on its journey.
Every time I do this juicing fast I feel a deeper connection to God. Therefore any habitual destructive, judgemental or emotional actions are decreased as my heart is recharged with LOVE.
When old ways of seeing are transmuted I always feel that I am stepping out of my clothes. I actually turn my head back, with a smile on my face, as if I can 'see' the old clothes lying there on the floor.

Nature Spirits want us to communicate with them.

I play a lot with nature, toning the earth in places devoid of love. I have fun with the lizards, birds and in fact all creatures large or small. Nature is my best friend and I believe I am Natures friend. When I need an answer to a question animals sometimes manifest in the physical - even in places where they are very rarely seen! Sometimes far away from their seasonal migration. Sometimes so close that I can feel their breath, or if birds manifest I can feel their wings ruffle my hair as they fly past. When I was working in the Cook Islands my answer to a pressing question was given to me when a huge sperm whale jumped right out of the water in front of me - with a smile on his face. Everyone (locals) was shocked as it was the wrong time of the year for whales and they never ever come that close! When the answer to my question is clear the animal/bird/insect just vanishes in a flash.

There was a huge new moon last night.
Most of my Sacred Time will be spent in meditation in the library. The library is a sacred place where I do 'hands on' healing and distant healing. It is a space where people come to gain knowledge or come for sanctuary. It is also used for community gatherings such as meditation.
This morning when I opened the door to go into the library there was a beautiful new snakeskin hanging directly over the inside of the doorway.
I most certainly will be stepping out of the old and into another stage of my development.

 Everything that we do permeates the whole.

When a snake slides over my feet, or is seen by me crossing over my path, I know energy of a spiritual kind is presenting itself. Lifeforce is available. If the snake comes from my left it is to do with my past, if from the right it is a new energy coming into my life (from the future).
For me snakes are always positive and dynamic. Movement. I also am aware of the colour of the snake, insect, bird or animal. Once I nearly stood on a black and white striped snake. I therefore knew balance (Yin/yang) was the order of the day!

 As I said before, everything is everywhere, nothing is separate. Energy permeates all. Our emotions, words and actions spread out into the whole. Like a pebble dropped into a still pond, ripples spread out. The ripples more obvious to the naked eye when close to the action, thoughts, words and emotion.

A few years ago, when it was time for bed, I opened my bedroom door only to find a bird disorientated and off balance. I caught him and released him outside. At the time I thought it rather strange that the bird had somehow flown into my bedroom. These birds are usually in bed at dusk, way before dark.
The next morning I woke up with vertigo. I had only had vertigo once before and that was after an accident where I fell and knocked my head on the concrete and broke my arm.
They only thing that seemed to make the vertigo go was a supplement of chelated minerals that included calcium and Vit D. I later had a Vit D test and I was vit D deficient. Now I take extra Vit D and have had no other vertigo attacks. (Vit D is necessary for calcium absorption and apparently loads of people in sunny Queensland are vit D deficient!).

Another time we were renting a house and I had a very strong feeling that the house was sold. The neighbours were looking for someone to rent their place as they were going to be moving. I rang our landlady and explained that the house next door was going to be coming up for rent and that I was wondering if they had an interested buyer or that their house had sold. The landlord claimed that it definately wasn`t being sold and that we could keep on renting. A couple of days later, when I was parking the car in the driveway, a huge white-tailed rat ran across my path, as if coming out of the house! I had never seen or heard of these rats in that part of Australia. Again I thought that it was strange. I also thought that someone (a giant rat), pretending to live by spiritual laws (white tail), was in fact lying and that was going to impact on us. A couple of days later I found out that the house had been sold and that we had two weeks to find somewhere else!! Next door had already lined up someone to rent their place as rental properties are very hard to find in that area.
The animal kingdom had forewarned us so we didn`t get caught up in anger etc. and without resistance (anger, fear) we were soon given alternative accommadation.

Next time I will share with you a story about a black dog called Anubis

Until then
Happy days,
Cheers CMW