Thursday 16 October 2014

Unraveling The Mystery

Unraveling The Mystery

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


 Creation is part of us and is all around us. It is everything! Stop for a few minutes and drink in the hugeness and miracle of creation. Breathe and drink in, breathe and drink in whilst reflecting on the miracle.
Many folk don`t ever stop to 'see'. They miss out on realizing the perfection, complexity and yet orderliness of creation. They see no beauty and therefore have no fascination, no inspiration and possibly have a hell of a life. The ego with its needs and wants, its anger and hurts, laughter and sadness, or its  'work only' mode, leaves no time for outside beauty or inside beauty.
Yet, all around us, and in us, are the most amazing stories of creation.

 SEARCHING .................. SEARCHING ......................still not satisfied

All of us are constantly searching for the feeling of completeness, for peace, love and happiness and the more we search outside ourselves the less we 'see' and find!
We want to feel warm and fuzzy, content and whole.

 Where is this mystery? Seems that it is behind a veil, secretly waiting to be discovered, waiting to be realized.

The Roller-coaster of Life


Turn Around, Sit Still
                               The greatest mystery is found in the stillness                           
                                             In the stillness               
                                             Everything is found
                                             Take time out of your work to be still
                 And you will have more hours in the day

Answers are found when in the still point. Wholeness takes place. The soul grows stronger and with more strength comes more love, more respect, more happiness, more creativity, more health and a huge sense of wonderment and belonging.
This quiet still-point is an oasis that connects with absolutely EVERYTHING.  
 A feeling of freedom and yet connection with everything. THE VEIL IS LIFTED.

 20 minutes twice a day, in this state of 'no-mind' releases emotional and physical tension and has been known to create miracles health-wise. They say exercising the mind stimulates the mind, (intelligence, memory) to grow. Strange though that when you take time out to still the mind you have way more clarity of thinking and problems are solved more easily! Why not try it?

The Universal Mind is tapped into without you knowing it. When all emotional and mental attachments, and thoughts, disappear you left in a sea of universal consciousness where answers to everything and anything are flowing through you and around you. All possibilities are interacting with your subconscious without you being aware of the experience, so, later on answers to problems seem to just pop into your head! The subtle senses are also awakened.

To Nana Tink With Love From ..
Have a truly mind changing experience within the stillness
The greatest mystery is in that silence
Until next time
Cheers CMW

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