Sunday 26 October 2014

A Feline Healing

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Memories ....... memories

Magnetic Island
Many years ago I lived on beautiful Magnetic Island off the North Eastern Coast of Australia. Most of the Island was National Park with the remaining land zoned residential. It was the most exciting place to bring up children  - similar to Enid Blyton`s fabulous childrens` stories.
Wallabies, koalas and possums galore, walking tracks up into wild bush and back down the huge rounded granite rocks ending up in one of the many coves, or clean white beaches, that graced the Island shores. Outcrops of coral, quite close to shore, tempted even the most intrepid traveller to swim amongst the huge variety of colourful reef fish.
\White-breasted sea eagles are amongst the 180 different species of birds that occupy the island throughout each year. No wonder tourists came from near and far to feast on the smorgasbord of creation!

The Perfect Environment for Healing

The perfect place for healing is anywhere where there is water. I believe Edgar Cayce was told to go and live where he would be close to water. 

Water holds, and carries, thought patterns and light.
Doing absent, or distant, healing is always more powerful on an overcast or humid day. If it is drizzling rain then that is even more powerful. Maybe do healing on yourself in a nice luke warm bath!
Water holds and transports thought patterns. I`ll write about Masaru Emotos experiments to do with this next time.
It`s no wonder I witnessed the most miraculous healings on Magnetic Island - not only for humans but also for animals.

Two Very Quick Feline Healings

I can remember one evening my husband and I were about to go out to a party. Dressed to the nines and ready to go we were heading down the stairs when a screeching cat ran through the front doors, and up the stairs. Blood and fear in amongst hair and pain shot passed us. Somebody`s cat had probably been knocked by a car? 
There, crouching under one of the children`s beds, was this frightened bleeding cat.
So hands on healing was the order of the day. Of course, I couldn`t touch it but instead managed to pull the bed away a bit and face my hands towards the poor little thing. In a few minutes the pussy quietened down, then the bleeding stopped and it fell asleep. After leaving a drink of water for the cat, we left for the party. 
Healing is usually only required for a few minutes and nearly always is permanent. One session is normal - so- I thought the cat would be okay and it was.

'The Queen' Paying Homage to the Buddha
 If my friend, my cat, hasn`t been humble I say to her "Go and Pay Homage to the Buddha". Meaning remember to be humble and grateful and that you are a part of everything.
'Her Royal Highness', commonly known as the Queen,  then walks to, and sits in front of, the Bodhi Tree (it`s in the plant pot next to the meditating sculpture) and takes a sip of water and then sits!!!!!!!

Another day someone rang up to say that their cat hadn`t eaten for a few days and was in so much pain and that it  couldn`t get off the chair. They were worried sick, didn`t know what to do. Someone had told her to ring me and to ask if I could possibly come and do some healing on the cat.
When I arrived at the people`s home I was straight away shown the cat who was sitting on the verandah chair and was in quite a state. Hyperventilating and very stressed. They hadn`t been able to get anywhere near her as she would hiss and snarl at them and try to bite them if they tried to move her. She was obviously in a lot of pain.
A couple of minutes later my hands lay about 10cms above the cat`s tail. (This was done without thinking). They then made a fairly slow pass over the cat`s body, starting at the tail and ending up over her head. Straight away the cat fitted. Large uncontrollable jerky movements, then just as quick as the dramatic movements began, they ended. The cat stood up, looked normal, jumped off the chair and ran over to its food and drink. HAKUNA MATATA - No worries, all better! Purrrrrrrrr ....

Such is healing. The cat didn`t have faith BUT I DID!

There are many, many animal healing stories similar to these, many to do with birds and dogs and some horses.
Life is never dull and is always full of possibilities.
Faith, trust and dropping the how, where and whys is often to the patient`s, as well as the healer`s, benefit.

With love to the animal world
And to you too
Cheers  CMW

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