Friday 5 September 2014

Emu Feather Keeps Me, as Well as Others, Light

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Years ago on Magnetic Island I met a wonderful aboriginal story-teller, dancer and fellow artist. His name was Francis Firebrace.

My daughter was working at the Travel Agent booth that was positioned near the beginning of the Picnic Bay jetty. Fabulous spot - only a few metres from the sand and sea, fresh air and balmy tropical weather. The positioning of this business, business-wise, was perfect, as everyone who visited Magnetic had to walk past if catching a ferry back to Townsville or arriving from Townsville. Nearby there was a brand new public telephone.

Magnetic Island Jetty

Island living, in tropical North Queensland, consisted of work, swimming, sarongs and bare feet, and cycling, climbing and hiking. I was a potter and artist, as well as a spiritual healer. Spontaneity and creativity were a constant!
Strange and unexpected situations often arose and were met with even stranger solutions to problems. I also had many unusual meetings with elders from all over the world. Life was NEVER dull!

Well, this day my daughter, as I said before, was working at the Travel Booth when she happened to spot this aboriginal guy. Something inside her stirred and she knew that he had to meet up with me. Why? Who knows - she didn`t. She had never seen him before and had no idea of his background or work.
Within minutes my daughter, who was normally quite shy, had given him my phone number, some change for the phone, and had asked him to ring me whilst pointing him in the direction of the phone!

  "Yes, Christabel speaking. How can I help you?"
  " I don`t know why I am ringing", said a softly spoken man`s voice, "My name is Francis. Your daughter asked me to ring you - so - I`ve rung".
   " Where are you? "
   " Picnic Bay - at the phone in front of the Pub"
    "Okay. Well I`ll meet you there in about five minutes - maybe we can have a coffee together?"

Over a cup of coffee we had a very animated conversation re painting, healing, healing, painting and  messages through art etc etc. We got on like a house on fire!
As an aboriginal elder, and healer,  he toured sharing valuable lessons using dance, story-telling and art as his medium.

                         STORY TELLING KEEPS THE DREAM ALIVE

Francis Firebrace Storyteller & Artist

A couple of years later we met up in NSW and believe it or not I can`t remember if it was then that he gave me a little box of emu feathers. All I know is that it was Francis who gave them to me, don`t know why he did though. maybe it was to use them for jewellery or healing, or for a symbolic meaning ? - I don`t know.

Anyhow, this is what I did with them

After that trip away we (my new partner & I) ended up renting, and renovating, a motor mechanic`s shed in the Tablelands in Far North Queensland.  The beautiful little village named Yungaburra was where we now lived. Across from the shed, and a little down the road, was the famous Lake Eacham Hotel.  People would come from all over the Tablelands and Cairns to get married in the Tablelands and have the wedding reception at this fabulous old hotel.
Marie and Kevin were the owners and Marie not only had the gift of the gab, but was also over-the-top in her flamboyant decor, decorating the diningroom with HUGE floral arrangements etc. The reception diningroom was absolutely the most beautifully decked out wedding reception venue I still have ever seen!
The bride and groom were always placed at the head of the largest table with their backs close to the windows behind them. The Hotel wall actually buts up to the public  footpath! Walking past, you cannot see into the dining wedding reception area as the windows have a patterned glaze.

Now back to my story about the feathers
There will always be light and dark times within a marriage. All relationships give you many different shades of colours. One minute you`re happy, the next you are not. A mole-hill can be made into a mountain and this mountain can be the undoing of a truly beautiful marriage. We are only human and we can lose perspective and forget all the good things and the reason why we were married in the first place!

THE FEATHER - light and airy, flowing
 The times I noticed a reception taking place I would take a feather and I would knock on the outside window. A surprised bride would open up the window. I would then present her with

the feather that was a symbol :

to remind her at all times to stay light when there was trouble brewing.
to also remind her of this special day and the reasons why she married.
to take some deep breaths and to try to see a bigger picture.

There is always a bigger picture and a positive to every negative. This is life.
I actually wear one of these long, lightweight feathers every time I get too much into my head, bogged or going around in circles.
ALL EGO STUFF, NOT REALLY REAL. I wear it in my right ear to keep me aware of the lightness of creation. It tickles me as I walk and nudges me into a more balanced perspective. It makes me laugh at MYSELF and my emotional responses!!!
It also reminds me to let go and be still and reconnect with real stuff - CREATION.
I am wearing one right now as I have been over-thinking a dilemma??

Look Francis Firebrace up on the web and see what a difference he makes in the world. Enjoy

Cheers and love to you all

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