Monday 22 December 2014



Twin Violinists Astar and Rawhinia 
                                               CHRISTMAS IS

                                               A time to reflect
                                               A time to share
                                               A time for peace
                                               A time for forgiveness
                                               A time for compassion
                                               A time for gratitude
                                               A time for giving and receiving
                                               A time for love

The Madagascar Sunset Moth Reflects Light
Check on your neighbours, Aunts and nieces. Say hello and smile at passers by.
Spread a little warmth to others whilst at the same time warming your soul.
If on your own and feeling miserable - meditate and pray for someone. We are feeding the homeless - VOLUNTEER to help someone. Spread a little cheer and that cheer will be passed on to others. We all have a lot to offer.



Friday 28 November 2014

Illusions and The Game of Life Part One

Illusions and The Game of Life

A Piece of The Puzzle

Mansions Within Mansions
In general we seem to think that what we see in front of, and around, us is all that there is! A FALSE ASSUMPTION. It is how you see, and how you programmed, that presents everything visually to us. Our angle of perception reflects our ideas and experiences in life therefore either creates an open-shutter magnifying lens or a partially closed shutter with a foggy lens.
When the sun is half risen you see shadows.
When the sun is directly overhead, shadows disappear.
                              More light = a clearer picture.

Everybody thus experiences seeing a different picture. Everybody then responds, or reacts differently to the 'picture'! So when someone else responds, or sees, something quite different to you or to what you want them to see - ENJOY!

Fear, Anxiety causes a different view/perspective/experience to fulfillment & joy.

A Dark Night with an evil wolf, might be seen below by those who have loads of fear.
A fun game of  shadow-play might be seen by someone who is positive and creative!

The Wolf
The Mind Plays Tricks - Mind Matters -so watch it
The mind is endowed with amazing powers to achieve and create
We set ourselves up with the use of the mind and our choice of thought patterns.
                                    LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE                 

      Distorted thinking creates the list below. This list below also creates narrow,
      limited, self-abusing, self-restricting vision. Light is blocked and Spirit is
      frail. Connection and wholeness is incomplete.                            
        Judgements, including racism and any thoughts that include SHOULD!
        Loneliness can become unworthiness 
        And anything else that is less than peace and happiness
CREATES A DISTORTED VISION that reflects the space you are in. Then whatever space you are in MAGNIFIES through that vision.

                          Thought seeds are watered and fed!

People with the above thought patterns are more likely to see a glass half empty.
People with positive hopeful thoughts will see the glass as half full!
Sometimes so much stuff has happened to us that we feel it is either too hard or  it is impossible to change.WRONG. This is a false assumption that has arisen from an untamed mind!

              Thought patterns directly effect our lives in every way
              The creative power of thoughts produce experience 
                                   and outward manifestations
              We choose our thought patterns - we do have that choice
        If You or a Loved One Suffers from Anxiety,unworthiness, fear etc 
        check out:

         This is a brilliant FREE ONLINE service given by St Vincent Hospital, Sydney. A user-friendly program that by spending only an hour of your time every week for six weeks can change your life by teaching skills to manage & rearrange your thoughts. Thankyou St Vincents.
    Last week this fantastic program was discussed on the TV program 'Insight'. I have to tell you I was VERY impressed. NO DRUGS, FUN and gets remarkable life-changing results! So do yourself a favour and log in - you deserve the best!

Man evolves and expands consciousness personally and globally through experience and creative works with seeds planted by the wise use of the mind.



                      = A BALANCED LIFE = DIFFERENT SIGHT

Someone sent me this photo and to me it reflects the different layers of sight -many, many different layers - all have purpose and are all part of the journey traveling to the same destination.

What do you think & feel -  see in, & about, the photo above?

The Huge Room
The HUGE Room

Imagine the huge trees that the wood came from.   IMAGINE climbing up and onto one of those chairs. IMAGINE if the children were only four years old. How would they climb up?
When you see something differently than others - breathe - relax and listen. Think the word INTERESTING, maybe say it to yourself.
If others see a situation, or something, nicer than what you see .. then ... breathe softly and ... IMAGINE .... being them ... and look ... through their eyes. See with their eyes.      Interesting.

We all, even happy people, have to work at our thought patterns if we want to grow inwardly and spiritually. If we want to be more 'whole'& more of love.
It takes practice and imagination!!

ILLUSION    So many angles of looking at illusion.

The Grand Illusion
                      THE GRAND ILLUSION (thought pattern & belief).
 Let`s be real
 Do we need a computer in each room? Do we really need three houses? Do we really need the biggest TV?  THINK ABOUT IT.
 Do we really need all the stuff we have to work and pay for at the expense of not having enough time with our children and loved ones. Maybe at the expense of our health  be it emotional, physical, mental or spiritual. WHY do we need so much money   ....   WHY?  ..... because we feel a lack. In other words because our souls are not being adequately nourished.

ILLUSION ...... how you see  can keep you either in stress-mode or connect you to the magnitude of creation.  
How to magnify the three dimensional experience
Join with me for the next post as I share with you a couple of my enlightening experiences of 'seeing' that was not seen before yet was always under my nose!

Until then,
Take care, 
 & spread a little love 

Cheers & love  CMW

Monday 17 November 2014

The Crossing - About the Painting

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.

The Crossing

The right side of the painting
This represents the logic, active, assertive, aggressive, mental/intellectual side of life. Our left brain. Yang.
The red relates to survival and the base chakra. Physicality and three dimensional reality.
The four represents the square - the base to build upon. It is solid, logic. It is the foundation of expansion. It connects with earthly wants and needs and gives opportunity to be active in society in a functional physical and material manner.
The square and the rectangle. Masculine, confined and solid.
The circles represent the Divine, the God in all. Perfection.The Infinite. Spirituality, truth & wisdom. Connection to the Earth.
Here the circles are not perfect and represent the various religious organizations that build community, ethics, faith and a connection to God.

There comes a time in ones spiritual journey when the inner commitment to the Divine searches for more - yearning for more light and even higher learning. Foundations are rock solid and the soul cries out for more wholeness.
Faith and commitment to the 'journey' propel one to do much inner work - learning forgiveness,  patience, acceptance, release of attachments etc etc.

The crossing of the golden river
Stillness, and getting out off the mind, strengthens and fills one with inner beauty whilst connecting to the whole. Love is indescribable and complete. Expansion has happened and light floods in. A deepness of being and a new way of seeing takes place. A compassionate heart is realized.

The left side of the painting
Light streaming in. See everything in a new light! Openness, trust, faith, even in the darkest times.
The left side relates to the right side of the brain. Spirituality, non-thinking spontaneity, beauty, compassion, listening. Thinking without thinking, seeing without seeing. Femininity, love, caring, sharing. Yin.
The blue represents the void and infinite, all-encompassing mind. Knowledge of everything all around us. Also represents the throat chakra where truthful communication, and living, is paramount.
The green represents the beautiful open heart
The yellow tells of the solar plexus chakra balancing, and the opening of the higher vibrational chakras.
The golden, creamy colour represents the lightening of all aspects of life as a bigger perspective is seen.
There are no squares or rectangles. The mind has expanded and is now part of the hugeness and miracle of creation. Life is seen as a miracle and as infinite possibilities. No boundaries and forever expanding.
The Xs are the symbol for partnership with the Divine.
Life now has meaning. Making a difference. Action regarding anything that needs compassion and love, forgiveness and care. Respect, joy, LOVE and INNER PEACE. Conception - creation at its best. Balance, whole. A MEANINGFUL LIFE
EAST meats WEST - Yin & Yang

Until next time
Cheers and love   CMW

Sunday 26 October 2014

A Feline Healing

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Memories ....... memories

Magnetic Island
Many years ago I lived on beautiful Magnetic Island off the North Eastern Coast of Australia. Most of the Island was National Park with the remaining land zoned residential. It was the most exciting place to bring up children  - similar to Enid Blyton`s fabulous childrens` stories.
Wallabies, koalas and possums galore, walking tracks up into wild bush and back down the huge rounded granite rocks ending up in one of the many coves, or clean white beaches, that graced the Island shores. Outcrops of coral, quite close to shore, tempted even the most intrepid traveller to swim amongst the huge variety of colourful reef fish.
\White-breasted sea eagles are amongst the 180 different species of birds that occupy the island throughout each year. No wonder tourists came from near and far to feast on the smorgasbord of creation!

The Perfect Environment for Healing

The perfect place for healing is anywhere where there is water. I believe Edgar Cayce was told to go and live where he would be close to water. 

Water holds, and carries, thought patterns and light.
Doing absent, or distant, healing is always more powerful on an overcast or humid day. If it is drizzling rain then that is even more powerful. Maybe do healing on yourself in a nice luke warm bath!
Water holds and transports thought patterns. I`ll write about Masaru Emotos experiments to do with this next time.
It`s no wonder I witnessed the most miraculous healings on Magnetic Island - not only for humans but also for animals.

Two Very Quick Feline Healings

I can remember one evening my husband and I were about to go out to a party. Dressed to the nines and ready to go we were heading down the stairs when a screeching cat ran through the front doors, and up the stairs. Blood and fear in amongst hair and pain shot passed us. Somebody`s cat had probably been knocked by a car? 
There, crouching under one of the children`s beds, was this frightened bleeding cat.
So hands on healing was the order of the day. Of course, I couldn`t touch it but instead managed to pull the bed away a bit and face my hands towards the poor little thing. In a few minutes the pussy quietened down, then the bleeding stopped and it fell asleep. After leaving a drink of water for the cat, we left for the party. 
Healing is usually only required for a few minutes and nearly always is permanent. One session is normal - so- I thought the cat would be okay and it was.

'The Queen' Paying Homage to the Buddha
 If my friend, my cat, hasn`t been humble I say to her "Go and Pay Homage to the Buddha". Meaning remember to be humble and grateful and that you are a part of everything.
'Her Royal Highness', commonly known as the Queen,  then walks to, and sits in front of, the Bodhi Tree (it`s in the plant pot next to the meditating sculpture) and takes a sip of water and then sits!!!!!!!

Another day someone rang up to say that their cat hadn`t eaten for a few days and was in so much pain and that it  couldn`t get off the chair. They were worried sick, didn`t know what to do. Someone had told her to ring me and to ask if I could possibly come and do some healing on the cat.
When I arrived at the people`s home I was straight away shown the cat who was sitting on the verandah chair and was in quite a state. Hyperventilating and very stressed. They hadn`t been able to get anywhere near her as she would hiss and snarl at them and try to bite them if they tried to move her. She was obviously in a lot of pain.
A couple of minutes later my hands lay about 10cms above the cat`s tail. (This was done without thinking). They then made a fairly slow pass over the cat`s body, starting at the tail and ending up over her head. Straight away the cat fitted. Large uncontrollable jerky movements, then just as quick as the dramatic movements began, they ended. The cat stood up, looked normal, jumped off the chair and ran over to its food and drink. HAKUNA MATATA - No worries, all better! Purrrrrrrrr ....

Such is healing. The cat didn`t have faith BUT I DID!

There are many, many animal healing stories similar to these, many to do with birds and dogs and some horses.
Life is never dull and is always full of possibilities.
Faith, trust and dropping the how, where and whys is often to the patient`s, as well as the healer`s, benefit.

With love to the animal world
And to you too
Cheers  CMW

Thursday 16 October 2014

Unraveling The Mystery

Unraveling The Mystery

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


 Creation is part of us and is all around us. It is everything! Stop for a few minutes and drink in the hugeness and miracle of creation. Breathe and drink in, breathe and drink in whilst reflecting on the miracle.
Many folk don`t ever stop to 'see'. They miss out on realizing the perfection, complexity and yet orderliness of creation. They see no beauty and therefore have no fascination, no inspiration and possibly have a hell of a life. The ego with its needs and wants, its anger and hurts, laughter and sadness, or its  'work only' mode, leaves no time for outside beauty or inside beauty.
Yet, all around us, and in us, are the most amazing stories of creation.

 SEARCHING .................. SEARCHING ......................still not satisfied

All of us are constantly searching for the feeling of completeness, for peace, love and happiness and the more we search outside ourselves the less we 'see' and find!
We want to feel warm and fuzzy, content and whole.

 Where is this mystery? Seems that it is behind a veil, secretly waiting to be discovered, waiting to be realized.

The Roller-coaster of Life


Turn Around, Sit Still
                               The greatest mystery is found in the stillness                           
                                             In the stillness               
                                             Everything is found
                                             Take time out of your work to be still
                 And you will have more hours in the day

Answers are found when in the still point. Wholeness takes place. The soul grows stronger and with more strength comes more love, more respect, more happiness, more creativity, more health and a huge sense of wonderment and belonging.
This quiet still-point is an oasis that connects with absolutely EVERYTHING.  
 A feeling of freedom and yet connection with everything. THE VEIL IS LIFTED.

 20 minutes twice a day, in this state of 'no-mind' releases emotional and physical tension and has been known to create miracles health-wise. They say exercising the mind stimulates the mind, (intelligence, memory) to grow. Strange though that when you take time out to still the mind you have way more clarity of thinking and problems are solved more easily! Why not try it?

The Universal Mind is tapped into without you knowing it. When all emotional and mental attachments, and thoughts, disappear you left in a sea of universal consciousness where answers to everything and anything are flowing through you and around you. All possibilities are interacting with your subconscious without you being aware of the experience, so, later on answers to problems seem to just pop into your head! The subtle senses are also awakened.

To Nana Tink With Love From ..
Have a truly mind changing experience within the stillness
The greatest mystery is in that silence
Until next time
Cheers CMW

Friday 5 September 2014

Emu Feather Keeps Me, as Well as Others, Light

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Years ago on Magnetic Island I met a wonderful aboriginal story-teller, dancer and fellow artist. His name was Francis Firebrace.

My daughter was working at the Travel Agent booth that was positioned near the beginning of the Picnic Bay jetty. Fabulous spot - only a few metres from the sand and sea, fresh air and balmy tropical weather. The positioning of this business, business-wise, was perfect, as everyone who visited Magnetic had to walk past if catching a ferry back to Townsville or arriving from Townsville. Nearby there was a brand new public telephone.

Magnetic Island Jetty

Island living, in tropical North Queensland, consisted of work, swimming, sarongs and bare feet, and cycling, climbing and hiking. I was a potter and artist, as well as a spiritual healer. Spontaneity and creativity were a constant!
Strange and unexpected situations often arose and were met with even stranger solutions to problems. I also had many unusual meetings with elders from all over the world. Life was NEVER dull!

Well, this day my daughter, as I said before, was working at the Travel Booth when she happened to spot this aboriginal guy. Something inside her stirred and she knew that he had to meet up with me. Why? Who knows - she didn`t. She had never seen him before and had no idea of his background or work.
Within minutes my daughter, who was normally quite shy, had given him my phone number, some change for the phone, and had asked him to ring me whilst pointing him in the direction of the phone!

  "Yes, Christabel speaking. How can I help you?"
  " I don`t know why I am ringing", said a softly spoken man`s voice, "My name is Francis. Your daughter asked me to ring you - so - I`ve rung".
   " Where are you? "
   " Picnic Bay - at the phone in front of the Pub"
    "Okay. Well I`ll meet you there in about five minutes - maybe we can have a coffee together?"

Over a cup of coffee we had a very animated conversation re painting, healing, healing, painting and  messages through art etc etc. We got on like a house on fire!
As an aboriginal elder, and healer,  he toured sharing valuable lessons using dance, story-telling and art as his medium.

                         STORY TELLING KEEPS THE DREAM ALIVE

Francis Firebrace Storyteller & Artist

A couple of years later we met up in NSW and believe it or not I can`t remember if it was then that he gave me a little box of emu feathers. All I know is that it was Francis who gave them to me, don`t know why he did though. maybe it was to use them for jewellery or healing, or for a symbolic meaning ? - I don`t know.

Anyhow, this is what I did with them

After that trip away we (my new partner & I) ended up renting, and renovating, a motor mechanic`s shed in the Tablelands in Far North Queensland.  The beautiful little village named Yungaburra was where we now lived. Across from the shed, and a little down the road, was the famous Lake Eacham Hotel.  People would come from all over the Tablelands and Cairns to get married in the Tablelands and have the wedding reception at this fabulous old hotel.
Marie and Kevin were the owners and Marie not only had the gift of the gab, but was also over-the-top in her flamboyant decor, decorating the diningroom with HUGE floral arrangements etc. The reception diningroom was absolutely the most beautifully decked out wedding reception venue I still have ever seen!
The bride and groom were always placed at the head of the largest table with their backs close to the windows behind them. The Hotel wall actually buts up to the public  footpath! Walking past, you cannot see into the dining wedding reception area as the windows have a patterned glaze.

Now back to my story about the feathers
There will always be light and dark times within a marriage. All relationships give you many different shades of colours. One minute you`re happy, the next you are not. A mole-hill can be made into a mountain and this mountain can be the undoing of a truly beautiful marriage. We are only human and we can lose perspective and forget all the good things and the reason why we were married in the first place!

THE FEATHER - light and airy, flowing
 The times I noticed a reception taking place I would take a feather and I would knock on the outside window. A surprised bride would open up the window. I would then present her with

the feather that was a symbol :

to remind her at all times to stay light when there was trouble brewing.
to also remind her of this special day and the reasons why she married.
to take some deep breaths and to try to see a bigger picture.

There is always a bigger picture and a positive to every negative. This is life.
I actually wear one of these long, lightweight feathers every time I get too much into my head, bogged or going around in circles.
ALL EGO STUFF, NOT REALLY REAL. I wear it in my right ear to keep me aware of the lightness of creation. It tickles me as I walk and nudges me into a more balanced perspective. It makes me laugh at MYSELF and my emotional responses!!!
It also reminds me to let go and be still and reconnect with real stuff - CREATION.
I am wearing one right now as I have been over-thinking a dilemma??

Look Francis Firebrace up on the web and see what a difference he makes in the world. Enjoy

Cheers and love to you all

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Reflections on cancer

Why I haven`t written for ages is that my closest, and dearest, friend has been battling through his very drawn out last stages of prostate cancer.  He finally started his 'new' journey a few weeks ago.

                          The great departure is great when filled with love
                                   Without love there is no greatness

                                                           --- and yes, there was love and he had
the most serene and gently passing.
The day before his passing I had been lucky enough to wake up singing the song "Time To Say Goodbye". I always listen to what I am singing as it is usually very relevant to what is about to happen. Myself, my daughter and my two grandchildren went in to say our goodbyes and thankyous (for being a great friend and a terrific grandfather figure to the girls) the following day. After each of the girls kissed him a goodbye kiss on his forehead I spent some time saying it was his time to let go as he had finished all that he had come to do in this lifetime. I also reassured him that everyone would be okay and that we were here to help with the passing - meaning sending love and prayers for him through this transition. Half an hour later he died.
He was Hindu but received Buddhist prayers immediately after passing. We were present and felt the warmth and nurturing of those prayers - very beautiful.

Light Shining Through

My friend was a typical stubborn Leo and wanted to do 'it' his way - no chemo, no hands on or spiritual healing - he wanted to do it ONLY his way. So I was there as a friend to listen, respect him as an individual, and to spread love, laughter and beauty through, and around, him. In other words I was there to not judge but enjoy him - to keep light shining through at all times and to keep him in the awareness of the spiritual aspect of himself.

Seven years ago my friend had been told that his PSA was quite high and that it indicated a strong possibility of prostate cancer. He ignored the warning and refused to go back to the doctor, and told no-one his little secret, not even me.
It was three years later, whilst visiting me, that I noticed the way he was walking and the way his hand would automatically rub his hip and waist when he stood still. I asked him to please go and have his prostate checked. Pain in places like the back and the shoulder can sometimes indicate prostate cancer.
His PSA Count was NOW IN THE HUNDREDS. My friend refused surgery but later tried hormone therapy for awhile and finally succumbed to radiation to help with the control of pain. He ate well and even though very ill kept a twinkle in his eye.

Sunset at Witta

Even though it was really sad to see him go downhill so slowly the last years gave him enough time to look at himself and clear emotional rubbish by forgiving people from past hurts etc and dropping his judgements and attachments. That is why he was so peaceful in the last few weeks.
I`m so proud of him.The sweetness of surrender is the biggest lesson of all!


It is really helpful to support your body, mind and spirit whatever your religion, colour or beliefs.

If you are interested only in Natural Therapies:

Natural therapies -diet and herbs, supplements, have a much better chance of saving the day if you commit yourself to healing when the cancer hasn`t spread to other parts of the body. I do know people who have gone totally alternative - with raw food, digestive enzymes, visualization and meditation and have overcome all odds. These people addressed emotional stress, with change of job or other stressful circumstances. They also had loads of emotional and physical support(Food preparation etc.).
Close friends as well as family support is VITAL whatever one decides to do.
Also a really clean diet filled with loads of fresh organic vegetables is important as helps not only to feed the physical body but also the emotional body.
My book "A Pocket Full of Gold" addresses some different ways of supporting your body, mind and spirit as well as how some people have healed from cancer using alternative therapies. Am about to write the second edition, will let you know when it comes out. Want to do an Ebook so that it is cheaper for readers.

Blessings To My Dear Friend Arthur
Until next time,
Cheers and lots of love