Monday 30 July 2012

Sacred Parenting - The First and Second Sacred Key

This week I thought I would write a little about about the first and second keys to sacred parenting.
I know that if we, as parents, could see the gift of sacredness that is given with every child, our own lives would blossom and our children would be able to grow up feeling worthy and whole, full of compassion, as well as creativity, and be able to have a joyous and fulfilling life.

The Divine works through us, and in us, creating all that is. We are part of a vast and omnipotent picture of awesome wonder. New life gives us the opportunity and ability to see the incredible magnificence of creation. True beauty and perfection - the workings of something much bigger than us, yet we are part of it.

The natural laws of sacred parenting have been forgotten, nearly lost, as consumerism takes hold of the world. In the Western world most people are caught up with working so they can buy, and own, everything they want whilst others are stressed out struggling to make ends meet. There is no longer time for the children. Society is based on the thought-pattern 'I need more', a fear-based thought-pattern of lack. Generally speaking the focus is work, dollars and looking good. The focus has shifted away from family, and others` needs, to self.

THE GIFT  Starts at conception - the miracle of new life has begun
The coming together of both male and female energies. The union of yin and yang in balance create the 'whole'  -  in this case expressed, in form, as an embryo.
 A huge amount of processes in the body now reorganize their patterns of behaviour in order to give the very best nourishment to the body, mind and spirit of the embryo as well as the mother.

The Importance of Reflection 
We are all made of energy which in turn takes shape and form according to our focus, emotions, thoughts and words. Every thought and word empowered by emotion creates a change in vibrational frequency and travels through to, and has an impact on the embryo and hence later on the baby. Therefore as soon as the pregnancy is known it is wise for both parents to spend some quiet time, by themselves, to reflect on the miracle that has begun.  Quiet time acknowledging the incredible workings of creation nourishes the soul which in turn nourishes the baby`s soul. Awareness through contemplation and stillness is the first sacred key to good parenting. Gratitude for the gift given is the greatest of bonds. The sacred connection between parents and embryo takes root with gratitude.

Awareness of Thoughts, Words, Emotions
Inside you, right now is the most amazing creation. Over the next few months a beautiful life takes shape. Resting in a pool of fluid; nourished by the food you eat, the fluids you drink, and the thoughts and words you feel and use, is a little miracle.
Your emotions effect the embryo`s emotional, mental, physical and spiritual body, and later impacts the life of the baby through, and into, adult life.
Being pregnant gives you a wonderful opportunity to become more aware of who you are and how you react and gives you the opportunity to work a little on yourself by transmuting old patterns of anger and fear, jealousy and unworthiness. Being aware of your emotions, words and actions is the beginning of transformation into wholeness and happiness. Your inner journey ie your personal growth, definitely effects your baby.

IF STRESSED a few starters.

Learn to meditate, walk more, breathe deeper, cut out sugary drinks, eat a really healthy diet that includes magnesium rich foods. STAY AWAY FROM PESTICIDES AND CHEMICALS,  SMOKING & DRUGS. Nurture yourself - take a bath, massage your tummy, have some quiet time, enjoy and sit in nature, buy or pick some flowers.
Start a diary about your pregnancy and how you are feeling and the different stages of growth inside!!
Plan $$ and spending money (in and out) if $ stressing you.
Be around positive uplifting people -Stay away from negative or angry people.
Know that you are nourishing the baby in every possible way that you can.

                                         SEEDS PLANTED BEAR FRUIT

Remember that a happy well-balanced baby will impact the rest of your life in a good way whereas a malnourished (in body, mind or spirit) baby will create possible stress as he or she struggles to gain the necessary tools for a fulfilling life.

Here`s to little miracles and new life,
Cheers  CMW

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