Tuesday 3 July 2012

Nature Seduces and Touches Soul

I do hope my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery
Cheers, CMW
We can learn much by watching and listening to nature.

                                                Rock face
                                                Bold, jagged
                                                Brown grey
                                                Uninterrupted clay
                                                Cobwebs stretch
                                                Light magic glistens
                                                In early morning sun
                                                The new dawn has begun

                                                Song of bird
                                                Morning delight
                                                Colours so wondrous
                                                Heavenly sight
                                                Scent of the Hyssop
                                                Intoxicating dream
                                                Light catches movement
                                                Meandering stream

                                                Whisper of wind
                                                Upon yonder brow
                                                Magic of moonlight
                                                Touches you now
                                                Stars in darkness
                                                Awesome wonder
                                                Universe unlimited
                                                The spell we`re under
          Stopping to 'see' and 'hear' with new eyes seduces us into seeing the whole. Beauty and harmony in diversity surrounds us at all times and is a part of each and everyone of us. The magic is right here right now!
I love Mother Earth and her cycles and systems and the power of God the absolute Creator.

                                                   Darkness dissipates
                                                   As sunshine warms
                                                   Leaves falling to the ground
                                                   To be born again
                                                    Roots strengthen
                                                    Patiently waiting
                                                    Arms outstretched
                                                    Naked, touching soul

We can learn much by watching and listening to nature. Patience is one of those lessons. If you haven`t read my poem "Patience" and you would like to, please go to my earlier blog: post http://cmwreflections.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/patience.html

 When I share the Art of Hands on Healing with 'Reiki and Beyond' courses, I always send my students home with a few exercises to practice each evening.  One such exercise insists that the student sit very still in nature observing, or listening to, one particular thing, or sound, for ten minutes. Every day for seven days they are asked to repeat the same exercise, each time concentrating, to begin with, and then softly participating in the watching, or listening to, a different part of creation - one aspect only for ten minutes. Maybe look at a rock - concentrating then softly looking. Maybe listen to a stream, or the wind and how it feels on the cheek! Maybe look at a leaf.

After a week of stillness and watching, observing softly, listening or feeling, most students see the world with NEW eyes!!  An opening up to all aspects of creation takes place. On a spiritual level the student feels more of the whole, more connected to the Earth and the Creator. Subtle changes that are potent take place!

Next time I write I will share with you a little about exorcisms and healing
Until then
Cheers and much love  CMW

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