Tuesday 5 June 2012

Venus transits the Sun

Venus Begins Crossing the Sun
Today, tomorrow and throughout the next seven days is the time to open your heart chakra more fully.
Meditate keeping the thought pattern of  Divine love on the inward breath, relaxing the heart region. On the outward breath be aware of your true self`s connection with the Divine and the spreading out of love back into the ether. Feel the hurts, and any emotional pain, dissolve and be transmuted, back into the higher vibration of love.

Energetically, let us look at the positive influences. These are what we can work with to help us become more whole, bring those out of control male energies into balance!
Venus is the planet of love. When love is fully experienced on a spiritual level then creativity fires up!
Venus connects with the feminine and spiritual part of us, empowering us to be more whole, especially if male.
The Sun is active male energy and is the ruler of life on Earth. Without the Sun we would die. The masculine energy is outgoing, active, intellectual energy.
Venus will be passing in front of our sun and therefore her energies will be strengthened and enlivened. The male energies of the sun will distort the electro-magnetic fields of Venus, but will also have the potential to heighten her energies at the same time. As with any energies or activities on Earth we have the choice of seeing, and going with, the positive aspects or the negative aspects.
Personally I`m one who wants to get in first and make sure I capitalize on anything and everything that creates more harmony and more empowerment, or balance, in my life and on Earth. I write this as some soothsayers call the transit of Venus a doom and gloom time. Why not over-ride any disrupting thought patterns concerning this transit with ones that are beneficial? Astrologers predict love and fun times for the next two days, but why not dig deeper, travel deeper into yourself, and bring more love into your consciousness so that you can live more fully in the future? A happier more peaceful you creates a happier environment for all.
We now know that one of the universal laws is LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!

This world seems to either run on greed and control, leaving those less fortunate to battle with everyday survival.
More love is needed, so I for one have been meditating on being more open to love, Divine unconditional love. Tomorrow and the next few days I will also be bringing more love into my presence and spreading more love out. One simple, clear thought is felt across the Earth as it ripples out mingling with the Universal omnipotent mind.

These words are so very true:

                                              "One word
                                                Frees us of all the weight and pain of life.
                                                That word is LOVE"
                                                                                  -- Sophocles

Hope you are filled with the spirit of love as this once in a lifetime celestial event unfolds
In love and light  CMW

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