Wednesday 13 June 2012

Paper Cubby houses made to expand the imagination

I do hope my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery
Cheers, CMW
I could`t resist sharing these photos with you

One of the delights about being a mother, and grandmother, is that you are in a position where you can ignite the senses and the imagination of your charges! The joy expressed by children and adults alike, when the imagination flows, is incredible. Creation expands naturally as the soul is recharged.

Atto`s Cubby House Sensation
These amazing cubby houses were built by one of my daughter`s friends. They have been lovingly hand-made out of paper and bamboo and were made especially for my grandchildren. What a feast for the imagination!!

Close-up of Inside the Cubby (the roof)
By the way the cubby houses are also waterproof!

Parenting can be fun.The inner child can be released, and allowed to play, by using the imagination.
 We sometimes are consumed with worries and work so much so that we forget to have creative fun with them, yet this is one of the most emotionally stabilizing acts we can do for them! Soul food for the cherubs as well as us!
                                 Creative fun time together = Fun time alone
When the children were very little my daughter happened upon a huge cardboard box (I think it had contained a fridge).
She opened it up spreading it out, and then with the help of another couple of cardboard boxes stuck them together in the shape of a house. She then painted on some windows with curtains, a door and a little 'welcome' sign next to it. The walls and the roof were then painted. She, and the kids, had so much fun painting flowers around the base and finishing off the "cubby". It was a massive success, and a source of imagination and play, for a long long time. The children`s special place where teddies and friends could have fun.

Unleash the passion and awaken the inner child
Here`s to spontaneity and having fun
Cheers CMW

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