Tuesday 22 May 2012

Vision of Jesus Saves The Day

The sun was shining, and my head was whirling in a sea of pride and satisfaction as I held my story in my hands. I was so very happy.
I had just received the first book off the press by express post, delivered to where I was staying in the beautiful township of Healesville, Victoria.
Completion and new beginnings held in balance.

That same day, in the afternoon, I received a phone call from my daughter. "Sit down Mum. Sit down"  there was a long painful pause followed by a steady whisper "Somerset has died."
Shock, silence, everything slowed down, disappeared into a void. Emptiness, numbness. The love of my life was no longer.
Deep pain. Deep deep pain. Happiness no longer. 

Light and darkness, Happiness and pain, Endings and beginnings, the Yin and the Yang. The in-breath and the out-breath. Duality, yet part of the whole.

A couple of weeks later my book was launched at a Health Conference in Adelaide, South Australia. Life must go on and I had so much to give.
The publishers then sent me off to do book signings and to give lectures all around Australia. Busy, busy, busy. Actually full-on. Sometimes I would drive for five or six hours to get to the next city or town where people would welcome me with open arms, loads of home cooking, questions and more questions and usually loads of sick people wanting hope, inspiration and free eye readings etc.. My two and a half hour talks usually started at seven or seven thirty pm. Then there would be book signings! In bed by Midnight and then up at the crack of dawn to attend to more people wanting counselling etc. whilst I grabbed an Earl Grey tea and some of my muesli. Talk, talk talk.
Exhausting really, but I did,and still do, love sharing my stories and helping people to reach their full potential.
Usually I would wave my goodbyes around 11am or 11.30am, map in hand, ready for the next long drive. To revive my everything I would listen to a colourful concerto (CD), gradually turning up the volume, as I pulled out of the driveway. New energy for a brand new day!

This particular day I had been driving for hours. Straight road on a flat landscape. Every now and then a stick of shrivelled up grass could be seen, Wagga Wagga district in Outback NSW is very dry, although lately there has been unusual floods.
Driving in a straight line was quite boring so I found myself thinking of Somerset.

Photo by Rafal Matula

He had died of a Heart Attack and hadn`t been found for two days. I wished with all my heart that I could have been with him when he died. It gutted me to think he had died alone. These thoughts started to engulf me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, heart beat quickened, pain magnified, and hysteria, in the form of sobbing, took over as my car sped on. All the time that I was sobbing I was wishing that I was with the love of my life, Somerset "If only, if only I could be with you again"  I sobbed to myself hysterically.
The car sped on and on. In amongst the sobbing I 'glimpsed' a figure in front of me to the right.  The figure became clearer and clearer "Wow" I sobbed,  "it`s Jesus with his hands out, palms up ready to receive me."
Sometimes when I walk through a hospital I 'see' an image of Jesus standing beside the patient`s bed with his hands open, palms up ready to receive the patient. The patient usually dies within the next 24 hours.

Shocked at the vision I suddenly came back to my senses.  "What am I saying?" I blurted, as I realized the subject of the image. "I don`t want to join Somery, I WANT TO LIVE!"
As I stated this clear statement I looked down at the speedo and, then shocked, quickly took my foot off the accelerator "Good God 140 klms an hour, I could have killed myself. I could have easily *lost control!"

Within a flash the vision of Jesus was transformed. I could still 'see' Him still standing in front of the car, to the right, with his arms outstretched towards me but now his palms were facing me with healing light
pouring out of his hands.
"Thank You" I said, as I felt the love and warmth of the Divine flow back into me "Thank You so very much."

I reached my destination all in one PEACE!

*Lost Control :  Please note that emotionally I had already lost control. Losing control of my old small car was on the cards as what you are thinking, saying & emotionally experiencing is always, given time, projected onto and through the material plane.

                        Like attracts like. Within is seen, and always expressed, without.

The vibratory frequency of Jesus Christ is really high. Thoughts relating to Him create a higher frequency within the holder of the thought. Faith, Trust, Eating humble pie, and the sweetness of Surrender, allow healing and beauty to unfold in the knowing presence of the Divine. 

Jesus Image by Rafal Matula :  http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/18717447.jpg

In love and light
Cheers CMW

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