Monday 14 May 2012

The Oasis

I do hope my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery
Cheers, CMW
I have had many people wanting to hear stories about my time in Africa and my life in general, so I thought I would put pen to paper using this blog. So many extraordinary things have happened to me in the past, many relating to unthinkable reality! I`ve been lucky enough to be in a position where light can still be accessed even in the darkest moment. Because of this, pain has given way to love. Health has replaced disease and narrowness of thinking has become openness and acceptance.
The winds of change are blowing. We need to get back to basics and nourish our body, mind and spirit as well as our beautiful Mother Earth.

Is your life chaotic? Are you feeling unloved? Is life too difficult? Are you and your spouse arguing and growing apart?"
Do you sometimes think "If only I knew...",   "Why does this happen to me?" or "Why does this keep happening..?" 

Disharmony happens when one is not harmonizing with Universal Consciousness, God, Brahmin, the Source, the Creator.
Disharmony within leads to disharmony without and in daily life. Like attracts like, it`s a universal law acted out in all facets of creation.
The way to bring you back to harmony within is through the stilling of the mind. It`s as easy as that. 

Aligning With The Natural Laws of Creation brings about success 

Oasis n,  fertile spot in the desert,  
Travellers rest, at the oasis, drinking in the water of life. 
Strength and sustenance are sourced from the oasis harmonizing the body, mind and spirit. The right course of action is now easily seen.

The Oasis

                                              Deep inside
                                              Often hidden
                                              Within the outer shell 
                                              The Oasis 

 Once the body and talkative thinking mind has been stilled, anger, judgements, wants, pain and suffering cease to exist. The stillness harmonizes the vibrational frequencies of the body mind and spirit thus connecting the 'real' you intimately, on an energetic level, with the infinite or universal consciousness. Love and peace, beauty and inspiration become part of you whilst the stillness is experienced. 
Daily practice of going within and harmonizing with God, Universal Consciousness, brings about personal harmony within. Like attracts like. Life`s many problems disappear. Solutions and harmony in life transmute the old into a loving, creative force.
Please note: 
Thoughts, Words and Actions also need to be watched and constantly adjusted aligning and focusing towards the positive ideal . Only positive thoughts will attract positive outcomes. Negative thoughts will naturally attract more negative outcome. Will talk about this, and how we manifest, in a later post.

Going within is the order of the day. This puts you in line with the natural laws of creation.
Love yourself enough to practice stillness. All great thinkers, inventors, scientists, artists and doers do! 
Cheers and much love,  CMW 

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