Thursday 3 May 2012

Talented 13 year old Twins Play Bach - Harmony Restored

I do hope my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery
Cheers, CMW
Music, music, music. Music is indeed the sound of creation. Music brings people together; judgements and resistances between people are softened as the heart opens and harmony of the mind and spirit unite as one.

A Little Observation as Young Violinists Play for the Neighbours  
A couple of months ago we invited all our neighbours for morning tea. Neighbours are like family in that you don`t necessarily get on or agree to their actions. Sometimes there can be personality clashes! Well I knew that there had been various disagreements between some of our invited friends, but guess what, being fairly isolated in the country means that it is best to forgive and let go. So morning tea was the order of the day.
Coffee and tea, along with nibblies and cake was offered as people sat around the rather large table. You could not only cut the cake with a knife, you could cut the air with a knife also! The ladies were fine, but the men were a different story. At least three of the men were very uncomfortable. Strong, sometimes overpowering  personalities were in full swing, this time though not talking but standing back, not joining in. Interesting. They were politely participating, that`s all.
In amongst the uncomfortable energy 13 year old twin violinists, Astar and Rawhinia, decided to entertain everybody by playing a few violin duets whilst everyone had morning tea. A couple of our neighbours had only heard bits and pieces of violin music waft over the swale but had never actually heard them play something closeup.

Astar and Rawhinia Rehearsing

Bach Concerto For Two Violins in D Minor began, the ladies stopped chatting and the men turned their heads forgetting to drink their coffee. Rawhinia and Astar also played a couple of other concertos and then  finished off with imitating the bagpipes with Scotland The Brave. You could have heard a pin drop! Dead silence, silence except for the concertos. Silence in fact until the end of the whole performance!
I had been observing everybody whilst the girls were playing. Some people had their eyes shut, some were tapping their feet and others were nodding their heads in time with the music. One man was crying.

Everybody had been swept up into the music.
Everyone had forgotten their problems, their judgements, their fears.
Everyone somehow was united, and in harmony, for that half hour.
Soul food.

As soon as the music came to an end, the animated happy conversations began. Chat, chat, chat. Everybody now got on like a house on fire!
Music surely is the greatest of harmonizers
You can read about these two very talented 13 year old twin violinists, who have only had private tuition for just on four years!!!! at

 Join a choir, Jam with your neighbours, Sing with the birds, to and in, your garden, learn an instrument, go to concerts with your friends. Live the music of creation.

Music heals in many ways - read about music and healing physical health in an older post
Music For Our Health - A few healing stories  4/12/2011

Tra, la, laa, la, laa
Until we meet again,
Cheers, CMW

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