Wednesday 30 May 2012

Poetry Of Love

Love is the highest emotional vibration.
Love means so many things to so many people. Every one of us individually is experiencing, and learning about, love through the many different types of relationships we have with everything and everyone we come in contact with. Friendships, intimate relationships, relationships with animals, the garden etc. all embrace the opportunity for expansion of the soul. Each time we open our hearts we become more of love and more of the 'whole'. See, feel and embrace the feelings of love and happiness, whether they be yours or others' feelings, and happiness and the joy of living will be yours!

                                                           LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE

Rawhinia and Astar

Is happiness and self-worth
Is gratitude and respect
Is listening to others without judgement
Is connecting to the 'all'

Is a feeling of safety
Is a warm tender moment
Is where kindness and compassion are natural
And one feels 'whole'

Love between two people is a GIFT
Some relationship hints
When stressed remember the good times and the lessons that you can learn about judgements and fears.
Write a list of the positives and the negatives. Write a list of all the things that you are grateful for. Sunshine, food, friends, good health, etc etc etc.
Your pain and your frustration and fears are yours. It`s our very own thoughts, words, actions that cause the problems. 
Why is it that you are angry or frustrated, sad or annoyed, when other people wouldn`t be? Are you wanting to control someone else`s life? Are you frightened of being on your own? Why? Soul searching stuff.
A feeling of lack of self-worth is usually the answer.
Watch yourself and how you react to situations and what your thoughts and words are! Remember LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU BECOME. Think frustration etc and that`s precisely what you will get more of! Let go, forgive. take control and responsiblity of your life by relpacing negative thought patterns with enjoyable ones. Have courage to see the good points and the good in life. Meet half way. Do something that you both enjoy doing together.

When we are happy everyone around us is happy. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!

A Pair of King Parrots (they mate for life)
Love Yourself Checklist
Check your diet. If the body is congested and full of toxins then the liver and mind is affected. Anger is magnified when the liver has a heavy load of toxins to cope with. A poor diet full of packaged, fried food, refined food or takeaways causes toxic buildup. The body isn`t able to metabolize all these goodies.
Drinking any neurotoxins? Delete soft drinks especially coke. Neuro-toxins affect the brain. Drink plenty of water between meals.Cut down on caffiene. Eat more fresh vegetables and take a multi vitamin B complex daily. Eat more greens and foods with magnesium in them. Eat plenty of fibre - good bowel motions = toxin removal.
What do you do, hobby-wise, that really makes your heart sing? How can you fit a little bit of singing into your life?
Exercise daily - walk instead of driving everywhere.Cycle. Garden.
Really listen to your partner. Turn TV and computers off.

Breathe deeply                             BE STILL  BE STILL  BE STILL 
Learn to relax through visualization techniques or even better learn to rise above chaos through meditation. Tai Chi also relaxes the mind whilst at the same time works on balancing the different energy centres in the body.
If you can learn, or do, meditation together then you are both in for a real treat. In the silence your higher selves unite and love reveals itself to you. Solutions quickly appear as in the stillness there is no judgement and no emotional attachment.

Some people have food allergies or sensitivities. Sometimes these appear later in age. Depression and stress can be one of the symptoms and is not often picked up by the medical practitioner. Wheat, dairy and MSG are common foods that can cause huge problems in those that have become sensitive!

Whether it`s about self-love or love for another:
                                                  Is to be tendered as a garden
                                                  Is the key to faith
                                                  Is the key to trust
                                                  Is the key to the garden
                                                  Of Eden

                                                   Bares no witness
                                                   And is shared with grace
                                                   It is laughter, joy and pain
                                                   It is growth of the Spirit
                                                   Seed of creation

                                                   Unlocks doors
                                                   Into a higher consciousness

            When love comes Know that you have attracted it into your playpen, your garden
            And a garden can only flourish if it is well cared for. Honour, respect and give grace

 With every breath Divine love comes in to our being giving us the opportunity to experience love on the three dimensional plane of existence. Love then radiates out, like the sun, to all. Love is a gift for everyone. Reach out and love your friends, neighbours, and our planet Earth. We cannot contain love,or own it. It`s a natural part of creation readily available and part of us at all times. It is that which connects us to,and is part of, a higher mind, the omnipotent universal mind, the mind of God.

Love to all, CMW

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Vision of Jesus Saves The Day

The sun was shining, and my head was whirling in a sea of pride and satisfaction as I held my story in my hands. I was so very happy.
I had just received the first book off the press by express post, delivered to where I was staying in the beautiful township of Healesville, Victoria.
Completion and new beginnings held in balance.

That same day, in the afternoon, I received a phone call from my daughter. "Sit down Mum. Sit down"  there was a long painful pause followed by a steady whisper "Somerset has died."
Shock, silence, everything slowed down, disappeared into a void. Emptiness, numbness. The love of my life was no longer.
Deep pain. Deep deep pain. Happiness no longer. 

Light and darkness, Happiness and pain, Endings and beginnings, the Yin and the Yang. The in-breath and the out-breath. Duality, yet part of the whole.

A couple of weeks later my book was launched at a Health Conference in Adelaide, South Australia. Life must go on and I had so much to give.
The publishers then sent me off to do book signings and to give lectures all around Australia. Busy, busy, busy. Actually full-on. Sometimes I would drive for five or six hours to get to the next city or town where people would welcome me with open arms, loads of home cooking, questions and more questions and usually loads of sick people wanting hope, inspiration and free eye readings etc.. My two and a half hour talks usually started at seven or seven thirty pm. Then there would be book signings! In bed by Midnight and then up at the crack of dawn to attend to more people wanting counselling etc. whilst I grabbed an Earl Grey tea and some of my muesli. Talk, talk talk.
Exhausting really, but I did,and still do, love sharing my stories and helping people to reach their full potential.
Usually I would wave my goodbyes around 11am or 11.30am, map in hand, ready for the next long drive. To revive my everything I would listen to a colourful concerto (CD), gradually turning up the volume, as I pulled out of the driveway. New energy for a brand new day!

This particular day I had been driving for hours. Straight road on a flat landscape. Every now and then a stick of shrivelled up grass could be seen, Wagga Wagga district in Outback NSW is very dry, although lately there has been unusual floods.
Driving in a straight line was quite boring so I found myself thinking of Somerset.

Photo by Rafal Matula

He had died of a Heart Attack and hadn`t been found for two days. I wished with all my heart that I could have been with him when he died. It gutted me to think he had died alone. These thoughts started to engulf me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, heart beat quickened, pain magnified, and hysteria, in the form of sobbing, took over as my car sped on. All the time that I was sobbing I was wishing that I was with the love of my life, Somerset "If only, if only I could be with you again"  I sobbed to myself hysterically.
The car sped on and on. In amongst the sobbing I 'glimpsed' a figure in front of me to the right.  The figure became clearer and clearer "Wow" I sobbed,  "it`s Jesus with his hands out, palms up ready to receive me."
Sometimes when I walk through a hospital I 'see' an image of Jesus standing beside the patient`s bed with his hands open, palms up ready to receive the patient. The patient usually dies within the next 24 hours.

Shocked at the vision I suddenly came back to my senses.  "What am I saying?" I blurted, as I realized the subject of the image. "I don`t want to join Somery, I WANT TO LIVE!"
As I stated this clear statement I looked down at the speedo and, then shocked, quickly took my foot off the accelerator "Good God 140 klms an hour, I could have killed myself. I could have easily *lost control!"

Within a flash the vision of Jesus was transformed. I could still 'see' Him still standing in front of the car, to the right, with his arms outstretched towards me but now his palms were facing me with healing light
pouring out of his hands.
"Thank You" I said, as I felt the love and warmth of the Divine flow back into me "Thank You so very much."

I reached my destination all in one PEACE!

*Lost Control :  Please note that emotionally I had already lost control. Losing control of my old small car was on the cards as what you are thinking, saying & emotionally experiencing is always, given time, projected onto and through the material plane.

                        Like attracts like. Within is seen, and always expressed, without.

The vibratory frequency of Jesus Christ is really high. Thoughts relating to Him create a higher frequency within the holder of the thought. Faith, Trust, Eating humble pie, and the sweetness of Surrender, allow healing and beauty to unfold in the knowing presence of the Divine. 

Jesus Image by Rafal Matula :

In love and light
Cheers CMW

Monday 14 May 2012

The Oasis

I do hope my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery
Cheers, CMW
I have had many people wanting to hear stories about my time in Africa and my life in general, so I thought I would put pen to paper using this blog. So many extraordinary things have happened to me in the past, many relating to unthinkable reality! I`ve been lucky enough to be in a position where light can still be accessed even in the darkest moment. Because of this, pain has given way to love. Health has replaced disease and narrowness of thinking has become openness and acceptance.
The winds of change are blowing. We need to get back to basics and nourish our body, mind and spirit as well as our beautiful Mother Earth.

Is your life chaotic? Are you feeling unloved? Is life too difficult? Are you and your spouse arguing and growing apart?"
Do you sometimes think "If only I knew...",   "Why does this happen to me?" or "Why does this keep happening..?" 

Disharmony happens when one is not harmonizing with Universal Consciousness, God, Brahmin, the Source, the Creator.
Disharmony within leads to disharmony without and in daily life. Like attracts like, it`s a universal law acted out in all facets of creation.
The way to bring you back to harmony within is through the stilling of the mind. It`s as easy as that. 

Aligning With The Natural Laws of Creation brings about success 

Oasis n,  fertile spot in the desert,  
Travellers rest, at the oasis, drinking in the water of life. 
Strength and sustenance are sourced from the oasis harmonizing the body, mind and spirit. The right course of action is now easily seen.

The Oasis

                                              Deep inside
                                              Often hidden
                                              Within the outer shell 
                                              The Oasis 

 Once the body and talkative thinking mind has been stilled, anger, judgements, wants, pain and suffering cease to exist. The stillness harmonizes the vibrational frequencies of the body mind and spirit thus connecting the 'real' you intimately, on an energetic level, with the infinite or universal consciousness. Love and peace, beauty and inspiration become part of you whilst the stillness is experienced. 
Daily practice of going within and harmonizing with God, Universal Consciousness, brings about personal harmony within. Like attracts like. Life`s many problems disappear. Solutions and harmony in life transmute the old into a loving, creative force.
Please note: 
Thoughts, Words and Actions also need to be watched and constantly adjusted aligning and focusing towards the positive ideal . Only positive thoughts will attract positive outcomes. Negative thoughts will naturally attract more negative outcome. Will talk about this, and how we manifest, in a later post.

Going within is the order of the day. This puts you in line with the natural laws of creation.
Love yourself enough to practice stillness. All great thinkers, inventors, scientists, artists and doers do! 
Cheers and much love,  CMW 

Thursday 3 May 2012

Talented 13 year old Twins Play Bach - Harmony Restored

I do hope my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery
Cheers, CMW
Music, music, music. Music is indeed the sound of creation. Music brings people together; judgements and resistances between people are softened as the heart opens and harmony of the mind and spirit unite as one.

A Little Observation as Young Violinists Play for the Neighbours  
A couple of months ago we invited all our neighbours for morning tea. Neighbours are like family in that you don`t necessarily get on or agree to their actions. Sometimes there can be personality clashes! Well I knew that there had been various disagreements between some of our invited friends, but guess what, being fairly isolated in the country means that it is best to forgive and let go. So morning tea was the order of the day.
Coffee and tea, along with nibblies and cake was offered as people sat around the rather large table. You could not only cut the cake with a knife, you could cut the air with a knife also! The ladies were fine, but the men were a different story. At least three of the men were very uncomfortable. Strong, sometimes overpowering  personalities were in full swing, this time though not talking but standing back, not joining in. Interesting. They were politely participating, that`s all.
In amongst the uncomfortable energy 13 year old twin violinists, Astar and Rawhinia, decided to entertain everybody by playing a few violin duets whilst everyone had morning tea. A couple of our neighbours had only heard bits and pieces of violin music waft over the swale but had never actually heard them play something closeup.

Astar and Rawhinia Rehearsing

Bach Concerto For Two Violins in D Minor began, the ladies stopped chatting and the men turned their heads forgetting to drink their coffee. Rawhinia and Astar also played a couple of other concertos and then  finished off with imitating the bagpipes with Scotland The Brave. You could have heard a pin drop! Dead silence, silence except for the concertos. Silence in fact until the end of the whole performance!
I had been observing everybody whilst the girls were playing. Some people had their eyes shut, some were tapping their feet and others were nodding their heads in time with the music. One man was crying.

Everybody had been swept up into the music.
Everyone had forgotten their problems, their judgements, their fears.
Everyone somehow was united, and in harmony, for that half hour.
Soul food.

As soon as the music came to an end, the animated happy conversations began. Chat, chat, chat. Everybody now got on like a house on fire!
Music surely is the greatest of harmonizers
You can read about these two very talented 13 year old twin violinists, who have only had private tuition for just on four years!!!! at

 Join a choir, Jam with your neighbours, Sing with the birds, to and in, your garden, learn an instrument, go to concerts with your friends. Live the music of creation.

Music heals in many ways - read about music and healing physical health in an older post
Music For Our Health - A few healing stories  4/12/2011

Tra, la, laa, la, laa
Until we meet again,
Cheers, CMW