Monday 21 November 2011

The Spiritual Journey

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Paintings, song, poetry, prose and dance can all help us to express our spirituality and perhaps be inspired to look a little more closely at life.
What is the meaning of life? Where do we come from? Who or what is God?
How can I be more happy and more forgiving? Many expressions of art can probe our inner consciousness allowing us to see with new eyes the miracle of creation. Layers within layers, messages within messages depending on the perspective of the viewer and usually formed from past experiences and judgements.
To dance the dance of life is the art of being open, and receptive, to change. Unravelling the Great mystery with childlike eyes and a sense of wonder. Participating in laughter and love, faith and self expression. The immediate joy of being present in the moment. Hearing the sound of sweet surrender - surrendering to the knowledge that there is something far greater than us. Something that we are part of and is Divine. Where light overcomes dark and shadows grow shorter.

This painting is about the spiritual journey. 
On the right we have the world built up with male energy. Concrete buildings are represented by the squares. Squares always have blockages in the natural flow of energy which stagnates in the corners of the square. Number four represents foundations and has the square as its symbol. The colours orange and red are the colours of the vibrations of the two lowest energy vortexes (chakras) in the body. These chakras are to do with survival and fear. We want more and more, and bigger and better, to satisfy the ego`s game of separation from the Divine. Some people though, wish for peace and love and are therefore striving to learn more about life and/or more about becoming more spiritual.
The symbol representing the true, completeness of God is the circle. It is infinite. There is no beginning or end.
The left side of the painting represents absolute truth, love, union and finally perfection.
So the right-hand side of the painting represents an over abundance of yang. It is within this sea of materialism, consumerism, grief and suffering, where spiritual and religious groups are gathered, that consciousness is opening up to love and friendship. The under-developed circles, in amongsts the fours and squares, represent religion in all its forms. It is within these religions, and spiritual patterns, that some people undergo a spiritual revelation.
These people no longer need to rely on teachers as they now have knowledge of the whole. Self realized, they have crossed over the infinite indescribable river of life, and into the magnificance of creation. The higher energy chakras are flooded with light as the heart and mind join in love and expression. The universe reveals secrets unseen by the unrealized man.
                                              The mind is no longer within my head
                                              Expansion beyond the limited self
                                              The me that I was
                                              Is dead
The X , seen in the blazing light on the top left-hand side of the painting, is the symbol used for partnership, in this case partnership with God and the Whole. Life now has meaning. No need for greed, instead a need for being of service. The 'I' is no longer fitting.
'We' takes its place as the Great Partnership with the Divine has been realized.
                                               Imprisoned soul
                                               Of sightless man
                                               Now set free
                                               To go beyond the 'me'
                                               To touch on truth alone
                                               Travelling home

Here`s to wings spreading and cobwebs catching light in early morning dew,
Cheers CMW

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