Monday 28 November 2011

The Music of Creation

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


The Music of Creation
 Sorry about this photo being so blurred. A windy day, yet such an irresistible story. How can nature be so in tune? A little vine enjoying creation!
Music everywhere.
                                     Heartbeat, breath,
                                     Footsteps, wind,
                                     Swishing of water,
                                     Thunder rolling in

                                     Baby sleeping
                                     Birds chirp, chirping
                                     Laughter, singing,
                                     Crying, weeping

                                     Frogs croak, croaking
                                     Cicadas tuning
                                     Bees a buzzing
                                     Fruit bats screaming

                                     Plonk, plonk
                                     Raindrops sounding
                                     Chatter, chatter
                                     Creation expanding

The weather has been very dry and hot for awhile, so it was sheer delight to hear once again the plonk, plonk of raindrops on my iron roof. These 'plonks' were followed by a short burst of almost deafening percussion - and then a sudden silence.
Within minutes the orchestra began. First there were soft gentle sounds, as if the strings were tuning up ready for a grand orchestral performance. More and more birds began to tune up and join in. Hundreds of different birds all singing in harmony with each other yet all playing their own tune. Acapella .What delight! My heart filled with warmth as I listened with rapture, drinking in the miracle of creation.
Then the wind instruments (cicadas and frogs) began to play, sing and fill out the orchestra. So loud, yet so harmonious. All insects and birds rejoicing together, as one, in the joy of creation. A giant tuning fork.

The rain brought coolness and cleared the air. The music restored harmony and goodwill.

Enjoy the music
Tra la la
Cheers CMW

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