Monday 28 November 2011

The Music of Creation

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


The Music of Creation
 Sorry about this photo being so blurred. A windy day, yet such an irresistible story. How can nature be so in tune? A little vine enjoying creation!
Music everywhere.
                                     Heartbeat, breath,
                                     Footsteps, wind,
                                     Swishing of water,
                                     Thunder rolling in

                                     Baby sleeping
                                     Birds chirp, chirping
                                     Laughter, singing,
                                     Crying, weeping

                                     Frogs croak, croaking
                                     Cicadas tuning
                                     Bees a buzzing
                                     Fruit bats screaming

                                     Plonk, plonk
                                     Raindrops sounding
                                     Chatter, chatter
                                     Creation expanding

The weather has been very dry and hot for awhile, so it was sheer delight to hear once again the plonk, plonk of raindrops on my iron roof. These 'plonks' were followed by a short burst of almost deafening percussion - and then a sudden silence.
Within minutes the orchestra began. First there were soft gentle sounds, as if the strings were tuning up ready for a grand orchestral performance. More and more birds began to tune up and join in. Hundreds of different birds all singing in harmony with each other yet all playing their own tune. Acapella .What delight! My heart filled with warmth as I listened with rapture, drinking in the miracle of creation.
Then the wind instruments (cicadas and frogs) began to play, sing and fill out the orchestra. So loud, yet so harmonious. All insects and birds rejoicing together, as one, in the joy of creation. A giant tuning fork.

The rain brought coolness and cleared the air. The music restored harmony and goodwill.

Enjoy the music
Tra la la
Cheers CMW

Monday 21 November 2011

The Spiritual Journey

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Paintings, song, poetry, prose and dance can all help us to express our spirituality and perhaps be inspired to look a little more closely at life.
What is the meaning of life? Where do we come from? Who or what is God?
How can I be more happy and more forgiving? Many expressions of art can probe our inner consciousness allowing us to see with new eyes the miracle of creation. Layers within layers, messages within messages depending on the perspective of the viewer and usually formed from past experiences and judgements.
To dance the dance of life is the art of being open, and receptive, to change. Unravelling the Great mystery with childlike eyes and a sense of wonder. Participating in laughter and love, faith and self expression. The immediate joy of being present in the moment. Hearing the sound of sweet surrender - surrendering to the knowledge that there is something far greater than us. Something that we are part of and is Divine. Where light overcomes dark and shadows grow shorter.

This painting is about the spiritual journey. 
On the right we have the world built up with male energy. Concrete buildings are represented by the squares. Squares always have blockages in the natural flow of energy which stagnates in the corners of the square. Number four represents foundations and has the square as its symbol. The colours orange and red are the colours of the vibrations of the two lowest energy vortexes (chakras) in the body. These chakras are to do with survival and fear. We want more and more, and bigger and better, to satisfy the ego`s game of separation from the Divine. Some people though, wish for peace and love and are therefore striving to learn more about life and/or more about becoming more spiritual.
The symbol representing the true, completeness of God is the circle. It is infinite. There is no beginning or end.
The left side of the painting represents absolute truth, love, union and finally perfection.
So the right-hand side of the painting represents an over abundance of yang. It is within this sea of materialism, consumerism, grief and suffering, where spiritual and religious groups are gathered, that consciousness is opening up to love and friendship. The under-developed circles, in amongsts the fours and squares, represent religion in all its forms. It is within these religions, and spiritual patterns, that some people undergo a spiritual revelation.
These people no longer need to rely on teachers as they now have knowledge of the whole. Self realized, they have crossed over the infinite indescribable river of life, and into the magnificance of creation. The higher energy chakras are flooded with light as the heart and mind join in love and expression. The universe reveals secrets unseen by the unrealized man.
                                              The mind is no longer within my head
                                              Expansion beyond the limited self
                                              The me that I was
                                              Is dead
The X , seen in the blazing light on the top left-hand side of the painting, is the symbol used for partnership, in this case partnership with God and the Whole. Life now has meaning. No need for greed, instead a need for being of service. The 'I' is no longer fitting.
'We' takes its place as the Great Partnership with the Divine has been realized.
                                               Imprisoned soul
                                               Of sightless man
                                               Now set free
                                               To go beyond the 'me'
                                               To touch on truth alone
                                               Travelling home

Here`s to wings spreading and cobwebs catching light in early morning dew,
Cheers CMW

Monday 14 November 2011

Cairns Birdwing Butterfly - Magic on Magnetic Island

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Thought I would show you a couple of photos of Australia`s very own magnificent Cairns Birdwing Butterfly.
Cairns Birdwing Butterlies

When we first moved to Magnetic Island none could be found anywhere. We were walking track junkies often scaling the granite outcrops in search of new adventures.Certainly many adventures, including metaphysical, were experienced on Magnetic over the years.I would get up very early and head off up to specific outcrops where I would meditate as the sun rose, welcoming a brand new day. On the way down the tracks I would see my many friends, including rock wallabies, Death Adders, sea eagles,hawks, friar birds, drongos, sunbirds, parrots etc etc. as well as the many lizards. I would clean the walking tracks of all the rubbish tourists had left behind as I chatted, and whistled, to my feathered friends. It was my way of saying thankyou to Mother Earth.How priviledged are we to have such a magnificent country to live in!
Never once though did I notice a Birdwing butterfly.We had many other species, including the irredescent Ulysses Butterfly, butterflies in fact were everywhere along with the huge variety of birds.
After selling my house in Melbourne we decided to build a pole house In Nelly Bay and it was in this garden that much magic was created.
I only planted four of the native Dutchman`s Pipe vine and, believe it or not,this was enough to attract Cairns Birdwing butterflies all year long!  I have been relaxing, with my eyes shut whilst having a spa, when I have heard the flap, flap, flap of a butterfly joining me in the bathroom. The males are brilliant green and black whilst the females have white, yellow and black wings with a firey red splash of colour on their head area. This species are the largest butterflies in Australia. Females have a wingspan up to 20cms.
Caterpillar Stage of the Birdwing Butterfly
After the butterflies laid their eggs on the leaves the caterpillars soon began to grow and grow. The full-grown caterpillars were as long, and wide, as my thumb. Huge! The children and I were very fascinated by these very hungry caterpillars. Chomp, chomp, chomp, we could hear them eating all the leaves. Yes every one of them! The vines were reduced to little leafless stumps! The caterpillars now full to the brim somehow managed to slowly navigate their way to the underside of a nearby palm tree.
I pulled up a chair and sat down, eyes steadily watching a couple of caterpillars. I was very much wanting to see a chrysalis form, and there, right before my very eyes, it happened. Magic. Pure magic.
First of all the caterpillar somehow glued the tip of its lower back on to the underside of the leaf/frond. Then the very top of the head of the caterpillar was next glued to the underside of the leaf. Interesting. Then, very quickly, somehow two little black strings (very similar to thin black cotton) started appearing, and growing from the attachment point to both sides of the caterpillar`s head. Unbelievable. The caterpillar`s bottom stayed attached to the leaf, and now the rest of its body was levered down ( about3/4 inch ) hanging in the breeze by two little black strings!!!! At the same time the caterpillar had magically oozed a wet covering over its body. Within a couple of seconds the ooze dried in the breeze and changed into a pristine golden chrysalis. This happened right before my very eyes, yet somehow I had missed the process. The chrysalis had seemed to instantly manifest!
The caterpillar the grand magician.
It was as if someone had etched an outine of butterfly wings on each dried chrysalis. A perfect idea, a hint, of possibility of what could become.
One morning at about nine o`clock I raced out to check on the chrysalis laden leaves/fronds to see if there was any movement in the camp and low and behold there was. The tiny space between the strings that were attached to the upper sides of the chrysalis was moving. Like a little door it opened up, revealing the way out for any little brand new butterfly. It was huge though. I don`t know where it got its inspiration and will to lever and squeeze its gigantic wings, and body, through that doorway and into the new world. Not a faulty move. A perfect departure from the dark confined space into a huge light world.
After this experience I would bring the local school kids into the garden to see, and experience, the magic of creation.
Movement, beauty, miracles and changing realities.
Eyes wide, breaths were held as butterflies emerged.
Watching the pristine butterflies unravel their perfect wings and then children fascinated, waiting patiently as the butterfly also waited patiently for its wings to dry in the hot tropical sun.
Perfection without any human interference. Nature knows best.

I am always blown away by nature and its many mysteries. There are so called miracles all around us all the time yet most of us don`t have time, or the inclination, to watch and appreciate the miracle of creation.
Maybe the world would be a happier place if we took time out to listen, and to watch, creation.

Please note:    If you live in East Queensland you can plant out the NATIVE vine The Dutchman`s Pipe to help keep the species of Birdwing Butterfly alive and well. I have just planted a few in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. The species is smaller than the Cairns Birdwing, but are still very beautiful and of course eat the same vine.

Take care,
Enjoy the magic
Cheers CMW

Monday 7 November 2011

Happiness, Peace and The Grand Illusion

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


                   The ego fills our minds with

                                                Grab, grab, grab.
                                                I want, I want, I want.
                                                That`s MINE
                                                I wish, I wish, I wish.

                                                I`m better than you
                                                You should, should, should
                                                My way, not your way
                                                Take, take take

                                                 Money, money, money
                                                 I need this
                                                 I need that
                                                 More, more, more

                                                 Look at me, look at me
                                                 I`m wonderful
                                                 I`m better than you
                                                 Look, look, look at me

                                                 My clothes are beautiful
                                                 Look at my skin
                                                 I`m thinner than you
                                                 I`m rich, rich, rich
Then on the other hand
                                                 Poor me, poor me
                                                 Nobody loves me
                                                 Everything is dark
                                                 Pain, anger, pain

                                                 I hate, hate, hate you
                                                 You did this to me
                                                 It`s all your fault
                                                 Misery, hate, misery

                                                 Suffer, suffer, sufferer
                                                 It rains when there should be sun
                                                 Cry, cry, cry
                                                 Understanding there is none

Trying to create love and self-worth. Filling a void.Filling a lack. Unsatisfied. Disconnected. Superficial.
The two lowest chakras when out of balance create more greed, lust, a feeling of lack, the need to control. Like a spinning ball out of control these states can create instability, havoc, pain and more suffering for everyone. These lower chakras are all about survival.
Wrong diet can add to the inbalance, along with lack of exercise and lack of quiet time.
When we are out of balance the ego takes control, serving itself.
The ego relies on our senses to give us temporary excitement and satisfaction, separating us from the divine being that we truly are - the authentic self. The soul continously searches for wholeness and harmony.

We are all wanting peace, joy and love. Some think that money can give them that, but it doesn`t.

The Grand Illusion 1
We can fill our minds, bodies, houses full of stuff but this will not bring us true happiness. Maybe for awhile the ego enjoys the sensory pleasure but on a deeper truthful level the soul (authentic self) will not be satisfied. There will still remain 'something' missing in life.
We actually are truly happy when we are co-creating - not just with our partners and friends, but with all life.
This is when we begin to open up to love again.

 I think that is why so many people take refuge in the garden. Gardening allows us to reconnect with the magic of God`s creations. When amongst nature we can see, and feel, (experience) the laws of nature. The bees working with the plants, the ants clearing away dead matter, the butterflies helping to pollinate, the birds singing, their song helping to open the flower petals ready for the bees and the gentle breeze carrying seeds and pollen to be reborn as food and new life. Falling leaves create hiding places for insects, and food for the soil and for future growth of the tree,whilst at the same time  protecting the earth from the cold, or dry, winter air. Birds collect twigs from the trees to build their nests in the Spring. Each provides something for those other than themselves. All work together building and creating a harmonious, balanced whole. Can we learn from nature?

If we became less self-serving, and thus more whole, co-operating with others, instead of competing, we would find ourselves becoming more fulfilled and satisfied.

Yes, if we stopped judging, and started listening to, and respecting, other`s point of views and individuality, maybe the world would start singing instead of fighting.
If we felt respected for who we are, instead of what we 'have', then maybe there would be less greed and less need to pollute our beautiful Mother Earth.
It is only our insecurity and lack of self-worth that controls our need for more, more, more.
If we allowed ourselves to love, instead of judge, then love would be given back and we would feel more whole. We would enjoy the differences rather than be irritated by them.

We live in a sea of information. All information is interrelated. We are in fact connected to everything and so being all our thoughts and actions impact on the whole. Once it was thought that we were a sea of subatomic particles swimming around in heaps of space. Now it is known that electro magnetic fields fill the space and respond to our thoughts and words, more so if they are charged with emotion.
Everything we do impacts the whole.
We usually are so small minded that we only see, or experience, that which we think is about ourselves, but in fact isn`t. Everything now seems to be all to do with $$$$$.
The greedier we become the more it effects not only those who have not much food etc but also our Earth and it`s future populations.Families don`t have loving, nurturing time with their children and community as they are too busy trying to make dollars to 'survive'. Children that have felt the lack of love now roam the streets filled with anger which in turn creates fear. and so it goes on.
Thoughts can create anger and hatred, disappointment,depression and sickness, or happiness and creativity.
LOVING THOUGHTS create harmony within and harmony all around.

If we could all stop and listen to nature. Stop, and give loving time to our children and our Earth. Stop and have time to share with a neighbour. Stop and listen. Stop and have some soft, peaceful, nourishing time.

* Look at and enjoy nature. Really look without judgement. How was -- formed? The magic of birdsong.
* Listen, really listen to your child, spouse, neighbour
* Plant a plant, nurture it and watch it grow
* Eat loads of vegetables and fruit. Be grateful. Cut down on sugar, caffiene, carbonated drinks, pastries, smokes, fried foods. Drink water
* Do something for someone each day without expecting, or looking for anything in return
* Watch yourself and your moods, judgements, wishes  (just take note)
* Have a bath, massage your feet and hands. Enjoy you.
* Say ThankYou for the gift of life, for a roof over your head, for your job, partner, water, sun, food etc.
* Arrange a neighbourood Xmas gathering - maybe drinks? BBQ? Break down barriers.

                        Insist on others doing what is right
                               Is to paralyse oneself

                               To walk in the forest
                               Without seeing beauty
                               Is to walk alone

                               To walk alone in the forest
                               Seeing beauty
                               Is to walk with God

I have watched, and witnessed, incredible changes in many people over the years. These changes went out into the world.
I rented and lived in an old motor mechanic shed that my partner and I had renovated. It`s a long story but somehow 'The Shed' ended up becoming a community centre. Many, many people visited and brought their problems along with them. We often held workshops to do with Quality of Life and for payment we asked for people to either go out into the community and do some voluntary work, work in our extremely productive garden or in our fast growing library, or maybe cleaning the local walking tracts. We were about love in action so this was one way that we could break the ice, so to speak. Most people who came weren`t into any voluntary work.
People from different countries, religions, financial status all joined in with the workshops etc.
Once unity in diversity was established and once people started to volunteer for community activities a huge change in individual self-worth took place. With this new found self-worth along came time for themselves and their families! I saw many people change after they started work in the garden. Working together, co operating, sharing stories and time, listening to each other always resulted in laughter and joy.
No jealousy, hatred, greed, anger, depression only happiness and satisfaction and inner joy.

Before people left  our 'Living Planet Quality of Life Resource Centre' there was one thing everyone had to do. Everyone had to go to the meditation pit and put their hands on the 'Blessing Stone' (a lump of quartzite given to us in Alice Springs) and say thankyou to Mother Earth.

Here`s cheers
Until next time




Tuesday 1 November 2011

Reinbo All Nations Gathering

J Reuben Silverbird will be the honoured guest at the Opening Ceremony of the REINBO ALL NATIONS GATHERING to be held at Kupidabin Cultural Association at Mt Samson in South East Queensland. The Gathering will take place from the evening of Friday 11th Nov.through to Sunday 13th November.

Who is J. Reuben Silverbird ?

J. Reuben Silverbird, son of a Nedhni Apache Wise Man and Cherokee Medicine Woman, travels to the Four Corners of Mother Earth, with The Universal Peace Federation. He is attached to the United Nations as an NGO, (Non-Governmental Organisation) and is only one of the countless men and women Ambassadors who speak on behalf of "Love and Peace throughout the world today." He shares his words of wisdom and inspires thousands of people around the world with his lectures, concerts and retreats. J.Reuben Silverbird is regularly invited to perform ceremonial blessings at the Nobel Prize Institute in Oslo, Norway.
For more information about J. Reuben Silverbird or about his upcoming November-December Australian tour SOWING THE SEEDS OF LOVE please visit

Opening night is on a Full moon and a very auspicious date. Number eleven is the first of the master numbers. Great day for healing, meditation, song, dance and gathering of like minds. Perfect time for gathering, and magnifying, peace energies.

This healing weekend centres around Indigenous teachings, crafts, as well as honouring of our ancestors. Weekend and Day passes are available.

For registration or if you would like more information about this joyous healing weekend please visit

Opening Ceremony
Bookings essential - adults $40 Conc. $30 Children 4-13years $20
Hon Secretary, Maureen Pickstone Mob: 0402 092 741

Cheers CMW