Thursday 29 September 2011

Why Ritual?

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


On September 23rd at 9.04am Southern Hemisphere witnessed the Spring, or vernal, Equinox.
The word equinox comes from the Latin meaning of `equal night`. It is a time when the sun crosses directly over the equator and therefore day and night are of equal lengths. Of course the further away from the equator you are results in a change of night and day lengths although not very obvious.
All over the world different cultures and religions celebrate the Spring equinox and the Persian new year actually begins on the first day of spring. Rituals and services are usually to do with welcoming new life, hope and gratitude and respect for the creator. A time for coming together to sing and rejoice as well as for unity and reflection.
Many groups in Australia celebrated this day focusing on nature`s regeneration, fertility, new life, emotional growth and rebirth - inner and outer. Rituals were part of many celebrations.

Sacred rituals provide a safe unified space where participants can leave behind the day to day drama, suffering and anxiety, and come into a place of reverence where the soul, our innermost core, can recharge and be filled with union with the Divine.
Most of us get swept away by our ego`s game of separation. We forget that we are of love.
Sacred rituals can bring us back into alignment, to the place of love. To our true selves. Ritual can be the wind beneath our wings, offering hope and lifting us up so that we can move forward.

                                          Clapping thunder
                                          Rolled in
                                          Rain washed away
                                          Yesterday`s sin

                                          Cleansing soul
                                          My body revived
                                          I learned to see
                                          My world as contrived
                                          By me alone
                                          To strip away
                                          The ego`s way
                                          That separates us from home


Before I start painting I  perform my own little ritual to take me out of my usual habits and life patterns. My ritual transmutes my previous head-space and carries me into an 'artistic space'.
I vacuum up everything in range of the vacuum cleaner, I light a 'special' incense stick, put on a jazz CD and relax into `the artist` me. Ready for action.
I have another little preparatory ritual that I perform before writing books etc. Each ritual is specific for the activity. Both are triggers to snap into the artist mould and out of the Grandma mould. It works for me!
Rituals take you out of the small mind and into the infinite mind where anything is possible. The space between the words.
When people commence meditation classes a little ritual like lighting a candle after cleaning their meditation space,helps  to relax and prepare for stilling the mind.

I`m off to light my candle now, before doing some' distant' healing,
Take care
Love CMW

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