Thursday 22 September 2011

International Peace Day

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


                                           MAY  PEACE  PREVAIL  ON  EARTH

Peace and Unity Shirt
On Wednesday 21st September it was International Peace Day, a day devoted to spreading peace amongst all nations as well as to the preservation of all life on Mother Earth. It is a day for reflection. It is a day for realizing and reinstating thoughts of responsibility, compassion and unity.

This year we spent a lovely afternoon of ritual and sharing at Mt Samson`s Kupidabin Cultural Association`s celebration. Kupidabin`s mission statement is:  'To create a place where indigenous people and other cultural groups can interconnect by sharing ceremonies, music, wisdom and knowledge'
The association aims to:
                                        Foster leadership & integrity
                                        Encourage positive change
                                        Promote understanding among peoples

Bagpipes Filled the Forest and Warmed Our Hearts
After 'Welcoming us to Country' and the initial ceremony completed, bagpipes were played. The Peace Fire Ceromony followed finishing with a meditation for peace.

Beginning of the Peace Fire Ceremony

12 year old Violinists Rawhinia & Astar

Bagpipes played once more and also the talented young twin violinists Astar and Rawhinia serenaded us, with a few concertos, as we enjoyed our afternoon tea. A lovely afternoon was shared by all.

It`s wonderful to see people coming together with the spirit of unity and sharing.
If you want to learn more about Kupidabin, and their activities, the website is:  

Until next time,
Peace to all
Cheers CMW


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