Monday 12 September 2011


I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


'Waiting' is one of a series of paintings to do with the I Ching, or Book of Changes, a Chinese oracle.
Through the years the I Ching became a book of wisdom becoming one of the Five Classics of Confucianism providing a common source for both Confucian and Taoist philosophy. Just as reality presents itself differently to each and every one of us, and within that process layers upon layers of possibilities and truths may be revealed to each of us depending on our angle of perspective, the I Ching throws light on to possibilities and truths relating to our position in time and space at that particular moment.

In my paintings there are always layers upon layers of possible meanings. At the time of painting this particular series I was entrenched in researching anything and everything about health and healing
the body, mind and spirit as I had miraculously recovered from advanced terminal ovarian cancer and was gearing up to sharing this information via audio recordings.

'Waiting ( Nourishment)' / 'Hsu' 
All things have need for nourishment from God and later in the form of food from below. Our emotions also need to be nourished with right thinking, foregiveness, release and expression. Movement often can become blocked. Right nourishment including food, thoughts, words and actions can initiate great changes in body, mind and spirit.
The left-hand side of the painting represents our network of interwoven emotions. The yellow vertical, with outlines of building blocks, represents looking at emotions from a Yang, or logic,perspective, the base needed for change. The red symbolizes creative constructive action taking place and is connected to the food digested, and needed, for transmutation of emotional pain.
In numerology the number five is about change and movement. It is also often called the number of mankind.

Evolution is creatively constructive and is connected to spirit
Involution is creatively destructive and is working alone

Anger, depression, fear are all slow involutionary vibrations. Unfortunately like attracts like. So if we are in any of these states we actually automatically reach for a cigarette, something sweet to eat, create more arguments, lock ourselves away or maybe listen to load screaming music, our soppy sad music that makes us cry, or wallow in our emotions. The trick is to see through the ego`s game - to step out of the game and put on happy music, eat good healthy food and go for a walk. A change in vibration can always be uncomfortable and initially, and purposely doing a few simple positive things can recharge your batteries and allow you to see your reactions to the problems more clearly. Then, and only then it is time for processing and releasing the anguish and suffering. Moving forward.

When I wrote my book A Pocket Full of Gold I decided to write a thin sketch of my life so my readers could get to know me before plunging them into the necessities for healing. As I was writing down a sliver of my life other awful memories popped up out of nowhere. Buried treasure that had been lost for years.
My immediate reaction, along with huge discomfort, was to put on my runners and quickly get out of the house and go for a run. Please note a run, not a nice quiet walk. I wanted to escape.
I would reach the top of the drive and then sheepishly turn around and go back to face the music. I would go back into the house, quietly lie down, think of my reactions and the heartache/fear and panic I was feeling, and then listen to Brandon Bays The Journey. I would then process and transmute those hideous feelings, changing them into warmth and love. Thanks Brandon.

Until next time,
Cheers, CMW

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