Saturday 2 July 2011

Superconsciousness Telepathy and an Instantaneous Healing

                                                                                 The stillness in the chaos
                                                             Leads you to the Universal Mind

                                                             The chaos in the stillness
                                                              Is the Universal Mind

A Little Healing Story

Many years ago my main thought patterns were to do with healing the body, mind & spirit. Those days were full of 'hands-on' healing, 'distant' healing, meditation and counseling. Those days were also full of faith and trust.

Usually I would softly wake up to the sound of magpies 'singing-in' the early hours of daybreak, drongos and friarbirds expressing their joy of living and the peaceful doves reassuringly cooing to a golden crisp sky. After about fifteen minutes or so of being still, and soaking in the sounds of nature, I would jump out of bed, go for a walk and then sit in the garden for about 45 minutes meditation.

This particular day was different. It was Saturday and I had slept at a friend`s house at Trinity Beach. Lorrikeets were already chirping and my friend was already busying herself in the kitchen. This morning my awareness was not with the wildlife at all. NUMBERS had replaced birdsong. Over and over the same numbers appeared in my head as I quickly threw on a sarong and joined my friend in her kitchen for an early morning cup of Earl Grey tea.
"Do these numbers mean anything to you?" I asked her, thinking that they may be something to do with her.
"No" she answered, "Why?".
I explained to her that I had woken up with the numbers in my head, and that they would not leave. I then added
"They feel like they are something to do with someone in Sydney. Have you a friend, maybe someone who is sick, in Sydney?"
Shaking her head from side to side she muttered as she poured my cup of tea, "Can`t help you. Sorry."

The next morning, Sunday, I awoke to the same numbers. Clear specific numbers repeating over and over in my head. Still puzzling over what the numbers meant, I set off on my early morning walk followed by a lengthy meditation.
The next morning was Monday. On waking I abruptly sat up,jumped out of bed and peeped through the tiny little hole in the corrugated iron wall to get a glimpse of the tiny bright yellow Sunbird sitting in her feathered nest. I then dressed, climbed down the bush ladder and let myself out through the huge iron door and into the bright crisp welcoming light. With the numbers once again in my head, I set off for my early morning walk.
After meditation I came inside and set about getting breakfast. It was eight o`clock and those numbers were now really making themselves heard. Talk about persistent! I don`t know about you but if something happens three times to me the third time is a bit like a hand tapping me on the shoulder and insisting that I take note, be warned or do something about whatever it is. The numbers had appeared three mornings in a row, so now it was time to do something about them.
I still had a 'feeling' about the numbers and Sydney. I also had the feeling that the numbers were a phone number (without the area code).
I looked down at the kitchen bench and there, staring me in the face, was my overdue phone bill with a DISCONNECTION notice.
"Blast it" I said to myself, as I headed for the phone to ring up Telstra.
Then talking to myself I mumbled, "Maybe Telstra can tell me if the numbers are a phone number in Sydney, and if so, I can ring the number and see if someone is in need of absent/distant healing."

Well those numbers were a phone number in Sydney. It was now 8.30am but I thought I would wait until 9am as then whoever is on the other end of the line would have been washed and had breakfast by then.
Exactly nine o`clock I rang the number. An efficient lady answered the phone "...... Hair Products. How may I help you?"
I was taken aback, as I hadn`t expected a receptionist to answer the phone. I also felt a bit ridiculous about what I was about to say!
"Hello, I`m calling from Far Nth Queensland. This sounds a bit weird" I said, trying to make the lady feel at ease "but, I was wondering if there is anybody sick around this number?" Without stopping for a breath I quickly continued," You see, I have woken up three days in a row with this telephone number clearly in my head and I happen to do distant healing." There now was dead silence, so I continued "I feel this is a calling."

After a moment or two the lady began to talk very slowly. It was as if she was confused and in shock. She explained that the number I had called actually belonged to another lady who usually worked there. A mother of five children. Last Friday night (three days ago) the lady had become dangerously ill after having had her Gallbladder removed. Apparently she was so sick they thought she would die.
Looking down at my unpaid phone bill, I then asked the receptionist if she would be so kind as to ring up the lady`s relatives and tell them that I called and that I would like to do some distant healing for the sick lady. I also asked if she could give them my phone number so that if they were not agreeable then they could ring me (reverse charges) that day and leave a messsage to that affect.

A few days later the phone rang. It was the lady who had been sick. Much to everyone`s amazement she had suddenly healed! She rang to thank me and too ask how I knew she was sick. After hearing that I had received her phone number in my head the morning after she was dying, she was obviously very inquisitive as well as shocked!! "How is that possible?" She asked over and over again. "How could you possibly know my number when youu live in Far Nth Queensland and I in Sydney?"
"Well, I replied, the Universe has big ears! Your higher self, the part of you that is not run by ego but is the pure essence within, connects with the Universal Mind. When a pure thought, charged with emotion, is released it becomes part of the Universal Mind. My Higher self happened to be tuned in to that Universal Mind and happened to pick up an SOS re healing!" I took a breath and then continued, "We ARE ALL God`s children. We are all connected to everyone and everything at all times. We all come from the same source and are also connected to all of nature. If we sit in silence, without judgement, we begin to see a bigger picture - one that is all inclusive. The space between the words connects us to everything. It`s where healing really takes place."

Of course the conversation didn`t end there. We talked about healing and I shared my beliefs about time and space, thought patterns, the Universal Mind and God.

The lady happened to be a member of a certain very fundamental religion. One that taught  exclusiveness and practiced judgement. I think her 'healing' was not only physical but also a spiritual awakening that had been contrived subconsciously by her Higher Self that was yearning for her to recognize a bigger picture, one built of love and not fear.

By the way
The day the 'healed' lady rang I received a letter in the mail. It was from my good friend Arthur who lived in Brisbane. I had not communicated with him for a few months. I opened up the letter to find a few words scribbled on a bit of paper

                   Dearest C`bel,
Lucky enough to have been given some $ for my garden. Had a bit left over and thought you could possibly have use for it.
                   Love Arthur

GUESS WHAT the amount of money he had sent to me was EXACTLY THE AMOUNT OWING on my phone bill!! THE UNIVERSE SURE HAS BIG EARS!

Must keep my thoughts and words joyful and constructive,

Until next time
Cheers C.M.W.

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