Monday 20 June 2011

Love and The Seven Virtues

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.

C.M.W. Christabel Mary Wilson

To open the heart is to dare to receive love. Love is an action word and is Heaven on Earth. Love cannot be held captive for it is a gift given to radiate to all. Love always is - whether we wish to be aware or not. It is seated deep within our very being, waiting to be recognized. We yearn for acceptance without judgement. We yearn for foregiveness and compassion. We yearn for love, yet love is here right now.
When our valley is filled with pain and suffering, jealousy and uncertainty, anger and revenge, the valley, our valley, is filled with water. Emotions less than love.

                                        Without water the boat moves not

It takes courage and perserverance, gratitude for the smallest of things, and patience, to overcome our attachments, weaknesses and our emotional reactions. It is only a true warrior who can accept and transmute the hurdles ahead knowing that the path he has chosen leads to a higher fulfillment. Enlightenment is not for the faint-hearted!

My partner and I decided to rent an old run-down motor mechanic`s shed to live in. Actually it was the only place we could find to rent. We set to renovating it, turning the shed into a beautiful, welcoming home. This 'home' ended up being a community centre called The Living Planet. Situated on the village`s main road, and in the middle of a little shopping centre, it attracted many tourists and travellers, as well as locals. Funnily we were inundated with people who wanted to expand their consciousness. People who knew they were on a spiritual path and wanted to know more. Some people wanted to reconnect to Mother Earth.
Our motto was LOVE IN ACTION. Workshops on self empowerment, sustainable living, healthy living and spirituality and metaphysics were run most weekends - free of charge or for a very minimal cost. In return, the participants could do some community/charity work for payment. Maybe they could help catalogue books in our expanding library? Maybe they could do some gardening? Maybe they could help the lady down the road who had cancer? Maybe they could join one of the gardening working bees that helped those in the neighbouring communities who were struggling with their garden work? It didn`t matter who they helped as long as they put love in action. Charity, and volunteering, is soul food.

Soul food ignites compassion. Soul food makes the heart sing. Soul food opens the heart to forgiveness.

A little thing called love in action had a huge impact on those involved. They felt needed, non judged, accepted, and they felt warm inside. Self-worth overtook doubt and shame. They were now 'community' and were experiencing the feeling of belonging. Now they had courage to look beyond, and through, their everyday dramas.

In the valley there is much water
When water dries
The birds do sing

With a little bit of courage, and a yearning for more spiritual growth, for more peace and happiness in their lives, stilling the mind was the next step in their growth.

      Until next time,
      Cheers, CMW                            

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