Wednesday 21 December 2016

Faith, Prayer and Compassion - another Christmas Healing

New Beginnings
Selfless Service

(you may have heard this healing story before)
Many years ago I was lucky enough to live on an island off Townsville in Far North Queensland. Those days were filled with children, work, swimming, walking, cycling, meditation, community work and healing.
   It was the day before Christmas when I received a phone call from someone in Townsville. The man on the other end of the phone was upset, and obviously worried, about his daughter.
   'She has been discharged from the Psychiatric ward  ... as it was Christmas ... sent home... don`t know what to do.'
Even though the man`s voice had become hardly audible I could loudly, and clearly, feel his pain. 'Close your eyes for a minute, and take a few nice deep breaths'  I said softly, 'and then you can share more of the situation. I will take some deep breaths with you.'

A couple of minutes later he was calmly sharing.
The man explained that his daughter, who was in her twenties, had been home for a few days. Neither his wife nor him had been able to communicate with her at all.
She had not eaten anything since coming home. She also had not showered, or washed, and did not speak. She just lay on the bed with her eyes wide open, staring and empty. She appeared to not see or hear anybody and if they tried to take her to the toilet etc she would become quite violent. No wonder they were stressed. Unbelievable that the hospital even considered giving her a day`s leave, never mind discharging her!!

   'We heard from someone in Townsville that you might be able to help, so we searched for your phone number. We just don`t know what to do'
After a few moments of silence as I checked out the time, and worked out what all my kids, and husband,  were doing I asked for his address, and told him that I would be on the next boat to Townville.
    'How much do you charge?' The man asked nervously.
    'No charge. I will see you in about two hours.'
    'Thankyou so very much,' a very grateful voice muttered.
    'One thing else. What is your name? and oh, I had better have your phone number as well.'

I don't ever charge for any 'healing' situations. I trust in God to do through me whatever is needed. Everyone, rich or poor, deserves a good quality of life and I am only being of service. My needs are always met. I have experienced many extra-ordinary situations where food, materials needed, and physical help, have appeared at the 'right' time for me! The privilege of sharing in someone's newfound peace, healing, quality of life is profound soul happiness and always strengthens faith and trust in God.

Two hours later I climbed into our old shared 'city' car that stayed parked on the edge of Ross Creek. The temperature must have been 36 degrees with very high humidity. I took out my water-squirt bottle and sprayed my ankles, neck and wrists and set off saying a prayer, and asking for guidance and peace, for the family I was about to encounter.

     'Come in, please come in.'  Husband and Wife welcomed me with open arms.'Thankyou for coming. Please sit down. Glass of water?'  

 I ALWAYS ask God in the name of Jesus Christ for healing of the body, mind and spirit - whatever is the highest good for the patient. After that I have no idea what will happen and what I will do. Sometimes I stand at a distance and seem to work on what some call the etheric web. Sometimes my hands will work over a body, sometimes I will just hold the patients hands. It usually takes about 5-10 minutes. Usually the patient falls 'asleep'. I stay and meditate on Divinity if they do fall asleep. I have complete faith and trust in Jesus and God and have absolute love for the patient.
   The young woman was lying on her bed straight as a board, eyes open and empty. Catatonic. Hanging above the bed on the wall was a picture of Jesus.
What a blessing - obviously catholics. 
I spoke softly to her telling her I was there to help. No response. I then quietly left the room to find a dining chair, or something similar, that I could sit on beside the bed. Started singing softly as I took the chair into the bedroom.
Sat down, closed my eyes and asked in the name of Jesus Christ for the purest most Divine energy to come through for healing the body, mind and spirit, whatever is needed for the lady's highest good. (Asking God to do His work through me).
Then I very gently put my hands around both her wrists (they lay flat on the bed beside her) knowing that 'healing' was being transmitted through me to her. I felt the waves of energy flowing through my hands and unbelievable love filled the room - beauty, great peace, deep Divine love. After about five minutes I asked the lady to sit up on the edge of the bed. She did so without any words, gestures. Eyes were still vacant with no light at all. Then I leaned closer to her and took hold of her wrists as they rested on her thighs. Eyes closed I repeated my prayer for healing and immediately electrical? buzzing charged down my arms, into my hands and into her. Buzz, buzzzz, buzzzz. After about four minutes the buzzing stopped and I knew deep healing had taking place. I said a prayer of thanks and opened my eyes to see her eyes watching me. They were once again awake and full of life!

No conversation was needed. Stillness and peace first. 

I smiled, and looked her straight in the eye, and softly told her I would be back tomorrow and that all was well. Softly and slowly told her to be quiet and to drink lots of water. As I left the room I looked back at her and her lit up eyes, then up to the picture of Jesus. 'Thank You' I whispered before pulling the door to slightly open.

I asked the young lady`s parents to go about their lunch and afternoon quietly with no loud noises. Asked them to relax and take a glass of water to their daughter in about 1/2 an hour. No pressuring her, just love her. Maybe some custard, icecream - something very light , and small, for dinner. Maybe an egg tomorrow. I asked them to be happy as the light in her eyes has returned and
I asked them to give thanks to God for the 'healing'.

I returned the next day - Christmas Day. The lady was showered, hair done, had eaten breakfast and her eyes were alive. By the grace of God a miracle had been witnessed

The lady fully recovered from her mental illness and many years later she ran up to me one Sunday when my family was at the Market. She still totally healed of her mental illness.

Healing is stronger at Christmas time. The faith of the healer rekindles faith in others through healing. Sometimes the body is healed and sometimes the emotional body is healed. Always spiritual healing takes place.
Happy Christmas
Lots of love to all,
May the love of our Creator shine through you to all
Cheers CMW

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