Monday 30 July 2012

Sacred Parenting - The First and Second Sacred Key

This week I thought I would write a little about about the first and second keys to sacred parenting.
I know that if we, as parents, could see the gift of sacredness that is given with every child, our own lives would blossom and our children would be able to grow up feeling worthy and whole, full of compassion, as well as creativity, and be able to have a joyous and fulfilling life.

The Divine works through us, and in us, creating all that is. We are part of a vast and omnipotent picture of awesome wonder. New life gives us the opportunity and ability to see the incredible magnificence of creation. True beauty and perfection - the workings of something much bigger than us, yet we are part of it.

The natural laws of sacred parenting have been forgotten, nearly lost, as consumerism takes hold of the world. In the Western world most people are caught up with working so they can buy, and own, everything they want whilst others are stressed out struggling to make ends meet. There is no longer time for the children. Society is based on the thought-pattern 'I need more', a fear-based thought-pattern of lack. Generally speaking the focus is work, dollars and looking good. The focus has shifted away from family, and others` needs, to self.

THE GIFT  Starts at conception - the miracle of new life has begun
The coming together of both male and female energies. The union of yin and yang in balance create the 'whole'  -  in this case expressed, in form, as an embryo.
 A huge amount of processes in the body now reorganize their patterns of behaviour in order to give the very best nourishment to the body, mind and spirit of the embryo as well as the mother.

The Importance of Reflection 
We are all made of energy which in turn takes shape and form according to our focus, emotions, thoughts and words. Every thought and word empowered by emotion creates a change in vibrational frequency and travels through to, and has an impact on the embryo and hence later on the baby. Therefore as soon as the pregnancy is known it is wise for both parents to spend some quiet time, by themselves, to reflect on the miracle that has begun.  Quiet time acknowledging the incredible workings of creation nourishes the soul which in turn nourishes the baby`s soul. Awareness through contemplation and stillness is the first sacred key to good parenting. Gratitude for the gift given is the greatest of bonds. The sacred connection between parents and embryo takes root with gratitude.

Awareness of Thoughts, Words, Emotions
Inside you, right now is the most amazing creation. Over the next few months a beautiful life takes shape. Resting in a pool of fluid; nourished by the food you eat, the fluids you drink, and the thoughts and words you feel and use, is a little miracle.
Your emotions effect the embryo`s emotional, mental, physical and spiritual body, and later impacts the life of the baby through, and into, adult life.
Being pregnant gives you a wonderful opportunity to become more aware of who you are and how you react and gives you the opportunity to work a little on yourself by transmuting old patterns of anger and fear, jealousy and unworthiness. Being aware of your emotions, words and actions is the beginning of transformation into wholeness and happiness. Your inner journey ie your personal growth, definitely effects your baby.

IF STRESSED a few starters.

Learn to meditate, walk more, breathe deeper, cut out sugary drinks, eat a really healthy diet that includes magnesium rich foods. STAY AWAY FROM PESTICIDES AND CHEMICALS,  SMOKING & DRUGS. Nurture yourself - take a bath, massage your tummy, have some quiet time, enjoy and sit in nature, buy or pick some flowers.
Start a diary about your pregnancy and how you are feeling and the different stages of growth inside!!
Plan $$ and spending money (in and out) if $ stressing you.
Be around positive uplifting people -Stay away from negative or angry people.
Know that you are nourishing the baby in every possible way that you can.

                                         SEEDS PLANTED BEAR FRUIT

Remember that a happy well-balanced baby will impact the rest of your life in a good way whereas a malnourished (in body, mind or spirit) baby will create possible stress as he or she struggles to gain the necessary tools for a fulfilling life.

Here`s to little miracles and new life,
Cheers  CMW

Tuesday 17 July 2012

About Exorcism

I do hope my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery
Cheers, CMW
The Cross

Exorcism:  From the Greek word exorkosis (out-oath); A spiritual ritual that frees a person from possession of an evil spirit by invocation or use of a holy name; expulsion of demonic force
Invoke:  Call on God in prayer; the words "In the name of the Father/ Jesus Christ"
Purify:    Make pure, cleanse (remove impurities); make ceremonially clean 

Expel:    Eject by force
Possession:   Possessing; actual holding or occupancy; thing possessed; occupancy of demon or spirit, domination

Demonic Possession 
When a person changes into a character nothing like themselves, exhibiting nasty, destructive or depressive behaviour it is often said that they are possessed, and maybe they actually are! Sounds absurd but can, and sometimes does, happen to those people who have either been traumatized, emotionally or physically, or are open to such forces.
Possession takes place when foreign intelligence overlays itself on to the personality of its victim. This overlayed energetic thought-form completely takes over the inherent personality projecting and acting out destructive emotions and actions often towards oneself and/or others. The voice also sounds unlike the victim`s usual voice. The victim is no longer in charge of him or herself.
The Act of Exorcism
Interestingly the entity that has taken up residency can be expelled through the complete and absolute faith (in Jesus) of the exorcist, a man of God.
The exorcist usually uses incense and prayer to cleanse the room purifying the space and removing any latent thought-forms in the space. Some exorcists use water in the process of cleansing, flicking sacred water around, and in the corners of, the room. AT ALL TIMES ONLY THOUGHT OF A SACRED NATURE ENTERS THE SPACE. Meditation and prayer then  takes place.
This process builds up the vibrational frequency in the room leaving no room for anything that may hinder the process of expulsion of the entity from the patient.
A destructive demonic entity (spirit) cannot bare light. Light is of divine nature and has the highest of frequencies.
After room cleansing and meditation and prayers are complete the patient comes in and lies down on a massage table. The priest/exorcist then usually places one hand on the patient and raises the other hand, which is holding the cross, above and over the patient and invokes "In the name of Jesus Christ I ask this entity/spirit to go to the light of God".
Usually one can see the energy of the spirit (thought-form) rise starting at the base of the spine and then working its way up to the throat chakra before leaving, with a whoosh, out of the top of the head. A cold wind accompanies the whoosh.
The ritual is ended with a prayer of thanks and a blessing for the patient.

The terrifying images shown by film-makers sometimes do happen BUT if the exorcist has ABSOLUTE FAITH in Jesus and absolutely NO FEAR at all, then there usually is a smooth and non theatrical exit of the spirit. If the exorcist has fear it usually shows up when the spirit is moving up through the throat chakra. The spirit then cannot move forward and out as it is held in situ by the slower destructive thought-form of fear. The exorcist will then gather his faith and raise his cross commanding once again that the spirit (In the name of Jesus Christ) leave the body and go to the light of God. As soon as the exorcist realigns with the cross and Jesus, vibrational frequency speeds up and  fear dissipates. The demonic spirit can no longer bare the light of God and exits the body.
It`s a little like how oil-based paints do not mix with water-based paints!

                                             LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE

The patient feels like a huge weight that has been holding him, or her, down has been lifted. He or she no longer feels suppressed and can now be his or her normal self again. A bit like self empowerment! Visually you can see once again, the lightness of being, in the patient. Dark clouds have lifted to allow the sunshine in! The change is extraordinary.

                                            LIGHT DISPELS DARKNESS 

The exorcist usually has delved into the history of the patient previous to treatment as some psychiatric dis eases need to be ruled out before treatment. Hopefully the patient was accompanied by family or a close friend who has already been given care instructions and would be able to take the patient home. This friend would have been given instructions and the contact number of the exorcist in case of any need. Patients do need to be restful and on a light diet, preferably vegetarian, for a few days as they adjust to being themselves once again.
Patients also need a little counselling in the following few weeks so that they can be reassured and instructed in ways to prevent it ever happening again.

                                               WHERE THERE IS LOVE
                                                    THERE IS LIGHT 

When we align ourselves with a higher frequency - one of divine love and pure creation, slow frequencies to do with fear, lack, anger, sadness, hatred, vengeance, jealousy are dispelled.

Please note:
The Christian CROSS is most certainly a very high vibration.
Saying THE LORD`S PRAYER when one is unsure of oneself, or a situation, puts a high frequency wash over and around you.
Saying THE LORD`S MY SHEPHERD, I SHALL NOT WANT - even repeating these two simple lines will uplift the energy that you are sitting in and dispel any fear or unwanted outside thought-forms or demoniac entities/spirits.

Please leave exorcisms to those truly spiritual beings who have a pure heart, absolute faith and love the light of God AND have been trained in this field of work

Until next time
May the love of God be within you and all around you,
Cheers and love  CMW.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Nature Seduces and Touches Soul

I do hope my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery
Cheers, CMW
We can learn much by watching and listening to nature.

                                                Rock face
                                                Bold, jagged
                                                Brown grey
                                                Uninterrupted clay
                                                Cobwebs stretch
                                                Light magic glistens
                                                In early morning sun
                                                The new dawn has begun

                                                Song of bird
                                                Morning delight
                                                Colours so wondrous
                                                Heavenly sight
                                                Scent of the Hyssop
                                                Intoxicating dream
                                                Light catches movement
                                                Meandering stream

                                                Whisper of wind
                                                Upon yonder brow
                                                Magic of moonlight
                                                Touches you now
                                                Stars in darkness
                                                Awesome wonder
                                                Universe unlimited
                                                The spell we`re under
          Stopping to 'see' and 'hear' with new eyes seduces us into seeing the whole. Beauty and harmony in diversity surrounds us at all times and is a part of each and everyone of us. The magic is right here right now!
I love Mother Earth and her cycles and systems and the power of God the absolute Creator.

                                                   Darkness dissipates
                                                   As sunshine warms
                                                   Leaves falling to the ground
                                                   To be born again
                                                    Roots strengthen
                                                    Patiently waiting
                                                    Arms outstretched
                                                    Naked, touching soul

We can learn much by watching and listening to nature. Patience is one of those lessons. If you haven`t read my poem "Patience" and you would like to, please go to my earlier blog: post

 When I share the Art of Hands on Healing with 'Reiki and Beyond' courses, I always send my students home with a few exercises to practice each evening.  One such exercise insists that the student sit very still in nature observing, or listening to, one particular thing, or sound, for ten minutes. Every day for seven days they are asked to repeat the same exercise, each time concentrating, to begin with, and then softly participating in the watching, or listening to, a different part of creation - one aspect only for ten minutes. Maybe look at a rock - concentrating then softly looking. Maybe listen to a stream, or the wind and how it feels on the cheek! Maybe look at a leaf.

After a week of stillness and watching, observing softly, listening or feeling, most students see the world with NEW eyes!!  An opening up to all aspects of creation takes place. On a spiritual level the student feels more of the whole, more connected to the Earth and the Creator. Subtle changes that are potent take place!

Next time I write I will share with you a little about exorcisms and healing
Until then
Cheers and much love  CMW