Thursday 5 April 2012

Wheatgrass Shrinks Tumour

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

Wheatgrass Ready For Juicing

In mid 1998 I started to dramatically lose weight, really lose weight. I also noted that, even though I opened my bowels every day, my bowel motions were becoming thinner in size. After a few weeks I could only sqeeze out someting equivalent to what you squeeze out of a toothpasts tube. All my life I had been regular, what went in came out. Now was different. Yes, it was time that I went to the doctor, actually I should have gone long before this!!!
My doctor palpated my abdomen, after he asked me all sorts of questions, then he sat me down whilst he scribbled out an Xray request. COLONOSCOPY needed A.S.A.P.
  "I could feel a mass, so we had better have it checked out." With what seemed like an over exaggerated arm and hand movement he grabbed a rubber stamp, pressed it into a red inkpad, and then with a load thud branded my request form. He had a grave look on his face as he turned around and thrust the Xray request into my hand, "I want you to go straight away to the hospital and book yourself in right now. Promise me you will go straight away. Promise me?"
   "Okay, okay. I`ll go now."
Atherton Hospital was a small country hospital used to admitting a huge range of people. The hospital was only a few blocks away so it was only a matter of fifteen minutes before I was pushing the request slip under the glass divider that kept the admin staff feeling safe from the queing patients-to-be. As I did so I noticed the bright red word URGENT, stamped vertically across the page.   "There`s a three month waiting list" she half apologized, "how about September ...?"
  "Bloody hell, hope I`m still alive. Hope this mass isn`t cancer!"
Unexpectantly as the words left my mouth they seemed to ricochet through my body in a scarry way. My happy-go-lucky smile quickly disappeared from my face. I felt like a stunned mullet.
It took me a few minutes of sitting quietly in the waiting room before the 'possibility' was absorbed.
   " Three months until my colonoscopy," I said to myself as reality checked in, "bloody hell, if it is cancer then I literally could be dead by then!"

I was a trained nursing sister and usually was very calm. I was an avid meditator and knew how to, very quickly, get out of my head and into the huge space of the higher mind. "Breathe, relax. Relax so that your thoughts are clear."  I said to myself.
Almost instantly I remembered two different occasions that had happened many, many years before.
My husband and I had owned, and ran, a bike hiring business on beautiful Magnetic Island. Our bike hirers were always very interesting and after a day of gruelling bike riding they usually joined us by collapsing into a chair to have some fresh unpolluted island water or coconut milk. Holiday makers love sharing their stories to strangers! Well, I remembered, quite clearly, two stories that different people had shared about healing cancer with wheatgrass juice. Both people had been totally healed and both had looked extremely healthy years later when they hired bikes from us. I remembered them because they were both passionate about telling their individual healing stories. I also was always interested in anything that was to do with any kind of healing. Later Ann Wigmore`s book on Wheatgrass had given me loads of information about growing and juicing wheatgrass for health, and in fact I had grown, and sampled, wheatgrass myself. With these memories now highlighted I was jolted into taking sudden action.
   "I`m not going to just sit around and do nothing" I said to myself  "no way. I`ll go right now to the Atherton Health Food Shop and buy myself some organic wheat."
Before long I had bought the wheat and had also picked up a few empty vegy boxes, with holes in the bottom, from the local Green Grocer. Topless boxes that I could grow the sprouts in until they were lush, velvety green and ready for juicing. I already had some wide-topped glass jars for the early stage of sprouting and I also already owned a hand wheatgrass juicing machine. I was ready for action.
                                        Fear creates more of what you fear
                                        Shutting down systems
                                        Magnifying dis ease

                                        Action dissolves fear
                                        Unblocking energy
                                        Making way for possible healing
My bathroom and kitchen resembled the Daintree Rainforest in no time at all! Healthy green grass filled the boxes, which filled the rooms. I grew, grew and grew, wheatgrass everywhere, and I juiced and drank, juiced and drank the green liquid gold and, as I did so, my bowel became freer, my bowel motions bigger and fatter. By the time my colonoscopy was due my bowel actions, and content, was back to normal. Love that wheatgrass.

My Bathroom Looked Like The Daintree!
Love this photo as much as I LOVE wheatgrass
I still had the colonoscopy, but nothing was found. The surgeon just said that it must have been something pressing on the bowel wall as the bowel was normal. What a strange thing to say.

Stress = Separation = Dis ease

It was at this time that huge amounts of family turmoil and thus emotional pain etc etc. showed its ugly head. Yes, I had loads of stress but as a mother somehow managed to keep going. I also forgot to drink any more wheatgrass or in fact think of myself at all. Totally consumed with helping others, and stressed to the max, I didn`t notice the various other changes that were starting to appear in other parts of my body. By mid December I had grown an enormous cancerous tumour! If only I had kept my wheatgrass regime up.
Confirmed diagnosis:  Advanced Ovarian Cancer.
Prognosis:    A few weeks, maybe if a I am very lucky a few months to live!!!!!!!!!!!!

How I overcame my terminal prognosis is yet another story, an amazing one to say the least.
Action and the Sweetness of Surrender turned around my life within a few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some time in the future I will share this with you. If you really want, or need, to know about my healing right now, then you can source it by reading
A Pocket Full of Gold  by  Christabel Mary   ISBN 0-9757250-0-9 
Maybe your local library has this book. If not, you can either purchase it new, or second hand, through the internet.

I AM VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT GREEN JUICES especially wheatgrass.  I know of many people who have gained a better quality of life, if not a cure from disease, by adding green powders, or fresh wheatgrass, to their daily vegetable juices.

Please note:
Do your own research on wheatgrass before being as energetic and committed as I was.The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore tells you about how to grow and juice wheatgrass.
I also would suggest that you let your medical practitioner know what you are doing. HUGE amounts of green grasses contain Vit K. If on anticoagulants please look Vit K up as well- a blood clotting agent.

This story is shared information only and is not intended as medical advice. Always seek the service of a qualified health practitioner.

Happy Easter
Love and best wishes, CMW

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