Saturday 14 April 2012

Ancient Fossilized Algae Heals Painful Back

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

The Shed
It had been the only place we could find to rent, after weeks of hunting for a studio space, where we could live and be creative. We soon tranformed the old, smelly leaking motor mechanic`s shed into a really beautiful place, so beautiful that we used it for meditation and hands on healing etc. instead of painting and sculpting space!

The Living Planet (after renovation)
Ready For Love in Action
Actually my partner, a sculptor, did manage to sculpt various large works inside before we were over-run with people looking for answers re metaphysics, personal growth, health, spirituality, sustainability, oh and creativity. 
I had started 'healing' at the age of thirteen, channeling as well as working in a local private nursing home/hospital. I guess 'healing' had been a part of my family through the ages. It was natural. Healing was, and always has been, an active part of me.
The 'shed' soon became a community centre, a place for meeting like minds. A place where one could feel inspired and motivated to live a truthful, creative, sustainable 'whole' life. It became known as The Living Planet Quality of Life Resource Centre.
People came from all over the world (we were in a tourist town) to sit, be inspired, meditate, chant, sing, share, learn, be recharged, channel healing, have healing etc. It was all about LOVE IN ACTION. No judgements, loads of warm compassion, receiving AND giving!
Volunteers gardened, cleaned, fixed roofs, shared food (& thoughts & stories), researched in the library, etc. did hands on healing, absent healing, sang, danced, listened to others, shared problems and enjoyed life! COMMUNITY HAPPENED.

Well, loads of people were healed in that space and healing came from all sorts of directions, not just from 'hands on". The Shed (Cathedral as it was warmly nicknamed) was all about love and opening people`s minds to see a bigger picture of themselves as part of a larger whole. Through selfless service, inner work, as well as odd occurrences, minds were opened and the light within shone more brightly. The Path was illumined.

 The Shed was on the main drag and really just our home, but because the two huge corrugated iron doors were always open, and the road was right there(8 metres away) people wandered in to have a look around, thinking we were maybe selling? something. Funny really. Everybody of course was looking for something bigger than themselves, they just didn`t know it. Their higher selves had brought them inside!

One day an elderly group of country folk wandered in. They were staying in North Queensland for a few days and had decided to come to the Tablelands for the day. After wandering about looking at my odds and ends, hopefully not my dirty washing, I asked them if they would like a cup of tea. I had noticed that one of the elderly ladies had a sore back and thought it would be nice for her to sit down and rest for awhile.
Soon all five were sipping their Earl Grey tea, that is everyone except for one gentleman who was fascinated by the various rocks and crystals scattered around tables, benches and the floor.
  "What`s this rock?" He quizzed, as he picked up a really, I mean really, old rock.
  " That is a piece of fossilized algae" I said. "It was given to me by a little old lady in Central Australia. It`s actually millions of years old."
He gazed and fondled and then passed it on to his mate.
   "Some people feel its energy really clearly" I said. "Can you feel anything? A vibration or heat perhaps?"
He shook his head confirming that he couldn`t and looked at me as if I was totally mad. He then looked around to see who else was interested in feeling the strange looking rock. The lady on the couch, the one I thought might have backache, put her cup down on the little coffee table and reached out  "Can I have a look please?"

Fossilized Algae from Central Australa
We all turned our eyes to her, watching, as she held the rock in both hands whilst resting them on her lap. Her eyes closed as she sank into the cushions I had shoved behind her. Then almost immediately she started to heat up. Her face became bright red and she began to shake a little.

It was all over in a flash. Flushed, and a bit dazed, she handed me back the rock.
   "Did you feel anything?" Her husband asked.
   "Well, yes, I felt really hot" she said softly "and now I feel very relaxed. Strange, very strange."
   " Here`s a glass of fresh water " I said with a smile, "I think you need it."

The old folks stayed chatting away for another fifteen, maybe twenty, minutes before getting up to leave.
The rather large elderly lady who had had an 'experience' exclaimed in a really loud voice "Unbelievable, it`s gone. MY PAIN HAS GONE!" She then excitedly explained " I`ve had a really sore back for over twenty-five years. I`ve had treatment after treatment - chiropractic, physio and Reiki etc. and nothing has ever touched it. Unbelievable!"

Finally it really was time for them to leave
   "How much do we owe you for the tea?" One of the men asked as he reached for his wallet.
   "No cost, just have a really nice holiday" I said with a smile
 As they walked out back into the street I knew that their lives had just begun again. Not only was she pain free but both of them had experienced something that would make them think about life with new eyes!

We, in truth are part of everything. We connect with all vibrations, for better or for worse.

Healing is everywhere. A smile heals, music heals, inner work heals, love heals, sharing heals, caring heals, minerals heal, plants heal, animals heal. CERTAIN ENERGIES HEAL.
Healing sometimes comes in unexpected packages.

Healing propels you along the Path to Enlightenment, it`s a part of the journey.
For another similar story that happened to me in a remote area of Tanzania go to

Until next time
God Bless, CMW

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