Tuesday 24 February 2015

Four Paintings - THE JOURNEY

I painted these four little acrylic paintings representing the four stages of my journey.
The First Painting:
                                  Travelling ..... WATER & EMOTION

I was a mess. Family problems had engulfed me. Walking (whilst crying) up to the lighthouse at Byron Bay was one of those "filling up the ocean" walks!
On the way down I was lucky enough to see not only canoes in the ocean but also a pod of dolphins. The light suddenly appeared and as if tapping me on my shoulder a larger picture could now be vaguely seen.No it isn`t a UFO!
 Waves of pain and sadness, tears & stress. Water & Emotion.

The Second Painting:

                         Travelling ..... FINDING THE CENTRE WITHIN 

I had this sudden urge to pack up my bags and head off into the Outback. Red earth, huge horizons, quiet clean air. Pure colours. I needed to find myself. I needed time alone and time to reflect and settle my emotions bringing them back into a sense of wholeness, belonging and beauty. Mother Earth cradled me in her arms.
Nourishment, soul food. Healing. MEDITATION & Finding The Centre Within.

The Third Painting:

                              Travelling ...... GROWTH & EXPANSION

All about travelling on the spiritual road. Door open and window open.
Widening my view and angle of perspective. Forgiveness, letting go of attachments and judgements. Acceptance of the 'whole'. Letting more light in. Being open. Seeing more clearly. Green, life, heart - Growth & Expansion.

And the Fourth Painting:

                           Travelling ...... CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN

More meditation. More letting go of resistances. More watching of my emotional reactions. More respect for self and the journey within. Care for self (body, mind & spirit). More soul food- passion expressed. More inner peace. Deeper understanding. Tougher problems faced with gratitude and love.Climbing The Mountain.

I took this photo (of my painting) the other day and thought it was a reflection of the Top Of The Mountain - meaning our unravelling of who we are.
The house homes our spirit and the cross symbolizes our connection to the Creator (God).

                                           TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN

We all walk through the darkness to get to the light.
It seems that where we are heading is to the top of the mountain where our house is filled with the freedom of wholeness. No bondage. Flight.
Beauty, Peace, Truth, Divinity. LOVE.

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, & paintings & poetry, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery. 
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions  cmwreflections@gmail.com

Now back to more painting

Here`s to enjoying & respecting 'the journey',
Love  CMW 

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