Wednesday 28 January 2015

CANCER be aware of LEAKAGE of vital subtle energy

IF YOU HAVE CANCER be aware of leakage of vital life-force as this weakens your healing capacity.



All of these emotions cause leakage of energy from the various energy centres (chakras) in the body. Leakage causes a weakening of the immune system - the body`s natural defense mechanism.
Cancer happens when the body, mind and spirit is weakened, by stress, to such an extent that the immune system finds it hard to cope.
Unnatural stress on the body is caused by poor diet, lack of fluids, too much salt, sugar and other stimulants, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, chemicals in beauty products and hair dyes, dust, mould, environmental toxins, pollution, wifi and other electro-magnetic disturbances etc etc.
Emotional stress seems to be the icing on the cake!

The Shadow Creates Leaks
Dark emotions - shadows - cast darkness within the inner subtle 'field' creating distortion and chaos.
We aren`t only a physical body. We exist because of the body, mind and spirit connection with each other. If any part of this whole breaks down then we start to collapse.

If You Have Cancer
Whatever your treatment choices are it is absolutely vital that the emotional, mental and spiritual areas of your life are nurtured and honoured.
Many a treatment excludes these areas.
An Opportunity To Grow
Be aware of your anger, resentment, jealousy about someone or something outside yourself. Reflect on the reasons why you react with such emotion Maybe it is time to let go & to forgive yourself and others. 
Forgiveness is HUGE on the emotional healing scale.
When someone gives their point of view, and you are beginning to react, say out load or to yourself the words ISN`T THAT INTERESTING. Some how the word interesting impacts on the emotion you you are feeling. It diffuses by putting 'light' on the subject! Shadow disperses and leakage plugged!!!!!!
We seem to react negatively - causing leakages- when we feel a lack of self-worth, lack of love or a fear of dying.

To help with seeing a truer more balanced perspective it is wise to reduce the level of stress.

SOME SIMPLE IDEAS FOR STRESS RELIEF to help stop leakage (past & present)

Step into the new way of seeing and being ie. enjoy nourishing YOU 
See the glass as half full not empty. The mind plays a MASSIVE ROLE in our lives. Watch your thoughts and if pessimistic, or judgemental,
 about yourself or anything, or anybody else catch yourself out. Laugh at yourself and your habitual responses and tap yourself on the shoulder to remind you that there is another way of responding. After all thoughts are just that - all in the mind. I catch myself out and laugh at myself for being so habitually responsive. I know happiness depends on my thoughts and I know that I am in control and want the best life for myself (& everybody benefits).
Laugh, laugh, laugh. Watch videos, tell funny stories.

Paint, draw, sing, make cards, mentor a child, grow flowers(pot plants), herbs, sprouts, wheatgrass.
A Bookmark made from Chocolate Wrapping Papers

Write, write. Write funny or interesting happy stories for your ongoing history!  Write about beauty etc. Write a private journal for you to express your feelings about what is happening to you and why. Look at what you write as 'interesting'.                        
Play music, sing, whistle, dance to music even if you can only wave your hands about!!! Play uplifting music NOT SAD music!
Walk outside in fresh, clean air and breathe it in.
Sit outside in the garden, on a verandah or in a car parked in nature (looking at the sea, a river, or trees, birds etc.). Breathe in creation and recharge yourself with creation.

The Water`s Edge

Sit in water and feel it bathe and soothe your body, legs or feet.  Soak feet in a bucket of warm water, or have a bath, if can`t get outside. Love yourself, enjoy yourself.
Meditate - still the mind. Be really quiet and still. YOUR time.
Do/ learn Yoga or Tai Chi - tell your teacher about your dis ease so he or she can adjust lesson to suit you.
Pray - not beg. Still the mind, ask, then know that He has heard. Trust and let go (worrying ie.)and give thanks. Be grateful for the experience of today.
Write a simple daily/weekly plan that includes nurturing the body, mind and spirit. Follow it - get your friends to respect you and your program.
Keep away from friends and relations who upset you. Mix and enjoy people who lift you up as well as respect you.
Remove all toxic overloads. No spraying with pesticides. WIFI OFF. No smoking around you or in the home. No insecticides used in house or around you.
Choose to have positive, caring and compassionate, light-hearted people around you. If people visit and leave you exhausted then somehow you need to put yourself first and say NO VISITING. Empowerment comes with living life truthfully and honouring yourself. Everyone is then a winner!
Allocate friends to help with whatever is difficult for you, or really time consuming, leaving no time for you to de-stress. eg ironing, housework, shopping, hanging washing on the line, changing your bed linen, washing lawns etc etc. Be truthful and HUMBLE. People love to help - it`s soul food and helps them as well.

COMMUNICATE TRUTHFULLY to your loved ones, doctors and carers. Say what you feel, give love a chance.
I`ve seen many patients who are afraid to say how they want to be treated by family or doctors. This has caused much internal grief. For a good quality of life we really have to step out of the fear and be truthful whether we are sick or not!
Let go of trivial annoyances, judgements. Breathe and do the above.
Massage your hands. Have someone gently massage your feet.
Make sure you have a good night`s sleep.

Reiki, Crystal bowling / toning for health from a 'healer' (if have cancer usually is by donation only).

FOODS CAN STRESS YOUR BODY and therefore can aggravate 'shadows' and leakage.
Nourish the body with simple 'clean' foods.

A REALLY GOOD DIET of loads of organic (if possible) vegetables, reduction of wheat and dairy products, plus drinking unpolluted water between meals and taking fresh vegetable juices with added 'green' powder can all help reduce stress levels. Eating less red meat and eating mainly small amounts of turkey, organic chicken and fish puts less strain on the digestive system. All energy needs to be used by the body to support the immune system, not to digest food!
If I had cancer I would also take digestive enzymes with my meals along with a daily Multivit B tablet. Magnesium rich foods will also help reduce tension!

Some magnesium rich foods are: 
Dark green leafy vegetables
Sesame seeds - chew well
Almonds - best to soak in clean water over night
Brown rice
Kidney beans & black beans
Pumpkin & sunflower seeds - chew well
Basil and coriander

Magnesium is an essential mineral and is needed in about 300 biochemical processes in the body!

On occasion there will be tears and anger, fear and confusion but hopefully much inner growth, laughter and passion as well on the healing journey.

PLEASE FEEL WELCOME TO WRITE TO ME if you have questions

The future can be life-changing in many ways
     Be open to new possibilities and new life 

Cheers and much love    CMW

Thursday 1 January 2015

Shutter Partially Open ILLUSIONS Part Three

Turning a Blind Eye
One sees what one wants to see

Sight Depends on the Viewer

Shutter Partially Open
Pollution and Climate Change
The question is 'Where from Here?'.
Forests disappearing, deserts and barren wasteland taking their place. Violent storms, seas rising. Temperatures rising.
Pollution of body, mind and spirit of Earth and its people.

Shutter Partially Open. The ignorant are blind & cannot see, even though scientists have shared light on the problematic roller coaster.
Many scientists take Climate Change very seriously and are doing their best to educate those that cannot see what is happening and what the future may hold for our grandchildren, the Earth and its people. Tribal elders from all over our planet have been sharing their inner knowledge and prophesies for many years knowing that we need to stop polluting our Mother Earth.
Awakened souls, with an already expanded consciousness, listen and heed these warnings, others don`t.

Consumerism and materialism has become the focus of the Western world.

Disconnection to the Source, God, Wholeness and Mother Earth  leads to unhappiness and self destruction and an empty, unfulfilled feeling.
Many westerners are focussed on "filling" themselves up with more and more instant gratification, be it material objects or entertainment. The thought pattern tends to be about me, me, me, no longer we, we, we. The I needs having been replaced with  I wants.
Unfortunately I wants need more and more, and are never satisfied.

The God-essence within, sometimes called our higher self, is continuously searching for, and needing, more connection to Spirit, God - The Great Mystery - wholeness.
The soul naturally wants to expand, creating expansion of consciousness. With expansion comes new sight.

Glasses Off - New Sight

                             ACCEPTANCE, PASSION, CREATIVITY  
                                          FULFILLMENT, WHOLENESS
                                           SHUTTER  OPEN

Questions to ask ourselves:
What is my view on things? Life? My children`s future?
What can I do to lessen my footprint?
What can I do to assist reconnection and thus see a bigger, more realistic picture?
Why do I care? Do I care? Why not? Is my life revolving about wants or needs?

 Until next time, let`s enjoy the shutter being partially open and light streaming through - vision more true
Cheers and love   CMW