Saturday 15 October 2011

Africa - Channeling, in Indian, what was needed

Hello again,
Could only find a couple of photos.

CMW with the boys in Tanzania
 Here I am talking to 'the boys' that we hired to work for us. None of them could actually drive, though I had been trying to teach one of them.
None of the boys spoke English. My partner Somerset had somehow managed to get this truck to work. This was near to the end of our time in the Selous. As you can see the boys were really happy working and there is no sign of drunkeness or lack of self-worth!
It is amazing how quickly you learn to understand and communicate with each other even though you don`t speak each other`s language!
We had stopped for a cuppa at the end of the day. This chap we hired later on. He had been educated in Dar Es Salem and was very interested in the healing arts. He taught me various African healing ways, and I taught the boys reflexology, nutrition etc as well as teaching one of the boys (who happened to have a giant mystic cross on his palm) hands on healing.
They became interested in healing when they witnessed one of the boys being healed of a painful hernia. So twice a week we had healing evenings.
Cerebral malaria was rampant all over Tanzania. We often had men in camp who had malaria. As we had no medication at all,and had no anti malaria tabs. I would do hands on healing on the men.
We had very basic type bedding with no mosquito nets. Millions of mosquitoes everywhere.
We ended up building a bridge inside the Selous, over a rather deep creek cutting, in order to be able to actually get to the 'Camp' where we were working. My partner Somerset was very talented in every creative way. A couple of weeks beforehand, Somery and I set off back to Dar Es Salem and forced our employer to purchase what we needed for the bridge. We bought the iron  and tools whilst there and then ordered the goods to be all put in a container/carriage on the train.
I actually channeled, in Indian, what we needed much to the shop attendants surprise! Mine too! I can say this - everyone jumped to attention and quickly assembled all the goods that I rattled off!! If that hadn`t have happened I think we would still be there arguing with the Indian shopkeepers and attendants.
Somery fixed the Bedford truck ready for picking up goods from the train. WE had to travel for a few hours to get to the railway line and Station - what station? Trains arrive when they arrive. The train was a day late so we had to all (the boys, Somery and I) had to sleep on the truck. We had no water, no food and were quite exhausted. Wild elephants went on a rampage that night passing only a couple of meters away from the Bedford. Thankfully no wild cats visited.

Wild elephant finally leaving camp
 We had many wild animals in camp. The night before this photo was taken we had seven elephants in camp. This one happily stayed just outside my hut, ripping off branches. I actually woke up wondering what all the noise was.
Another time I had just switched off the generator ( nobody else would scoot down the bank to do it as many snakes etc as well) and was heading back to my hut when stopping in my tracks I thought I saw another hut! It was dark and I could make out a rather large shape between me and the boys` huts. After adjusting my eyes I realized it was the bull elephant back again. No wonder nobody was walking around. I froze. Then all fear disappeared and I relaxed and put myself in the space between the words.
 I decided to see myself as invisible.. I breathed in thought patterns of invisibility and then I very quietly and slowly kept going in the direction of my hut. The elephant stayed put until I was happily back in my hut. Maybe my tactics worked? maybe the angels were looking after me? or maybe it was just good luck.  I do know my 'meditative' and 'Now' state of mind often got me out of some very sticky, and tricky situations!

Hoped you enjoyed the photos
Cheers  CMW

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